Wm. Benjamin Slate Cherokee Application #42290

Wm Benjamin Slate had his oldest son, David, write this for him. It is recorded here with the spelling and punctuation used in the original document.

Ketchum, Okla

June the .1.1908

Mr. guion Miller Special Commissary: I will now answer your questions at the best of my memory for I have no education I can't even write my own name and in 1835 and 1852 I was to small to recall about the rolls and I have never been placed on any roll to my noying the daws commison said they plased our names on the roll at telaquaw but we have never got no returns in regard to our indian blood is as far back as I can remember my great great grandmother was a full blooded Cherakee indian her madin name was yellow bird my great grandmaw was half blood her madin name was polly jenkins and my mothers madin name was sally donoho she was one quarter cherokee I will now give you the names of two of my aunts tempy and bitha donoho those are the names of my ancestors who lived with the eastern cherokee indians on the devied creak near the old stone fort in Macon County tenisse I do not remember anything about the councils I have had this written the best of my noying this is from W.B. and N.J. Slate to guion miller
Court of Claims
Eastern Cherokees
Rec. Jun 5 1908

submitted by: Carlotta May (Slate) Lamb

Carlotta would like to know if anyone can add any information concerning the "Old Stone Fort" in Macon County. Also if anyone can add anything to the story that William Benjamin Slate was kidnapped by Bushwhackers when he was 9 or 10 years of age. It was four years later before he returned to his home in Macon County.