Location: 1 and 1/2 miles SW of Parksville. Parksville is 6 miles south of Benton.
Date established: Earliest inscription is August 9, 1856
By whom established: Cookson Creek Baptist Church
Number of graves: 300 or so.
Acreage: Approx. 3 acres

Remarks: First buried was M. Sloan, wife of B.H. Fetter. Others are Rev. Robert McClary; the Rev. Samuel Caldwell; Dr. J.L. McClary; Dr. N. Pendergast; Thomas Morrison, born 1764, died 1874, over 100 years old; Taylor Fouts, County Representative; Dr. G.W.copeland; the Rev. John H. Fetter
Condition: Excellent
Date: January 23, 1940