***ROLL NO. 173761***
Thursday, November 17, 1898
p. 3:1 (Local and Personal). "Mrs. (Granny) Betsy Stafford, an old and esteemed lady, died last Saturday at the home of her son-in-law, John H. Dennis, who lives about two miles west of town.
Geo. Flynn, an inmate of the County Asylum, died last Saturday. He was over eighty years of age and was a respected and inoffensive citizen. He was an ex-Confederate soldier.
[T. D. Ford and Walter S. Fowler, prominent businessmen of Cookeville, ... are spending a few days with their father-in-law, Geo. W. Birdwell, at Whitleyville.]
Miss Rettie Kelly, who was prostrated by the sudden death of her father last Saturday and has since been in a critical condition, is somewhat improved, we are glad to report."
p. 3:2 (Death of F.K. Kelly). "Last Saturday morning about eight o'clock the people were Gainesboro were deeply shocked and saddened by the intelligence that Frank K. Kelly, one of our oldest and most highly esteemed citizens, had suddenly dropped dead at his place of business, on the east side of the public square. Many sympathetic friends hurried to the scene, anxious to lend any assistance in their power. Physicians were speedily summoned, when it was found that heart failure had wrought its work instantly and painlessly. He was sitting in the rear of the store reading, when his clerk stepped out only for a few seconds and upon returning found him breathing his last.
Mr. Kelly would have been 74 years of age the third day of next March, and had been engaged in the mercantile business in Gainesboro for many years. He was a quiet, high-toned and honorable gentleman and Christian and liked and esteemed by all with whom he associated. His wife died about 18 years ago. He leaves seven children -- Mrs. Emma Baird, of Castilian Springs; Mrs Ave Ensor and Mrs. Minne Young, of Pekin; Mrs. Zulema Washburn, of Chapel Hill, Ky.; Mrs. Fannie P. Ford, of Elmwood, and Miss Rettie Kelly and James M. Kelly, of this place. All were present at the funeral services Sunday afternoon except Mrs. Washburn and Mrs. Ensor. The services were conducted at the M. E. Church by Rev. J. L. Smothermon, pastor, after which a large concourse of friends followed the remains to the cemetery, near the Christian church, where all that was mortal of Frank K. Kelly was consigned to Mother Earth. Peace to his memory."
p. 3:3 (White's Bend). "Mrs. Fealie Dixon is preparing to start to Texas soon to visit relatives."
p. 3:4 (Putnam County). "Miss Sallie Ford will leave in a short time for Milwaukee, Wis., where she will spend several months with her sister, Mrs. O. R. Rauchfuss.
Timothy Denny, an old and much respected citizen, died at his home last Friday on Indian creek, near Buffalo Valley.
The friends of Jeff Vick will be surprised to learn of his death, which occurred at his home three miles north of this place Tuesday afternoon. He was only ill for a few days with pneumonia."
p. 3:4 (Overton County). "A cablegram from Dr. James P. Miller states that he has landed safely in Germany. He had a twelve days sail across the waters.
Miss Bessie Blevins, of Summersville, Ky., who has been visiting relatives here, was called home last week as her mother was very sick. She was accompanied as far as Columbia by G. E. Dougherty."
Thursday, December 8, 1898
p. 1:1 (no heading). "H. H. Spivey, a well known citizen of Spivey, Clay County, died suddenly last Sunday."
p. 1:6 (Our Picture Series. No. 1). [photograph of Henry Hall Cason, below which appears:] "The above is a good picture of our well known and popular townsman, H. H. Cason, who was born on Cumberland River, this county, November 1, 1846. He was been a citizen of Gainesboro, engaged in the mercantile business, for many years. He is a member of the firm of Washburn & Cason. He was married May 18, 1876, to Miss Maggie Hawes, and they have two children -- Joseph Cason and Mrs. Blanche Naylor.
