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Tennessee’s First Major Land Law
The Surveyors’ Districts
~ 1806 ~Chapter 2
An Act for the appointment of a Register of the Land Office, and providing for the sale of the lands south of Holston and French Broad, agreeably to the Constitution of this State, and the provisions of the Act of Congress therein referred to.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That a register of the land office shall be appointed by joint ballot of both houses of the general assembly, who shall hold his office during good behaviour, and before he enters upon the execution thereof, shall, before one of the judges of the superior courts of law and equity, take and subscribe the following oath, to wit: I, A.B. do solemnly swear or affirm (as the case may be) that I will well, truly, and justly perform the duties of my office, as register of the land office, according to the best of my skill and ability. SO HELP ME GOD. And whereas, it is provided by an act of the congress of the United States, entitled, "An act to authorise the state of Tennessee to issue grants to certain lands therein described, and to settle the claims to the vacant and unappropriated lands within the same, that the people residing in the state of Tennessee, south of French Broad and Holston, and west of Big Pigeon rivers, provided for by the constitution of the state of Tennessee, shall be secured in their respective rights of occupancy and pre-emption, and shall receive titles for such quantities as they may respectively claim, including their improvements, not exceeding six hundred and forty acres each, nor exceeding the quantities they have heretofore claimed respectively, according to their conditional lines, where such have been established, at a price not less than one dollar per acre. In pursuance whereof: SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That the respective claimants of lands within the limits aforesaid, shall be entitled to grants for their respective claims of land, at the rate of one dollar for each acre contained within the bounds of such claim, agreeable to their conditional lines, and not exceeding six hundred and forty acres under each occupant claim, one tenth part of the whole purchase of which, shall be paid on or before the first day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight, and before the obtaining of a grant therefor; and the residue in nine equal annual instalments, the first of which shall become due and be paid on the first day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and nine.
SEC. 3. Be it enacted, That on payment of the one tenth part of the purchase money as aforesaid, into the treasury of the state, by the party rightfully claiming, such claimant may demand of the treasurer aforesaid, a receipt for the same, which receipt, the party claiming the land aforesaid, may present to the register of the land office, and if the amount specified therein shall be equal to one tenth part of the purchase money as aforesaid, the register shall file the same in his office as a check upon the treasurer, and render to such applicant a receipt for the same; and the applicant aforesaid, shall be entitled to, and receive a patent for such lands agreeably to the form herein after prescribed; and in filling up the blanks in said patent, the said register is hereby required to specify the amount so paid, and the sum chargeable on the land held under such grant or patent; and such grant or patent shall not enable the party obtaining the same, to grant, convey, or patent shall not enable the party obtaining the same, to grant, convey, or mortgage the lands or estate therein mentioned, otherwise than by subjecting the same to the whole amount of principal remaining unpaid, with the interest that may accrue thereon.
SEC. 4. Be it enacted, That when any grant shall have been finally completed, the register shall cause the plat and certificate of survey, (together with the assignments, if any) on which such grant is founded, to be exactly entered.
and recorded in well bound books to be provided by him for that purpose.SEC. 5. Be it enacted, That upon the receipt of the plat and certificate as aforesaid, and upon the receipt of the treasurer's receipt, for the one tenth part of the purchase money as aforesaid, the register shall make out a grant by way of deed poll to the party having right, in the following form:
The State of Tennessee.
To All to Whom These Presents Shall Come,
Know Y, that in consideration of the sum of paid by C.D. into the public treasury of this state, (then reciting the circumstances whether in full or in part, as in this act required) there is granted unto the said C.D. a certain tract of land containing acres (describing the bounds and courts of the land, and the date of the survey upon which the grant issues) with its appurtenances: To Have and To Hold the said tract or parcel of land, with its appurtenances, to the said C.D. and his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof, A.B. Governor of the State of Tennessee, hath hereunto set his hand, and caused the Great Seal of the said State to be affixed, at ___ on the ___ day of ___ in the year of our Lord and of American Independence.
By the Governor,
C.D., Secretary.
