This cemetery is located on the old Decaturville-Scotts Hill Road (now called Peace Chapel Road) about two miles east of Scotts Hill. It is indicated on the U.S.G.S. Scotts Hill quadrangle (1972). The cemetery is a well maintained. David Donahue recorded this cemetery January 19, 1992 and checked and updated it January 9, 2002.

           The cemetery was recorded by Margarett Alexander and Blanche Tuten on April 13, 1977. Their record appears in Decatur County, Tennessee Cemetery Records by the Captain Nathaniel A. Wesson Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Parsons, Tennessee, 1984, pp. 451-461. Reference is made to this earlier record where appropriate. Alexander and Tuten estimate "at least 100 unmarked graves." There is no particular evidence for these unmarked graves today as all fieldstones have been removed, and some areas, particularly near the church, are being reused.


Adams, Lela Pratt, Mar. 20, 1904-Feb. 25, 1991
Adams, Charlie, 1910-____ [flowers on grave for Charlie; "Pratt" and months and days late additions to Lela's side]

Alexander, Bessie V., Mar. 9, 1906-____
Alexander, O. C., Oct. 30, 1910-____, "Our children Rhudell Ronnie" [probably son of Frank W. Alexander]

Alexander, Emily, 1924-1935, "Daughter of R. T. & Myrtle Alexander" [replacement]

Alexander, Frances E., Feb. 13, 1876-May 14, 1958 [adjacent to marker for Gus C. Alexander]

Alexander, Frank W., Feb. 6, 1886-Sept. 18, 1971

Alexander, Gladys [see Dean, Gladys Alexander]

Alexander, Gus C., May 1, 1875-May 16, 1955

Alexander, Myrtle, 1902-1932, "Wife of R. T. Alexander" "Mother"

Alexander, Royce T., 1902-1988
Alexander, Jewel G., 1919-____

Alexander, Twins, May 27, 1933, "Twins of O. C. & Bessie Alexander" [replacement]

Arrington, Dela B., Sept. 24, 1915-June 3, 1999
Arrington, Youel J., May 2, 1917-Nov. 27, 1972, "Married Aug. 22, 1942" "Our dau.-Judy Kay," military marker as footstone "Tennessee TSgt US Army World War II"

Audrey V., Mar. 11, 1921-Apr. 24, 1988, "Mother" footstone
Pratt, Ples W., Feb. 18, 1912-Apr. 19, 1964, "Father" footstone

Austin, Martha Ann, June 3, 1861-Apr. 13, 1907
Austin, James F., Jan. 5, 1856-Apr. 19, 1907 [replacement]

Austin, Rosa Mae, June 30, 1912-Oct. 8, 1998
Austin, David Earl, Oct. 30, 1903-Nov. 18, 1986, "Our children Mary June Ruth Paul"

Blackburn, Betty, 1844-1937
Blackburn, R. H., 1851-1938

Blackstock Note: There are four markers which simple read "Blackstock"; these appear to be marking older graves and not holding spaces.

Blackstock, Addie, Apr. 16, 1891-June 20, 1967

Blackstock, Anna Mae, Nov. 25, 1921-____
Blackstock, Omer, Oct. 2, 1912-Aug. 11, 1986

Blackstock, Dora E., Apr. 2, 1883-July 16, 1892, "Dau. of T. & M. E. Blackstock"

Blackstock, George T., Nov. 4, 1862-Oct. 3, 1922

Blackstock, Grady (Bill), Feb. 25, 1921-Sept. 10, 1964

Blackstock, Ida A., Jan. 13, 1887-Feb. 7, 1966, "Mother" footstone
Blackstock, William D., June 14, 1885-Sept. 2, 1959, "Father" footstone
Blackstock, Oval E., Oct. 19, 1911-Sept. 28, 1959, "Son" footstone

Blackstock, M. E., Aug. 13, 1855-Jan. 13, 1927 [adjacent to marker for George T. Blackstock]

Blackstock, Maggie, Oct. 25, 1888-Dec. 15, 1984
Blackstock, Vester, Dec. 7, 1880-Oct. 11, 1962

Blackstock, Max Ray, Oct. 27, 1930-Aug. 1, 1999, "Shorty" "Father of Charles Ray"

Bowers, Lima E. [see Ferguson, Lima E. Bowers]

Brasher, Bettie, Mar. 5, 1873-Feb. 14, 1961, "Mother" footstone
Brasher, Joel, Dec. 28, 1866-Feb. 24, 1951, "Father" footstone