Mr. Cason is an applicant for Warden of the main prison at Nashville, and his prospects are considered very flattering. He has never held office, but has been a life long worker for the principles of Democracy."
p. 2:2 (Gabbatha). Dec. 3. "W. B. Montgomery, who has been in Montana the past eight months, recently returned home, well pleased with his trip. He contemplates returning to Montana with his family in the spring."
p. 2:2 (Rough Point). Dec. 5. "Frank West, of Texas, who has been visiting his mother who has been ill for some time, bid his many friends adieu and returned to his home in the Lone Star State.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dycus, who have been visiting relatives in Illinois, returned a few days ago, and report a nice time."
p. 3:1 (Putnam County. Press.). "The many friends of Jo Jared of this county, deeply sympathize with him upon the death of his wife which occurred Wednesday of last week.
James M. Hinds left Saturday for Gentry, Ark., where he goes with a view of locating if he finds the opening for the business he expects. Mr. Hinds was one of Cookeville's best citizens and we can ill afford to lose such. We wish him the greatest success wherever he goes."
p. 3:1 (Overton County. Enterprise.). "Granville Vaughn, who has been in Texas for several years, has returned and will make his home among us."
p. 3:4 (no heading). "Ottis G. Fox, who was recently elected Representative of Jackson county, was born in Rutherford county, Tenn., in 1868. The following year his parents moved to this county. His occupation is that of a farmer. Although this is the first time he has ever asked for an office, he has always taken an active part in politics, and has been a careful student of political events. During the campaign, although his opponent was an experienced politician, he upheld the banner of Democracy in a manner entirely satisfactory to his party and friends, and won for himself some reputation as a speaker. -- Nashville Banner."
p. 4:1 (Tinsley-Butler). "Miss Annie Tinsley and Mr. Cheatam Butler were united in marriage at the residence of the bride's father, Albert Tinsley, at Butler's Landing, Nov. 29, 1898. After the ceremony, which was witnessed by a number of friends and relatives, the bridal party proceeded to the residence of Mrs. Littleton C. Hall, where they were entertained, the hostess being assisted by Mrs. G. B. Hall, of Dallas, Texas; Mrs. Howard Bryant, of Highland; Mrs. Lex Cooper, of Cookeville. Dinner was served at six o'clock, the table laden with the choicest viands and beautifully decorated with evergreens and chrysanthemums. Present: Miss Annie Lee Kirkpatrick, of Celina, maid of honor; Miss Maggie Darwin, of Flynn's Lick, bridesmaid; Miss Lizzie Dale, of Gainesboro, Miss Minnie Lee Tinsley, of Butler's Landing; Miss Vituras Darwin, of Flynn's Lick; Messrs. S. W. Tinsley and Turner Moore, of Celina, attendants; J. F. Staggs, of Nashville, W. G. Darwin, of Flynn's Lick, Nelson Sadler, of Rough Point."
p. 4:1 (Hall-Pistol). "The bridal party waited to witness the marriage of Miss Micca Hall, daughter of the hostess, to Mr. J. Virgil Pistol, of Franklin, Ky., at 10 a.m., Nov. 30th. Rev. J. L. Smothermon pronounced the ceremony in a most eloquent and impressive manner. Quite a number of relatives and friends were present. The bridesmaid of honor and attenants were the same as in the Tinsley-Butler wedding. Shortly after the ceremony, the handsome groom and his fair bride left at once for Franklin, Ky., where a reception awaited them at the home of the groom's parents. The Tinsley-Butler party returned to Celina stopping over at the Maxwell House, Gainesboro, for dinner. At Celina a grand reception was given them at L. Kirkpatrick's.
The following evening an entertainment was given at the home of Mrs. Green in honor of Miss Maggie Darwin, of Flynn's Lick. A Friend."
p. 4:1 (no heading). "'Uncle Ben Watson, an old and respected citizen, living five miles east of town, died last Saturday."