Upon which grant the said register shall endorse that the party hath title to the same; and it shall be signed by the governor, countersigned by the secretary, sealed with the great seal of the state, and then entered on record at full length, by the said register, in well bound books to be provided by him for that purpose, with sufficient margin to enter the payments when due, and when made, opposite the said record, and kept by the register; and being so entered, shall be certified to have been registered, and then be delivered to the party or his order; and where a grant shall be made to the heir or assignee of any person claiming under any of the before mentioned rights, the material circumstances of the title shall be recited in such grant. It shall also be the duty of the register to enter in a well bound book, to be kept by him for that purpose, an exact account of all monies paid to the treasurer by virtue of this act, and note therein distinctly the different sums, when paid, and by whom. The register shall, at all times, on receiving the treasurer's receipt required by virtue of this act, enter the amount thereof to the credit of the party obtaining the same, on the margin opposite the register of his grant, in the manner as above, and shall moreover certify the same if required, upon the grant in possession of the said grantee or his assignee, corresponding with the credit entered as aforesaid.SEC. 6. Be it enacted, That a surveyor general shall be appointed for the district of country south of French Broad and Holston, and between Big Pigeon and Tennessee rivers, who shall be chosen by joint ballot of both houses of the general assembly; he shall hold his office during good behaviour, and before he shall enter on the duties of his appointment, shall, before one of the judges of the superior courts of law and equity, take an oath, and give bond with ten sufficient securities, in the sum of fifty thousand dollars, for the faithful execution thereof, payable to the governor for the time being; which bond shall be lodged in the office of the secretary, and shall not be void upon the first or any subsequent recovery, but be liable to be sued upon by any person who may or shall have sustained damage, by occasion of the misconduct of said surveyor, or his deputy or deputies. It shall be his duty to engage a sufficient number of skillful surveyors as his deputies, for whose conduct in every respect, touching his office, the surveyor general shall be answerable; he shall also assign them such divisions in which they shall act, that the surveys may be completed on or before the first day of September, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seven; and all deputies so appointed, shall have power and authority to act and to do in all things, and to every intent and purpose as the surveyor general, except in cases otherwise provided in this act: Provided always, that any deputy surveyor shall be removable from office at the discretion of the surveyor general. SEC. 7. Be it enacted, That the surveyor hereby directed to be appointed, shall, without delay, cause his district to be divided by north and south lines, run according to the true meridian, and by others crossing them at right angles, so as to form townships of six miles square each, unless when the boundaries of his district may render it impracticable, and then this rule shall be departed from no further than such particular circumstances may require. The corners of the townships shall be marked with progressive numbers from the beginning; each distance of a mile between the said corners, shall also be distinctly marked, with marks differing from those of the corners, and the lines of the townships distinguished by marks differing from those of appropriated surveys; and it shall be the duty of the surveyors respectively, to cause to be marked on a tree near each corner made as aforesaid, and within the township, every survey by this act directed to be made within his division, which is claimed by right of occupancy and pre-emption; and shall, immediately after ascertaining the claims aforesaid, cause to be laid off and surveyed, with plain marked lines, six hundred and forty acres of land, in one or more tracts, so that the same may be fit for cultivation, which said tract or tracts shall be described in the general plan, & shall be appropriated (agreeably to the provisions of the before recited act of congress) for the use of schools, for the instruction of children forever; and in any township, where it may appear that all the lands fit for cultivation, are claimed by rights of occupancy and pre-emption, the surveyor general shall certify the same to the next general assembly, in order that the legislature may appropriate the proceeds of the sales of six hundred and forty acres for the use as aforesaid, in each township, or so many thereof as may be deficient. SEC. 8. Be it enacted, That the surveyor general aforesaid, shall cause without delay, to be surveyed, the part of the lands within the district aforesaid, which are claimed by right of occupancy or pre-emption, agreeably to the provisions of the constitution of this state, and the act of the congress of the United States, herein before referred to : Observing the following method in the prosecution thereof, to wit: SEC. 9. Be it enacted, That the surveyor general shall divide the district aforesaid into proper and convenient divisions, in such manner as he may think expedient, so that the boundaries of each division, either natural or artificial, may be known; and appoint one deputy surveyor for each division, within sixty days after his appointment, who shall give such bond and security to the surveyor general as he may deem sufficient; which bond, when so taken, the surveyor general shall enter at large on record, as well as the oath of said deputy, the form of which is hereafter given. And every such deputy surveyor shall, within sixty days at farthest, next after his appointment, proceed to survey the lands claimed by right of occupancy, agreeably to the constitution of this state, and the act of congress aforesaid, at the proper cost and charges of the said occupant, their assignees, legal representatives, or guardians of such as are minors; it shall be his duty to