Brasher, Grapel, 1913-1999
Brasher, Coy, 1900-1979

Brasher, Virgie, Feb. 20, 1878-Jan. 2, 1969, "Mother" footstone
Brasher, Logan, Jan. 20, 1875-Nov. 29, 1962, "Father" footstone

Brown, Wilma Lillie, Nov. 21, 1908-Aug. 21, 1987

Butler, Delzie Pratt, 1917-____, "Mother"
Butler, Luther Fay, 1902-1976, "Father"; reported in UDC transcription as d. June 29, 1976, "Age 74 Yrs 6 Mos"

Cardwell, Ruth M., 1912-1981

Chandler, Addie E., Nov. 3, 1916-Mar. 5, 1917, "Dau. of W. N. & O. M. Chandler"

Chandler, Ola M., Sept. 17, 1893-Dec. 4, 1956
Chandler, Walter N., Apr. 14, 1894-Nov. 18, 1969

Chumney, B. P., d. Apr. 17, 1900, "Aged 36 ys 2 ms 25 ds" "Husband of Lula Chumney"
Chumney, Lula, d. Oct. 23, 1898, Aged 42 ys 3 ms 28 ds" "Wife of B. P. Chumney"
Chumney, Infant, d. July 26, 1893, "Infant daughter of B. P. & L. A. Chumney" (eroded) [age for Lula cannot be read and is taken from the UDC transcription]

Chumney, Lillie F., 1880-1953
Chumney, Noah O., 1879-1957

Chumney, Oscar, Sept. 19, 1898-Oct. 3, 1899, "Son of B. P. & Lou Chumney"

Clenney, Nolan T., 1909-1966

Clenney, Rachel E., 1911-1982, "Mother" footstone
Clenney, Robert L., 1907-1983, "Father" footstone

Cordle, Carrie, Dec. 28, 1912-Mar. 8, 1992

Creasey, Mildred I., Aug. 4, 1923-Oct. 19, 1994
Creasey, Hershel A., Nov. 19, 1924-Sept. 27, 1998, military marker as footstone "S1 US Navy World War II"; "Married Jan. 22, 1943"

Crues, Lona, 1911-1989
Crues, Ula, 1911-1978

Curnow, I. Ruth, Sept. 26, 1948-____ [may be Ruth, daughter of Rose Mae and David Earl Austin of adjacent marker]
Curnow, Charles J., Aug. 3, 1942-____, "Married May 23, 1989"

Currin, Marie [see Curry, Marie Currin]

Curry, Bessie Kennedy, May 13, 1895-Nov. 14, 1971
Curry, William Walter, Apr. 18, 1895-Oct. 31, 1951, "Father" footstone, "Married Nov. 24, 1914"

Curry, Carmon, Aug. 21, 1915-Oct. 20, 1969, "Dad"
Curry, Verna, July 22, 1915-Mar. 20, 2001, "Mom"

Curry, Jess P., 1920-1980

Curry, Mammie T., Mar. 1, 1898-____, unplaced "Mother" footstone
Curry, James C., Jan. 2, 1894-Mar. 17, 1948, "Father" footstone

Curry, Marie Currin, Mar. 1, 1898-Dec. 30, 1997
Curry, James C., Jan. 2, 1894-Mar. 17, 1948, "Married Oct. 19, 1919" "Our children: Dallas, Alice, Opal"

Curry, Ozie J., Dec. 21, 1901-Jan. 30, 1997, "Mother" footstone
Curry, Herbert F., Feb. 12, 1900-Nov. 12, 1950, "Father" footstone

Curry, Paul J., Mar. 3, 1926-____

Curry, Robert Louis, 1928-1944, "Son"
Curry, Paris Leona, 1924-1924, "Daughter" [replacement]

Curry, Ronnie J., July 6, 1953-____

Curry, Velma L., Jan. 30, 1924-____

Davis, I. M. C., Dec. 18, 1849-Apr. 18, 1902

Dean, Gladys Alexander, Nov. 8, 1908-Mar. 2, 1971 [probably daughter of Gus C. and Frances E. Alexander, whose graves are adjacent]

Denson, Denise K., 1974-1997, temporary marker, Shackelford Funeral Directors, 4 yards south of marker for Barney Cecil and Pauline L. Goff

Downey, Elizabeth, 1873-1893

Dunavant, Margret, 1875-1936 [replacement]

