News – 1917

January, 1917 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Williams are the proud parents of a fine baby girl which came to their home Sunday morning week Ross Williams came in Sunday Morning from Island Ford for a couple days rest. W. M. Shannon and Miss Lilie Duncan were married Wednesday afternoon at the residence of John A. Jones. February,… Continue reading News – 1917

Newspaper Bits & Pieces, 1875-2004

NEWSPAPER BIT AND PIECES    1875——2005 1875 THE GALLOWS  Nashville, Tenn., Aug 13, A Knoxville Tenn., special to the Banner says: At an early hour crowds poured in from the country to witness the execution of John Webb. The streets near the jail, were thronged with an immense crowd. It was with difficulty that the guards could… Continue reading Newspaper Bits & Pieces, 1875-2004