give at least ten days previous notice, by advertising the same at three of the most public places within his division, of the day, and the particular part of the division at which he will begin his survey, and thereby requiring the attendance of all persons interested, their guardians or agents, and he shall proceed without unnecessary intermission to survey in regular order, until he had perfected the surveying of all the claims within his division; all lines shall be plainly marked upon trees, and measured with chains containing two perches of sixteen feet and one half each, and the chain shall be adjusted to a standard kept for that purpose; every surveyor shall note in his field book all water courses and public roads over which the line he runs shall pass; and shall, as soon as it can conveniently be done, or within sixty days at farthest after making the survey, deliver to the surveyor general a fair and true plat and certificate of every such survey, the quantity contained, the county wherein it lies, the courses & descriptions of the several boundaries, natural and artificial, expressing the names of such natural boundaries where they have any, and the names of every person whose lines makes a boundary. And the surveyor general shall examine the returns of the deputies as aforesaid, and correct them when necessary and practicable; and where it shall not be practicable from the return itself he shall direct a re-survey without any additional costs to the claimant; and in every case, upon the survey being completed, shall, within three months, record the plat and certificate of such survey in a well bound book, by him to be kept for that purpose. SEC. 10. Be it enacted, That any surveyor, whether surveyor general or deputy, failing in any of the duties by this act required, shall be liable to be indicted in the court of the district in which he shall reside, and punished by amercement and deprivation of his office, and incapacity to take it again by such failure. And when any deputy surveyor is performing the duties in manner directed in the ninth section of this act, it shall be the duty of each occupant, his, her of their legal representative, or guardian of any infant, to give due attendance, and shew their lines, (if any) or other evidence of boundary or claims, in order to facilitate the surveying of the same; and on failure thereof, shall forfeit & pay to the use of the said deputy surveyor, five dollars, to be recovered by action of debt, before any jurisdiction having cognizance thereof. SEC. 11. Be it enacted, That every surveyor shall, under the penalty of twenty dollars, express and declare, in or on the plat and certificate of each survey by him or them taken or made, the true quantity or degree of the magnetic needle, from the true meredian, and whether it be east or west. SEC. 12. Be it enacted, That every deputy surveyor shall, before he enters upon the duties to be performed under this act, take, before the surveyor general, (who is hereby authorized to administer the same) the following oath, to wit:
I, A.B. do solemnly swear or affirm (as the case may be) that I will well, truly, and justly lay off and survey the claim of each person, which I am bound by law to survey, agreeably to the constitution and laws of this state; and that I will in all things do and perform the office of deputy surveyor, to the best of my skill and abilities. And every person appointed by the deputy surveyor to carry the chain, shall, before he enters upon the duties thereof, take the following oath: I.
A.B. do solemnly swear or affirm, that I will truly, justly, and impartially measure every line of which I may be chain carrier, and render a true account of the number of chains contained in each to the surveyor thereof: Which said oath of affirmation shall be taken before the deputy surveyor, or the surveyor general, who is hereby authorised and required to administer the same. SEC. 13. Be it enacted, That every deputy surveyor to be appointed by virtue of this act, shall, on or before the first day of August next, make and return into the office of the surveyor general, plats of every survey which he shall have made in pursuance of this act, connected together in one general draft, so far as they may be contiguous to each other, with the courses and distances of each line; the water courses and public roads, the mountains and the quality of lands, on the lines of the townships truly laid down; the quantity of land contained in each survey, and the name of the person for whom the same was surveyed, numbering the same in numerical order. And every succeeding year he shall make a like return of the surveys made in the year preceding; and the surveyor general shall, without delay, by virtue of his office, proceed to make a correct map of the district of which he is surveyor, presenting at one view the residuum of the vacant lands therein; two fair plans of which shall be deposited in the office of the secretary of this state, for the use of the legislature thereof. SEC. 14. Be it enacted, That every person for whom any survey shall have been made, and recorded in the office of the surveyor general, agreeably to the provisions of this act, shall, on or before the day on which the first instalment becomes due, pursuant to this act, return the plat and certificate of survey, duly certified by the surveyor general, into the office of the register, and on failure thereof, shall forever forfeit to the state, all right, interest and claim that he has, in and to the same, except such failure shall appear to have arisen through the default of the surveyor or other officer, or detained on account of a caveat entered against the same, or other legal impediment, and having the rights of infants and lunatics. SEC. 15. For preventing surruptitious grants: Be it enacted, That the register shall in no case issue a grant to any assignee of a plat and certificate of survey, unless such assignment is upon said plat and certificate of survey, certified by the surveyor general to be a true copy, and that it is examined and recorded in his office; which said assignment shall be proven in open court of the county where the land lies, by two credible witnesses, with the clerk's certificate of probates annexed thereto. SEC. 