Tennessee Census Maps
Our map graphics made with the use of AniMap Plus County Boundary Historical Atlas and with the
kind permission of Art Lassagne, The Gold Bug Co.
- The 1791 Territorial Census for the Territory of the United States South of the River Ohio is lost.
- The 1800 Federal Census for Tennessee is lost.
- The 1810 Federal Census for Tennessee is lost except for Rutherford County and part of Grainger County.
- Censuses extant for Middle and West Tennessee Only. All East Tennessee records are lost.
- The 1830 Federal Census for Tennessee extant for all counties.
- The 1840 Federal Census for Tennessee extant for all counties.
- The 1850 Federal Census for Tennessee extant for all counties.
- The 1860 Federal Census for Tennessee extant for all counties.
- The 1870 Federal Census for Tennessee extant for all counties.
- The 1880 Federal Census for Tennessee extant for all counties.
- The 1890 Federal Census for Tennessee is lost.
- The 1900 Federal Census for Tennessee extant for all counties.
- The 1910 Federal Census for Tennessee extant for all counties.
- The 1920 Federal Census for Tennessee extant for all counties.
- The 1930 Federal Census for Tennessee extant for all counties.
County Name Abbreviations as Seen on the Census Maps
An = Anderson Bed = Bedford Ben = Benton Ble = Bledsoe
Blo = Blount Br = Bradley Cam = Campbell Can = Cannon
Cbn = Claiborne Chs = Chester Cly = Clay Coc = Cocke
Cof = Coffee Cr = Crockett Crl = Carroll Ctm = Cheatham
Ctr = Carter Cu = Cumberland Da = Davidson Dec = Decatur
Di = Dickson DK = De Kalb Dy = Dyer Fa = Fayette
Fe = Fentress Fr = Franklin Gib = Gibson Gil = Giles
Gra = Grainger Gre = Greene Gru = Grundy Han = Hancock
Haw = Hawkins Hay = Haywood Hbn = Hamblen Hdm = Hardeman
Hi = Hickman Ho = Houston Hrn = Hardin Hry = Henry
Hsn = Henderson Htn = Hamilton Hu = Humphreys Jac = Jackson
Jam = James Je = Jefferson Jo = Johnson Kn = Knox
Lak = Lake Lau = Lauderdale Law = Lawrence Le = Lewis
Li = Lincoln Lo = Loudon Mac = Macon Mad = Madison
Mau = Maury McM = McMinn McN = McNairy Me = Meigs
Moo = Moore Mor = Morgan Mrn = Marion Mro = Monroe
Msl = Marshall Mty = Montgomery Ob = Obion Ov = Overton
Pe = Perry Pi = Pickett Po = Polk Pu = Putnam
Rh = Rhea Roa = Roane Rob = Robertson Ru = Rutherford
Sc = Scott Seq = Sequatchie Sev = Sevier Sh = Shelby
Sm = Smith St = Stewart Sul = Sullivan Sum = Sumner
Te = Tennessee Ti = Tipton Tr = Trousdale Uci = Unicoi
Unn = Union VB = Van Buren War = Warren Was = Washington
Way = Wayne We = Weakley Wh = White Wls = Wilson
Wms = Williamson
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