This tremendous project was done by Glenn Teffeteller Thanks Glenn
Send requests to: Copy and paste:calebt@charter.net to your email request
It includes obits and some biographies
Use your back arrow on your browser to come back to this menu. Glenn made
this index using the Loudon Herald newspaper microfilm.
The microfilm is available at the Loudon Public Library.
Glenn has offered to look up the items. It might take him 2 weeks or so to answer your request, he's a busy man. Please just
send ONE request at a
time. An "exception" is that if there were two notices for that
person, it would make it easier for Glenn to do both. Please type in "look-up" on
the subject heading of your e-mail. Please give him the name shown
on the list along with the date of the newspaper. Please make sure that the
requested name is probably yours. For some
of the deceased, there is a birth year that can help. Please send the
information you know such as spouse and children's names so that he won't have
to type the obit if it doesn't match. This is a lot of work, and there's
every need for you to make this as easy as possible for Glenn. Be sure to
show him your appreciation.
Joy Locke
I have put up the obits or 'look-ups' that have already been done so that Glenn doesn't have to keep doing the same requests. While you're looking for a name on the index, if you notice a "*1" or *2" etc. after the name it means you should come back to this menu and click on that file. Once you open that file please use the search or find tool on your browser's menu (on Internet Explorer it's found under 'edit'). Type in the surname, keeping in mind there may be more than one entry. Once you find the obit you want, hi-light just the portion you want to print. I'm trying to keep this a simple as possible.
Click here for: File 1
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