16. Be it enacted, That if any person shall obtain a survey of land to which another hath a claim, the person having such a claim, may enter a caveat to prevent his obtaining a grant, until the claim can be determined. Such caveat shall be entered within six months at farthest, after the receipt of the plat and certificate of survey at the surveyor general's office, expressing also, the nature of the right on which the plaintiff therein claims the land, and the quantity and part of said survey claimed, and shall take from the surveyor general a certified copy thereof, which, within thirty days thereafter, he shall, in like manner, deliver to the clerk of the court where the suit shall be tried, and in case of failure in either instance, the caveat shall be void. SEC. 17. Be it enacted, That the clerk of such court, on receiving the same, shall enter such copy of the caveat in a book, to be kept by him for that purpose, and shall thereupon issue a summon, directed to the sheriff of any county where the defendant may reside, reciting the cause fore which such caveat is entered, and requiring the defendant to appear on the first day of the next succeeding county court, and defend his right; and on such process being returned executed on the defendant, his agent or attorney, the court shall proceed to determine the right of the cause in a summary way, without pleadings in writing, by impanneling and swearing a jury, for the finding of such facts as are material to the cause, and are not agreed by the parties, and shall thereupon give judgment; a copy of such judgment, if in favor of the defendant, being delivered into the office of the surveyor general, within thirty days thereafter, shall vacate the said caveat. And if the said judgment be in favor of the plaintiff, upon delivering the same into the office of the surveyor general, together with a plat and certificate of survey, within sixty days thereafter, he shall be entitled to a plat and certificate as in other cases; and in any caveat where judgment shall be given for the defendant, the court shall award him his costs, and may compel the plaintiff in any caveat if they think fit, to give security for costs, or on failure thereof, may dismiss the suit; and in case the plaintiff in any caveat shall recover, the court shall award costs against the defendant. SEC. 18. Be it enacted, That when any dispute shall take place concerning the right or boundary lines of any tract or tracts of land to be surveyed, the surveyor shall not proceed to survey the same, without the consent of both parties claiming; and if the claimants make any agreement, or compromise respecting the manner of running said interfering lines, the surveyor shall proceed to survey in pursuance of said agreement, and the same shall be forever binding on said parties; and if no agreement can take place in one day, it shall be the duty of the sheriff of the county, or his deputy, on being notified of the same, by either of the parties to summon a jury who shall be forever binding on said parties; and if no agreement can take place in one day, it shall be the duty of the sheriff of the county, or his deputy, on being notified of the same, by either of the parties, to summon a jury who are unconnected with either party by affinity or consanguinity, who shall attend forthwith to decide the right of claim, and the manner in which said interfering lines shall be run; and it shall be the duty of the sheriff to summon such witnesses as either party may require, in the bounds of his county, to attend and give evidence to the jury touching the said dispute; and the decision of said jury shall be the guide for the surveyor in surveying said lines and making plats and certificates of survey for the same; but nothing herein contained shall prevent the party losing any part of what he claimed from entering with the surveyor general a caveat for so much of his claim, as has been included in the survey of the other party, under the same rules and restrictions as are herein provided for caveats in other cases. SEC. 19. Be it enacted, That the said sheriff or his deputy (as the case may be) is hereby authorised and required to attend during the time said jury are deciding said dispute, and is hereby authorized and required to qualify the witnesses who are called upon to give evidence to said jury, and to administer to said jury the following oath: You do swear or affirm, (as the case may be) that as jurors in this dispute between A. and B. you will decide justly and impartially, according to evidence, to the best of your knowledge. Which sheriff shall keep an accurate memorandum of such jury, and their proceedings thereon, and return the same to the deputy surveyor, who is hereby required to forward the same, together with the plat and certificate, to the surveyor general. SEC. 20. Be it enacted, That if the party to whom any grant shall have issued, shall fail for the space of six months, to pay any installments which may become due, it shall be the duty of the register to make out a warrant, directed to the sheriff of the county where the land may lie, directing him to collect the same, (with the interest computed thereon from the time it became due) from the personal property of the person from whom the same is due; and in case he has not sufficient personal property to satisfy the same, to proceed to sell the said land, for which the said money became due, or such part thereof as may be sufficient to pay the same; and the purchaser shall take said land, subject to whatever sum may remain unpaid of the price of said land, and the sale shall be sufficient and available in law, notwithstanding the person against whom said warrant issued, may have sold and assigned his right. SEC. 21. Be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the clerks of the different counties, register of the land office, sheriffs, or coroners, the surveyor general, and his deputies respectively, to demand, and receive, and take, the several fees herein after mentioned and allowed, for any business by them respectively done by virtue of their several offices under this act, and no other fees whatsoever, that is to say:
To the Register,For receiving a plat and certificate, and giving a receipt for the same, fifty cents.