Edger, Charles Darrell, Mar. 7, 1926-Nov. 9, 2001, temporary marker, Lawrence-Sorensen Funeral Home, Jackson, Tenn., 8 feet south of double marker for K. Rhudell and G. Martin Ivey

Etheridge, Mary A., Feb. 6, 1844-Nov. 17, 1923, "Wife of John B. Etheridge"

Etheridge, Susan E., 1866-1957
Etheridge, John A., 1875-1946

Ferguson, Evea T., 1892-1948
Ferguson, Oscar, 1878-1971

Ferguson, Jake L., Apr. 18, 1930-Apr. 16, 1951, military marker "Tennessee SFC 17 Inf 7 Inf Div Korea PH"

Ferguson, Joe Eugene, 1936-1985

Ferguson, Lima E. Bowers, 1923-1997, also temporary marker "Lima Ferguson Bowers"
Ferguson, Woodrow W., 1918-1975

Ferguson, Sammie, Apr. 4, 1950-Apr. 14, 1950, "Son of Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Ferguson" [replacement]

Ferguson, W. L., 1845-1915 [replacement]

Ferguson, Wonda, May 4, 1942, "Dau. of Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Ferguson" [replacement]

Ferguson, Woodrow Wilson, Nov. 23, 1918-Apr. 28, 1975, military marker "PFC US Army World War II"

Fisher, Virginia [see Rimmer, Virginia Fisher]

Freeman, Erman, 1861-1934
Freeman, P. N., 1861-1935 [replacement]

Freeman, Vicie, 1888-1981
Freeman, Will N., 1893-1968

Goff, Annie Bell, 1877-1961, "Mother" footstone
Goff, Walter, 1874-1960, "Father" footstone

Goff, Barnie Cecil, June 19, 1912-Aug. 7, 1987
Goff, Pauline L., Sept. 25, 1919-Jan. 28, 1991 [previous temporary marker had dates 1919-1990]

Goff, Dossie L., Oct. 27, 1900-Apr. 27, 1922, "Son of L. W. & L. A. Goff"

Goff, Elizebeth, May 30, 1852-Dec. 16, 1898, "Wife of L. W. Goff"

Goff, Gene A., Nov. 25, 1932-Jan. 1, 1978, military marker as footstone "Gennie Albert Goff" "Cpt US Army Korea"
Goff, Bobby Joe, Jan. 22, 1940-Sept. 23, 1978, "My brothers"

Goff, Gene A., 1898-1931, "Husband"
Goff, Bertha, 1898-1991, "His Wife" [lichen cover is eating/disolving the marble of this marker]

Goff, Lonnie Edward, Nov. 5, 1905-Feb. 16, 1906, "Son of William Louis & Ida Smith Goff" [replacement]

Goff, Lucy A., Jan. 18, 1863-____
Goff, L. W., Oct. 5, 1854-Sept. 29, 1916

Goff, Mary J., 1905-1960
Goff, Carlie T., 1883-1961

Goff, Mattie [see Mattie West]

Goff, Mildred, Nov. 8, 1919-Mar. 5, 1920, "Dau. of Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Goff" [replacement]

Grimsley, Clara L., 1904-1966, "Mother" footstone
Grimsley, Luther H., 1903-____, "Father" footstone [flowers on Luther's grave in 2002]

Grimsley, Thomas, 1866-1935
Grimsley, Mary, 1875-1966

Haggard, Andrew, Oct. 25, 1892-Aug. 31, 1922, "Husband of Virgie M. Haggard" [replacement]

Haggard, Chessie T., 1917-2001, temporary marker, Pafford Funeral Home, 5 feet north of double marker for "Lima E. Bowers and Woodrow W. Ferguson

Haggard, Lizzie J., 1878-1951, "Mother" foostone
Haggard, Samuel W., 1880-1973, "Father" footstone

Haggard, Lonnie, Feb. 9, 1916-Mar. 6, 1916

Harrington, Bobby Taylor, Oct. 3, 1907-Mar. 20, 1989, military marker as footstone "Pvt US Army World War II"

Harrington, Elzory, Oct. 1, 1906-Oct. 13, 1906, "Dau. of Frank & Vader Harrington"
Harrington, Infant, Apr. 26, 1918-Apr. 26, 1918, "Infant son of Frank & Vader Harrington" [replacement]

Harrington, Henry M., Jan. 23, 1910-June 2, 1980, "Husband"
Harrington, Lizzie, Nov. 14, 1908-Jan. 1, 1984, "Wife"

