Corporal, U.S.
Service Number 14297942
Killed in Action
Died November 21, 1950 in Korea
National Cem.
Monroe Man is Killed in
Korean War
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Burnett of
Coker Creek have been notified by the Defense Department that their only son,
Pfc. Avery Erl Burnett, 22, has been killed in action in Korea.
Private Burnett, Who had been in service two years, was killed Nov. 21. the parents were informed.
father, a vetean of World War I, helped break the Hindenburg Line in Germany.
The second Monroe County
casualty of the Korean War. Prvate Burnett is survived by his parents;and three sisters, Misses Arrie May, EssieB, and
Shirley Faye Burnett.