To the Clerks of the County Courts,
For issuing and recording a grant thereupon, one dollar.
For recording a plat and certificate of survey, fifty cents.
For a copy of any grant of land, twenty-five cents.
For every search for any thing, or for reading the same, if a copy be not required, twelve and an half cents.For docketing a caveat or appeal, twenty-five cents.
And to the Sheriff,
For a copy of the judgment thereupon, fifty cents.
For issuing a summons for defendant, twenty-five cents.
And for all other services done as required by this act, the same fees as in similar races.For summoning a jury, two dollars.
To the Surveyor General,
For each day's attendance during the trial, one dollar.
And for other services by this act required, the same fees as in similar cases.For examining and recording a plat and certificate of survey, and certifying the same, one dollar.
And to the Deputy Surveyor,
For each copy duly certified as by this act required, one dollar.
For entering caveat, and filing the same, one dollar.
For copy and certificate thereon, fifty cents.
For filing judgment of court, on decision of caveat, twenty-five cents.
For each search, twelve and one half cents.For every survey by him plainly bounded as this act directs, and for a plat of such survey, where the survey shall not exceed one hundred and fifty acres, one dollar and fifty cents; and for each acre over one hundred and fifty, and not exceeding two hundred and fifty, in the same tract, three fourths of a cent; and for each acre over two hundred and fifty, and not exceeding four hundred acres, one half of a cent; and for each acre over four hundred, one fourth of a cent: Provided, no survey shall exceed six hundred and forty acres. For every line over eight, in the same tract, in one survey, occasioned by the meanderings of water courses, each five cents; for every line over eight, not occasioned by the meandering of water courses, in the same tract, ten cents each; for every experimental line, twenty-five cents; and where a surveyor shall be stopped or hindred from finishing a survey by him begun, he shall be paid half fees by the party requiring the same to be surveyed: Provided, that if said hindrance shall at any time be occasioned by the demand of an adverse claimant, that in that case it shall subject the person against whom the right is determined, to the payment thereof. SEC. 22. Be it enacted, That two persons be appointed by joint ballot of both houses of the general assembly, who, together with the surveyor general of the lands south of French Broad & Holston, are hereby appointed commissioners, whose duty it shall be, to proceed without delay, as soon as the lines of the occupant claims are ascertained, to locate and describe by marked lines or natural boundaries, within the county of Blount, and in parts of the counties adjoining the same, (if necessary) in one entire tract, one hundred thousand acres of land, to be disposed of for the use of two colleges to be established by the legislature, in pursuance of the provisions of an act of congress, entitled, "An act to authorise the state of Tennessee to issue grants & perfect titles to certain lands therein described, & to settle the claims to the vacant and unappropriated lands within the same." And also to locate and describe by marked lines, or natural boundaries as aforesaid, within the county of Sevier, and in the parts of any counties adjoining the same, (if necessary) in one entire tract, one hundred thousand acres of land, to be disposed of for the use of academies, one to be established in each county in the state, by the legislature, in pursuance of the provisions of the before recited act. It shall be the duty of said commissioners to locate and describe said tracts of land in such manner, and in such places, that the same may contain at least the quantities aforesaid, (with the additional quantity of six hundred and forty acres, to each six miles square) of land actually claimed by occupancy, or fit for cultivation and improvement; and the said commissioners shall make out fair plats or drafts of said several surveys, and file the same in the office of the surveyor general, for the guide and direction of the surveyors who may be appointed by the surveyor general, to survey the lands within said tracts, who shall in all respects observe the same regulations as are prescribed for surveying other occupant claims. SEC. 23. Be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the surveyor general, to record in two separate books to be kept for that purpose, all surveys made in either of said tracts, keeping one book for the surveys in each tract; and he shall number in each book, the surveys in the order in which they are recorded, and shall endorse on each plat and certificate of survey, before he delivers the same to the person who is entitled to obtain a grant, that the said survey was made