Harrington, Lavader, Oct. 18, 1887-Apr. 2, 1951, "Mother" footstone
Harrington, Frank, Feb. 27, 1882-Dec. 25, 1961, "Father" footstone [Woodmen of the World memorial]

Harrington, Ricky, 1960
Harrington, Terry, 1959 [probably infants]

Hensley, Etta Thompson, Apr. 15, 1869-Oct. 28, 1932, "Mother"
Hensley, Ben F., Apr. 27, 1867-May 4, 1935, "Father" [replacement]

Hensley, Jessie L., Aug. 4, 1886-Sept. 16, 1959

Hensley, Jessie, Feb. 28, 1899-Mar. 28, 1930, "Wife of F. E. Hensley"

Hicks, Prudie, 1876-1945

Hopper, Mableen, 1942-____
Hopper, Eugene, 1935-1995

Horton, Finnie [see Minton, Finnie H.]

Horton, James H., June 6, 1891-Jan. 29, 1960

Horton, John H., Aug. 30, 1914-Nov. 7, 1985 [probably son of James H. and Ola V. Horton, whose matching markers are adjacent]

Horton, Maudie, June 18, 1902-June 26, 1902, "Dau. of J. E. & N. J. Horton"

Horton, Nancy J., 1868-1939
Horton, John E., 1862-1939

Horton, Ola V., Feb. 6, 1894-Oct. 24, 1933 [replacement; adjacent to marker for James H. Horton]

Horton, Oscar Roosavelt, Nov. 18, 1904-Sept. 28, 1905, "Son of J. E. & N. J. Horton"

Horton, Roxie A. [see Yarbro, Roxie A.]

Hughes, Dorothy L., 1921-1991, temporary marker, Pafford Funeral Home, 6 yards south of double marker for Louise and Flavel Thompson

Hughes, James Robert, Oct. 4, 1929-June 25, 1967, "Son," military marker as footstone "Tennessee A1C 1370 Photo Map WG AF"

Hughes, Laverne, May 30, 1921-Oct. 5, 1991
Hughes, Clyde, Feb. 1, 1912-Aug. 19, 1997, carved rings and "July 6, 1940" "Our children Johnny and Jim"

Hughes, Norman C., Feb. 12, 1884-Aug. 28, 1970, "Father" [Odd Fellows symbol]
Hughes, Myrtle, June 4, 1892-Mar. 10, 1940, "Mother"

Hughes, Norman C., Jr., Aug. 11, 1926-Apr. 19, 1998, "Son of Norman C. Sr. & Myrtle Hughes" "U.S. Air Force" [carving of B52 bomber]
Hughes, Mary Joyce, Sept. 30, 1937-Dec. 8, 1969, "Dau. of Bonnie & Pearl Ivey" "Our Children Jacqueline, Dec. 7, 1955
Norman C. III, Apr. 17, 1965
Kristy L., Apr. 5, 1968"

Hughes, Oya Lafayette, Nov. 20, 1921-Mar. 7, 1940, "Son" [replacement]

Hughes, Paul, Oct. 4, 1923-Oct. 13, 1924, "Son" [replacement]

Ivey, Bonnie, 1912-1977, "Husband" footstone
Ivey, Pearl, 1912-1971, "Wife" footstone

Ivey, K. Rhudell, July 23, 1934-Aug. 11, 2001, "Mother" footstone
Ivey, G. Martin, Nov. 8, 1926-____, unplaced "Father" footstone, "Our son Marty"

Jones, Annis, Oct. 1897-Mar. 1912 [replacement]

Kaczanowski, Claudia, 1914-1987, "Mother" [shares double marker with her son Bobby Joe Yarbro]

Kelley, Jeremiah Andrew, Oct. 7, 1982-Nov. 25, 1982, "Son of Andy & Pam Kelley"

Kennedy, ______, Mar. 10, 1905-Aug. 18, 1905, "Son of J. J. & S. E. Kennedy" [not found in 1991; from UDC transcription]

Kennedy, Cathey T., 1869-1935
Kennedy, Mattie T., 1879-1945 [replacement]

Kennedy, Cratus Kerry, Apr. 8, 1954-Apr. 10, 1954 [replacement]

Kennedy, Ella B., d. Mar. 9, 1892, "Aged 2 ms 25 ds" "Dau. of W. J. & A. J. Kennedy"

Kennedy, Georgia Ann, 1873-1937 [replacement]

Kennedy, Gerald Ray, June 14, 1947-Jan. 14, 1948 [replacement]