Thursday, December 15, 1898
p. 1:2 (Accidental Killing). "Last Thursday morning as the steamer Dudley was coming up the river near Granville, Charley Emory, colored, one of the rousters was instantly killed by the accidental discharge of a Winchester rifle in the hands of the engineer, John L. Womble. When the boat reached Gainesboro Esq. L. K. Smith empaneled a jury of inquest, the finding of which completely exonerated the engineer from any murderous intentions. It appeared that he was filling the magazine of his rifle expected to shoot ducks, when one of the cartridges exploded and the negro, who was lying near the engine asleep, was just in range to receive the ball which entered his back between the shoulder blade and spinal column. It appeared from the testimony that no bad feeling had ever existed between the men, and that both were quiet and peaceable.
The remains were sent back to Nashville for interment. The unfortunate affair greatly shocked the entire crew."
p. 2:4 (Putnam County. Press.). "Mrs. Missie Montgomery died at Double Springs yesterday. Mrs. Montgomery was one of the old landmarks of this county, being near eighty years of age. She was daughter of the late Jeff Shaw who was a prominent figure in the earlier history of Cookeville.
High Putty, of this place, died at his home in west side Friday of typhoid fever.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. McLaulin died last Thursday morning."
p. 3:3 (Local and Personal). "Walter Anderson, who has been teaching school at Honey Grove, Texas, for several months, returned to his home at this place yesterday."
p. 3:4 (Our Picture Series. No. 2). Picture of James T. Anderson. "The above is a splendid likeness of one of Gainesboro's best known citizens. He was born on Flynn's Creek, this county, February 3, 1849. He was married July 18, 1875, to Mrs. M. J. Washburn. They have five children. Mr. Anderson moved to Gainesboro in December, 1874, and has since been actively engaged in public affairs. He was Deputy Clerk and Master for about ten years. At the organization of the Bank of Gainesboro in 1889, of which he was the moving spirit, he was elected Assistant Cashier, which position he has since held. He is a genial, whole-souled gentleman, and is popular in business circles as well as elsewhere."
Thursday, December 22, 1898
p. 1:3 (Capt. J. C. Bennett). "Capt. Jake Bennett, of Pickett county, an old ex-Confederate veteran of considerable repute, spent a few days in Gainesboro last week. He was born in McClain county, Ky., in 1840, and enlisted in the Confederate service at the beginning of the Civil War, and soon became captain of Company A, Tenth Kentucky Cavalry, 2d brigade of Morgan's Division. His army career reads like romance. He received twenty-six bullet holds in his body, and had eleven horses killed under him in battle. He was in prison thirteen times, but always succeeded in making his escape, and was never exchanged or took the oath. Capt. Bennett was one of the six prisoners who, with Gen. John H. Morgan, escaped from the Ohio penitentiary, in a most remarkable manner by tunneling under the walls. But his numerous daring adventures and narrow escapes would fill a good sized book.
Capt. Bennett, we understand, will ask Gov. McMillin to make him Superintendent of the Capitol and Landscape Gardener. We are sure that no appointment would please the people of this section of the State more than this. He is fully qualified to discharge every duty of the position and is a deserving gentleman upon whose character no stain or suspicion has ever rested."
p. 1:4 (Military Experiences). "In view of the many varied misconceptions of Army life, its management and 'hardships,' that are so prevalent among the people who haven't been there, and the erroneous reports of the more unscrupulous that are there, I have yielded to the entreaties of my friends to write some upon the subject as it actually presented itself to my observation in my own short personal experience. I hope the generous public of Jackson county will extend to referred to friends and the editor its kind forbearance as regards this perpetration, and I promise (?) not to harrass you thus for more than--well, say one year.
As it is a broad subject and involves so many different topics, it is hard for one like myself to decide just where to begin operations.
Many who read this paper might be interested with a brief recital of the facts connected with the volunteers who went from directly among us.