within the tract of land located for the use of colleges or academies (as the case may be) and the person entitled to the interest of said plat and certificate, may obtain from the office of the register a grant, on the same conditions, limitations and restrictions, as grants are obtained for other lands south of French Broad and Holston, and in the same form, with this addition, that the register shall insert in said grant, that it was issued for lands lying within the tract located for the use of colleges or academies (as the case may be;) and it shall be the duty of the treasurer, to enter in a book to be kept for that purpose, all monies paid on account of lands within the tract located for colleges, and the amount of the monies arising from the sale of the two tracts aforesaid, (except to much thereof as shall be included in said bounds for the use of schools) shall be subject to the future disposal of the legislature of this state, in such manner, that the interest and profits of the first mentioned one hundred thousand acres, shall go to, and be vested in equal moieties, in the trustees of said two colleges; and the interest and profits of the other hundred thousand acres, shall equally vest in, and enure to the use equally of the several academies to be established as aforesaid, in the several counties heretofore, or that may hereafter be established in this state. SEC. 24. Be it enacted, That the surveyor general shall be allowed the following fees for the several services he is by this act required to perform, and for which no provision is made. For running and marking the lines of the townships as by this act required, one dollar and fifty cents, for each mile so run and marked; for each six hundred and forty acres of land, for the use of schools, six dollars; which said sums shall be considered as full compensation for the services rendered by the surveyor, and his chain carriers and markers; for locating and describing the two tracts of one hundred thousand acres each, for the use of the colleges and academies, fifty dollars; for making a complete draft and connected plan of his district, and depositing two copies thereof with the secretary as by this act required, fifty dollars; which said several sums, the said surveyor general may state and claim subject to be liquidated by the register, who is hereby authorised and required to liquidate the same; which said statement and settlement the register shall record in his office, and issue a warrant or warrants (to the full amount of said account) which shall authorise the said surveyor to lay off for himself within the bounds of his district, a quantity of land equal to the amount of the sum due him, at the rate of two dollars per acre, for which he shall be entitled to receive a grant or grants from this state, in the same manner as prescribed in other cases within his district. SEC. 25. Be it enacted, That the treasurer of the districts of Washington and Hamilton, before receiving any monies by virtue of this act, shall enter into an additional bond, payable to the governor for the time being, in the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, with security to be approved of by the said governor, for the faithful accounting for all such monies, and shall be allowed one per cent for receiving and safe keeping all monies by him received under this act, until otherwise provided for by law. SEC. 26. Be it enacted, That the several fines and forfeitures herein laid, given, or inflicted, and not otherwise provided for in this act, shall be recoverable before any jurisdiction having cognizance of the same, by action of debt, one half to the use of the informer, or person who will sue for the same, and the other for the use of the county where such recovery shall be had.
Robert C. Foster,
Speaker of the House of Representatives,
Joseph M'Minn,
Speaker of the Senate
September 6th, 1806
Our first source for this paper is Messages of the Governors of Tennessee, 1796-1821 (Volume One), Published by “The Tennessee Historical Commission,” 1952. They claim that their source was the Acts of Tennessee, 1806. Their version presents the above act in its entirety, from Section 1 through Section 26. Notes
Our second source for this paper is a microfilm of the book, The Land Laws of Tennessee by Henry D. Whitney, published by W. H. Anderson & Co., 1893. The Whitney book version omits certain Sections. Additionally, we find that the microfilm version of the Whitney book has missed a few pages of the book. Our microfilm was purchased from the “Tennessee State Library and Archives” in Nashville Tennessee.
Please note that there were spelling anomalies between the two versions.
This paper was typed for TNGenWeb Project by Jo Roe Carpenter. We thank her for her good work and sharing spirit. This paper was coded in HTML by Fred Smoot. This page is © Copyrighted by TNGenNet Inc, 1999.