Kennedy, H. J., Dec. 23, 1854-Oct. 15, 1927

Kennedy, Infant, Apr. 9, 1903, "Infant dau. of E. C. & N. J. Kennedy"

Kennedy, Infant, Aug. 16, 1936, "Infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Cratus Kennedy" [replacement]

Kennedy, J. G., d. Jan. 30, 1905, "Age 78 ys 2 ms 29 ds" "Husband of M. J. Kennedy," military marker as footstone "Pvt Co I 10 Regt Tenn Cav Confederate States Army"; dates on military marker Jan. 1, 1830-Jan. 30, 1905
Kennedy, M. J., d. Mar. 25, 1909, "Aged 82 ys 2 ds" "Wife of J. G. Kennedy" "Our father and mother are gone"

Kennedy, J. J., July 9, 1857-Mar. 5, 1937
Kennedy, Etta, Oct. 30, 1872-Mar. 27, 1953

Kennedy, Jerry, Dec. 16, 1941-____, unplaced "Son" footstone
Kennedy, Jewel, May 14, 1920-____, unplaced "Mother" footstone
Kennedy, Tom L., Dec. 18, 1913-____, unplaced "Father" footstone, "Our children Thomas R./Juanita K./Jerry W./Roger D./Mary M./Unita G."

Kennedy, Lena, 1916-1987
Kennedy, Cratus, 1905-1990, "Wed 1935"

Kennedy, Lizzie Ellen, 1899-1925 [replacement; adjacent to and matching marker for William O. Kennedy]

Kennedy, Loyd, Mar. 31, 1922 [replacement; from previous marker: "Infant of J. L. & Ida Kennedy"]

Kennedy, May L., Apr. 11, 1921-Mar. 26, 1925

Kennedy, Nolen F., Jan. 15, 1909-Sept. 3, 1986

Kennedy, Ogwin, Aug. 17, 1917-Aug. 5, 1961, "Son of Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Kennedy"

Kennedy, Wanda, Jan. 6, 1939-____
Kennedy, Reba, Feb. 14, 1917-____
Kennedy, Leo, Oct. 4, 1911-Mar. 24, 1996, "Our children Wanda Brenda Freddy"

Kennedy, William O., 1907-1959, military marker as footstone "Pvt US Army World War II"; dates on military marker Apr. 9, 1907-Nov. 6, 1959

Lane, Nona B., 1896-1965

Lomax, Hazel Ester, Oct. 9, 1915-Mar. 20, 1999, "Mom" footstone
Lomax, Willie Lester, June 8, 1913-____, unplaced "Dad" footstone, "Wed Nov. 24, 1934"

Maness, Estle [see Rimmer, Estle Maness]

Maness, Sarah A., 1871-1953
Maness, Gabriel S., 1868-1934

Marr, Inez, Aug. 10, 1925-____

Marr, Mae, July 6, 1910-Apr. 3, 1996
Marr, Lector, July 3, 1902-Jan. 22, 1981

McGee, Florance L., Sept. 1, 1902-Aug. 24, 1904, "Dau. of W. E. & J. M. McGee"

McGee, Infant, Jan. 17, 1901-Feb. 7, 1901, "Son of W. E. & J. M. McGee"

McKenzie, Beulah M., 1905-____
McKenzie, Lonnie C., 1893-1958

McKenzie, Infant, 1926-1926, "Infant daughter of Mr.-Mrs. L. C. McKenzie [replacement]

McKenzie, James R., 1941-1941 [replacement]

McKenzie, Thomas Ewin, 1930-1951, military marker as footstone "Tennessee PFC AF Troop Carr Wing"; dates on military marker July 14, 1930-Sept. 12, 1951

McNeal, Mary, d. May 11, 1909, "Wife of R. M" [replacement]

McNeal, R. M., May 1, 1839-July 20, 1902, "Husband of Mary McNeal," military marker as footstone ""R. H. McNeil" "1st Lt Co F 12 Regt Tenn Inf Confederate States Army"

Minton, Finnie H., Jan. 18, 1891-Aug. 21, 1986, "Mother" footstone; also temporary marker, Casey Funeral Home, "Finnie Horton Minton"
Minton, Tom S., June 24, 1889-Nov. 20, 1963, "Father" footstone

Minton, Infant, Oct. 2, 1914-Oct. 22, 1914, "Infant of T. S. & Finnie Minton"

Minton, L. V., Nov. 27, 1907-Jan. 19, 1909, "Dau. of E. L. & M. E. Minton"

Minton, Thomas M., 1928-1986, military marker "US Army"