J. J. Gore and this scribe were the pioneers of the volunteer movement. A paper was gotten up addressed to Governor Taylor in which we stated that in the event war was declared by Congress we were ready for actual service. Within three hours it ws signed by seven other gentlemen. Just as it was being closed up for the mail or noble comrade, J. Ed. Stfford [sic], volunteered to subscribe his name to it. With sad hearts and many weeping eyes we fired the salute of three shots over his last camping ground and saw him lowered to rest, enshrouded in the glorious stars and stripes which he so willingly enlisted to defend, on July 23, 1898. (At a future date I will describe a military funeral.) Until war was declared, we were subjected to endless ridicule and jests, and became known as 'the immortal nine.' We announced a patriotic mass meeting to be held at the court house in Gainesboro on Friday, April 29. And may I never witness another such a patriotic meeting where a noble Jackson county boy, inspired with the courage and zeal that the moment demanded, is subjected to the scathing criticisms and cutting insinuations that Capt. H. R. Richmond, of Flynn's Lick, was on that day. True, it had a wholesome effect on the captain as well as the boys who went with him, as we shall show later, but still no one who was there wants to see it repeated.
I shall say more about this next week. I. X. I."
p. 3:1 (Our Picture Series. No. 3.). Samuel Benjamin Fowler. "The subject of this sketch was born May 24, 1853, near Celina, in what was then Jackson county. He was educated at Philomath Academy, and began the practice of medicine in Gainesboro about 20 years ago. He took a medical course in Vanderbilt University in 1879, and the Ohio Medical College in 1881. He also took a course in the Polyclinic school in New York, in 1895.
Dr. Fowler's unusual skill as a surgeon has made him well known throughout this section of the State. He has had 22 cases of compound fracture of the skull, and saved every one. He has saved over 90 per cent. of all his amputations -- a remarkable record. He was the first surgeon in the South to successfully perform a bloodless hip joint amputation, Wyatt's method.
Dr. Fowler has recently erected a large private infirmary on his farm, near this place, where he is successfully treating quite a number of patients. We will give our readers a picture and write up of this splendid institution in the near future."
p. 3:2 (Flynn's Lick). Dec. 20. "Mrs. G. B. Hall, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Darwin, for a few months, left Saturday for her home in Dallas, Texas.
Mrs. Mark Gailbreath, little daughter, Mary, and sons, Baine and Frank, left on the Dudley to spend a few weeks with her parents at Celina, Texas. Her husband accompanied them as far as Nashville."
p. 3:2 (Haydensburgh). Dec. 19. "The 10th of December being Hon H A Crabtree's 50th anniversary, he celebrated it by giving to his relatives a birthday dinner."
p. 4:2 (no heading). "Morgan Wilhite and John Treadway shot and perhaps fatally wounded James and Holt Johnson, near Yankeetown, White county, on the 17th inst. The wounded boys are sons of Capt. Sam Johnson, a prominent citizen of the Calf Killer section of White county. The murderers, who are also quite young, are still at large."
p. 5:1 (Overton County. Crescent.) "Prof. A. H. Roberts and family, and J. B. McDonald and family returned from an extended visit in Kansas Sunday."
[Note: an item has been cut out of this page.]
Thursday, January 5, 1899
p. 2:1 (Military Experiences). "Previous to the mass meeting referred to in the last article, H. R. Richmond had learned of our volunteering and when the president issued his long delayed call he came from Nashville to join the boys from his home. Preferred to go with us than volunteer with the company to which he belonged, which he had intended to do. The first call for volunteers specified that the militia of the several states would be accepted first and if the state army organizations were insufficient, then new organizations would be created until the demands were met. Our State army responded so unanimously that no new companies had to be formed of the raw element of volunteers to complete the three regiments required, so there was nothing to hope for but to attach ourselves to one of the several companies as recruits. The regiments were full of companies, but scarcely a company had the minimum number of men (84). We talked to Mr. Richmond about this, and he volunteered to give us the advantage of his military experience by going to Nashville (at his own expense) and ascertaining what was the very best thing we could do. At Nashville he found company C, an organization that had volunteered, to be the weakest company of the first regiment, having only about 35 men. Taking advantage of their shortage of men, he set about to see what concessions that would make for us. After long talking and hard pressing he got them to agree that if we would fill up the company we could have the captain and half of the non-commissioned officers, proposing to retire their captain to first lieutenant and first lieutenant to second. Richmond telephoned the proposition to us and asked if we could comply. We answered that we would accept it cheerfully. It was at this point that we announced the patriotic mass meeting of April 29. Capt. Richmond returned on the morning of that day and we insisted upon his stating the proposition publicly as he understood it perhaps best. At the end of his remarks he announced his intention of coming before us as a candidate for Captain of Company C. Then for several minutes pandemonium reigned supreme. Several gentlemen who were present attacked the captain, and because they didn't understand the relations he sustained (I hope) to us, fairly 'ripped him up the back.' This had the effect of discouraging ???? a number who were here for the purpose of enlisting, and crippled us so sorely that we were unable to meet our part of the very liberal proposition of Capt. Law. However, when he learned of this unpleasant circumstance, he allowed us all the concessions he had made. (continued next week). I. X. I."