Montgomery, Claude E., May 20, 1907-Sept. 2, 1981
Montgomery, Lena, Oct. 28, 1904-July 19, 2001, "Married Aug. 28, 1934"

Montgomery, Claudene, Mar. 8, 1936-Aug. 5, 1936, "Daughter"
Montgomery, Eugene, Mar. 8, 1936-Aug. 10, 1936, "Son" [replacement]

Montgomery, Ralph W., Jan. 16, 1945-May 3, 1990

Moody, Coy, Dec. 12, 1903-Mar. 13, 1924 [replacement]

Moore, Elzie Pratt, Apr. 28, 1917-Jan. 14, 1996, "Mama" footstone
Moore, Troy W., Dec. 8, 1916-Feb. 12, 1996, "Daddy" footstone, "Loving children: Paul, Bobby, Linda, Brenda, Troy"

Morgan, Charlie, Aug. 15, 1881-Dec. 18, 1902, "Husband of Bettie Morgan"
Morgan, Bettie, d. Oct. 24, 1901, "Aged about 16 ys" "Wife of Charlie Morgan"

Powers, M. E. [see Stricklin, M. E.]

Pratt, Artie, Sept. 22, 1906-Aug. 2, 1986

Pratt, Deller, June 5, 1873-Aug. 9, 1967, "Mother" footstone
Pratt, Woodward, Feb. 22, 1882-July 31, 1951, "Father" footstone

Pratt, Delzie [see Butler, Delzie Pratt]

Pratt, Elizabeth P., Dec. 9, 1854-Aug. 28, 1942, "Mother" footstone
Pratt, Bill P., Jan. 10, 1854-May 11, 1930, "Father" footstone [replacement]

Pratt, Elnora, Jan. 15, 1886-Jan. 16, 1967

Pratt, Elston, 1913-1921 [replacement]

Pratt, Elzie [see Moore, Elzie Pratt]

Pratt, Fielder Windfield, 1896-1972

Pratt, Helen Frances, Aug. 15, 1936-Dec. 24, 1936 [replacement]

Pratt, Henry E., Nov. 22, 1901-Aug. 14, 1973

Pratt, Infant, Sept. 5, 1922-Oct. 5, 1922, "Infant dau. of Mr. & Mrs. Gus Pratt" [replacement]

Pratt, James Clois, June 6, 1926-____, "WWII Veteran"

Pratt, Jimmy F., Mar. 25, 1958-June 19, 1970

Pratt, Keeton, Aug. 5, 1915, "Inf. son of Mary & Marion Pratt" [replacement]

Pratt, Lela [see Adams, Lela Pratt]

Pratt, Maranda Idell, Aug. 30, 1886-Jan. 29, 1955, "Mother" footstone
Pratt, Edd F., Feb. 17, 1884-Jan. 16, 1964

Pratt, Mary E., 1869-1949
Pratt, J. Andy, 1869-1940, "Father" footstone

Pratt, Sarah Opal, 1910-1974
Pratt, W. Malcolm, 1908-1955

Pratt, Valon D., Apr. 10, 1933-Apr. 16, 1933, "Inf. son of Mary & Marion Pratt" [replacement]

Pratt, Virgie T., May 15, 1896-Mar. 25, 1973
Pratt, Arthur J., Jan. 26, 1892-Dec. 21, 1979

Pratt, William F. (Bill), 1878-1964
Pratt, Sallie M., 1866-1977

Pratt, Willie, 1900-1987, "Married Dec. 23, 1916
Pratt, Gus, 1898-1986, "Our children Melba Charles Mattie"

Pratt, Zella A., 1894-1972, "Mother" footstone
Pratt, Will E., 1887-1965, "Father" footstone

Rhodes, Evia Ann [see Thompson, Evia Ann Rhodes]

Rice, John B., Oct. 2, 1785-Dec. 5, 1872, military marker "Pvt Brown's Regiment East Tennessee Volunteers War of 1812"; on granite base: "This chapel and cemetery was donated by John B. Rice from his adjacent farm after Civil War. It was first called Rice's Chapel and was of the Methodist denomination."

Rimmer, Cecil D., 1927-2000, temporary merker, Pafford Funeral Home, 5 feet south of marker for Frank W. Alexander

Rimmer, Clara L., Oct. 17, 1911-____ [adjacent to marker for Leo S. Rimmer]

Rimmer, Dortha L., 1926-1926

Rimmer, Elmer, Nov. 24, 1905-Jan. 1, 1930 [probably son of Josie and Levi Rimmer, whose graves are adjacent]

Rimmer, Estle Maness, Dec. 15, 1902-Oct. 26, 1987
Rimmer, Robert Henry, June 10, 1896-Aug. 23, 1975, "Married July 20, 1929"

Rimmer, Iris, Feb. 5, 1929-June 15, 1941
Rimmer, Athel, Feb. 10, 1925-June 15, 1941, "Children of C. A. & Lector Rimmer"; the UDC transcription notes "Drowned -- Brother and Sister"

Rimmer, John W., Oct. 21, 1885-Sept. 4, 1953, "Father" footstone
Rimmer, Lura J., Dec. 6, 1891-Nov. 9, 1985, "Mother" footstone

Rimmer, Josie, Oct. 10, 1876-Dec. 14, 1945
Rimmer, Levi, Apr. 4, 1871-Aug. 28, 1949

Rimmer, Laura, 1873-1929, "His Wife," "Mother" footstone
Rimmer, John, 1865-1944, "Father" footstone

Rimmer, Lector, Aug. 18, 1903-Aug. 3, 1978
Rimmer, Connie, Oct. 5, 1900-Aug. 31, 1981

Rimmer, Leo S., Feb. 20, 1908-Dec. 17, 1952

Rimmer, Lue, 1861-1899, "Wife of George Rimmer" [replacement]

Rimmer, Robert Lee, July 1, 1922 [replacement]

Rimmer, Virginia Fisher, Feb. 2, 1930-____
Rimmer, James Earsel, May 15, 1930-Mar. 30, 1996, military marker as footstone "Cpl US Army Korea"; "Married Nov. 25, 1953"

Rimmer, Warren Harding, Aug. 4, 1921 [replacement]

Rosson, Donna M., 1957-1959

Rushing, Charles Ray, Dec. 4, 1935-____

Rushing, Ila P., Feb. 4, 1917-Mar. 13, 1996, "Mother" footstone
Rushing, J. V. (White), Nov. 15, 1924-____, "Wed Feb. 28, 1966" "Dad" footstone

Russell, Antham Malone, 1846-1934, "Mother"

Sanders, Ivie Jean, 1937-____
Sanders, Marion Thomas, 1938-1998, "Nov. 9, 1956" "Children Sabrina, Timothy, Deborah, Marion Jr., Clifton"

Sanders, Timothy Gene, Sept. 13, 1959-May 4, 1960

Savage, L. L. (Bud), no dates, "Husband of Fanny J. Ransom"

Shaver, Bonnie Ruth, June 22, 1940-____, unplaced "Mother" footstone
Shaver, John Cecil, May 5, 1931-Sept. 4, 1988, "Father" footstone

Sparks, Garnetta E., Apr. 13, 1928-Apr. 30, 1928, "Dau. of E. W. & M. E. Sparks"

Sparks, Mary E., 1896-1971, "Mother" footstone
Sparks, Elbert W., 1891-1946, "Father" footstone; also military marker as footstone "Ebb W. Sparks" "Tennessee Pvt 1 Cl 115 Field Arty 30 Div"; dates on military marker May 12, 1891-Jan. 26, 1946

Sparks, Shella Barger, July 2, 1929-Jan. 15, 1974, military marker "Tennessee PFC US Army Korea"

Strickland, J. D., 1806-1898 [replacement]

Stricklin Note: there are five homemade markers with "Stricklin"

Stricklin, M. E., Nov. 11, 1882-May 6, 1908, "Dau. of J. H. & L. T. Powers"

Terry, Kathleen S., 1933-1979, temporary marker, Pafford Funeral Home, 7 feet and 2 graves north of marker for J. D. Strickland

Terry, Lester Lee, 1929-1997, temporary marker, Pafford Funeral Home, 4 feet north of marker for J. D. Strickland

Thompson, Etta [see Hensley, Etta Thompson]

Thompson, Evia Ann Rhodes, July 6, 1877-1908 [replacement]

Thompson, George Washington, d. Dec. 31, 1966, "Aged 62 yrs 10 mos 4 days" [not found in 1991; from UDC transcription]

Thompson, John J., May 6, 1871-Oct. 15, 1944 [replacement]

Thompson, Louise, Feb. 25, 1911-Jan. 11, 1975; also temporary marker, Bodkin Funeral Home, "Louise P. Thompson"
Thompson, Flavel, July 26, 1910-Aug. 26, 1993

Thompson, Sarah, Aug. 11, 1861-Jan. 9, 1916
Thompson, W. C. Brooksy, Mar. 16, 1862-____

Thompson, Vergia G., Jan. 14, 1884-Sept. 20, 1898, "Dau. of W. C. & S. G. Thompson"

Thompson, Wm. Bedford, b. July 29, 1907
Thompson, Almeda, b. 1902, "Son and daughter of John and Evia Thompson" [replacement]

Thornton, John T., 1866-1950
Thornton, Mary J., 1865-1948

Thornton, L. M., "Mrs.," Nov. 5, 1838-Jan. 29, 1910

Tucker, L. J. "Juke," Oct. 31, 1927-May 22, 1990; also temporary marker, Boyd Funeral Home, "Leonard Jewel Tucker"
Tucker, Donnie F., Nov. 22, 1930-____, "Married Jan. 15, 1950"

Tuten, Bertha M., 1914-____
Tuten, Wiley W., 1915-1996, temporary marker as footstone, Boyd Funeral Home, "Wiley Woodrow Tuten"

Vickery, ______, no date (homemade)

Volner, Amanda E., 1863-1951, "Mother" footstone
Volner, John F., 1856-1947

Volner, Cynthia Adaline, Jan. 18, 1879-Dec. 4, 1880, "Dau. of F. M. & Susannah Volner" (eroded)

Volner, Eliza, 1857-1938, "Mother" footstone
Volner, Joe C., 1859-1944, "Father" footstone

Volner, Francis Marion, Feb. 3, 1874-Dec. 9, 1880, "Son of F. M. & Susannah Volner" (eroded) [first name disolved away by 2002]

Volner, Ida, 1880-1962
Volner, Bill, 1876-1975

Volner, Infant, Mar. 23, 1946, "Infant of Ellis & Letha Volner"

Volner, Infant, Sept. 14, 1954, "Baby Brother"

Volner, Letha, no dates [probably an infant; probably replacement]

Volner, Louis J., 1917-1991, temporary marker, Pafford Funeral Home,1 yard north of double marker for Rebecca E. and Willie F. Volner]

Volner, Louis Jackson, Jan. 8, 1917-Oct. 26, 1991, military marker "US Army World War II"

Volner, Marion, Feb. 3, 1874-Dec. 9, 1880, "Son of E. M. & Susanah Volner" (eroded) [dates are extremely difficult to read, best guess]

Volner, Minnie, 1877-1899 [replacement]

Volner, Mona H., Aug. 29, 1915-____
Volner, J. Lawson, Aug. 17, 1915-Apr. 3, 1988

Volner, Mury A., Dec. 20, 1889-July 18, 1918, "Son of John & Amanda Volner" "Pvt. Co. B 4th T.R. USA"

Volner, Raymond F., July 30, 1925-Oct. 22, 2000, military marker as footstone "PFC US Army Korea"
Volner, Exie Ann, July 6, 1905-Oct. 15, 1965
Volner, James H., Mar. 21, 1894-Sept. 14, 1993, military marker as footstone "US Army World War I"

Volner, Rebecca E., Aug. 26, 1899-Mar. 12, 1955
Volner, Willie F., Mar. 17, 1888-Feb. 27, 1951

Volner, Roy Travis, Mar. 18, 1940-Mar. 20, 1940, "Son of Lawson & Mona Volner" [replacement]

Volner, Ruble O., July 18, 1913-Sept. 19, 1983, military marker "PFC US Army World War II'

Volner, Ruth, no dates [probably an infant; probably replacement]

Volner, S. A., July 3, 1836-Feb. 11, 1921, "Wife of F. M. Volner"
Volner, F. M., Oct. 31, 1832-Oct. 12, 1913, "Husband of S. A. Volner"

West, Mattie E., May 6, 1924-Nov. 2, 1985, "In loving memory of my mother"; also temporary marker, Bodkin Funeral Home, "Mattie Goff West"

White, A. Gertrude, 1923-____
White, Ralph H., 1922-____, "Married Sept. 29, 1946"

Woody, Jessie A., 1903-____, "Mom" footstone [in 1991 it appears that she had been buried here]
Woody, Edgar A., 1892-1968, "Dad" footstone

Yarbro, Bobby Joe, 1940-1940, "Son" [shares double marker with his mother Claudia Kaczanowski]

Yarbro, Roxie A., Nov. 4, 1894-Nov. 16, 1921, "Dau. of J. E. & N. J. Horton"



Infant, 1985, "Infant son of Nancy & Johnnie"


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