p. 2:2 (Overton County. Crescent.) "G. D. Booher and family who have been in Texas for six years passed through town last Friday on the way back to their old home, near Byrdstown. Mr. Booher said he had enough of Texas, and had already stayed there too long.
The home of our friend and townsman, Prof. A. H. Roberts, has been saddened by the death of their baby boy, which occurred last Wednesday night."
p. 2:2 (Putnam County. Press.) "It is with profound regret we announce the death of Mrs. Crawford Lewis which occurred last Saturday at her late home three miles west of this place after a brief illness. She was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Quarles, of this place."
p. 3:3 (Local and Personal). "Robert J. Swain, who has been a resident of this place for nearly two years as stenographer for Hon. G. B. Murry, left last week for Gainesville, Ga., where he has a position. . . .
Scipio Young has gone to Chapel Hill, Ky."
p. 3:4 (Our Picture Series. No. 4.) Henry Preston Loftis. "The above is a fairly good picture of one of Gainesboro's most popular physicians, and most highly esteemed citizens. He was born on Morrison's Creek, this county, December 17, 1855, and received his education principally at Gainesboro. He took a course in the Tennessee Medical School, at Nashville, and has practiced his profession about 16 years. He married Miss Julia Haile, September 5, 1878. They have one child -- Miss Edna. Dr. Loftis is a prominent Mason and Odd Fellow."
Thursday, January 12, 1899
p. 1:3 (no heading). "Columbus Williams, a prominent and respected farmer of White county, was accidentally killed last Saturday near his home, 8 miles north of Sparta. He was riding behind a wagon in which was a loaded shotgun, which was discharged in some way by the driver pulling the break. Mr. Williams has a son and other relatives residing in this county in the vicinity of Antioch."
p. 1:3 (no heading). "A. C. Washburn, of Chapel Hill, Ky., is visiting in town."
p. 3:3 (Overton County. Crescent.) "Geo. Parsons and family, who have been in Texas for 3 years passed through town Sunday on their home near Monroe.
Several of our young men have recently gone to Texas: Will Myers, John Lawbaugh, Will Sparkman, Albert Windle and George Dillon."
p. 3:3 (Putnam County. Citizen.) "We regret to announce the death, on Dec. 24th of Mrs. Lura Lewis, wife of C. P. Lewis and daughter of J. H. Quarles of this city."
p. 4:1 (McDearman). Jan. 9. "Lee Masters, of Texas, visited relatives and friends here the past week."
Thursday, January 19, 1899
p. 1:3 (Local and Personal). "Mrs. M. L. Gore and daughter, Miss Carrie, left Tuesday for Franklin, Ky., where the latter is undergoing medical treatment."
p. 6:1 (Overton County. Crescent.) "Walter Chapin left for Eddyville, Ky., last Saturday where he has accepted a position in the printing office. Our best wishes follow him.
Miss Hallie Windle returned home last Saturday after several months visiting in Illinois. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Florence Morgan, who will spend a few weeks here with relatives."
p. 8:2 (James H. Loftis). "James H. Loftis, formerly a well-known citizen and prominent businessman of Gainesboro and brother of our townsman, David Loftis, died on December 9, 1898, at his home in Rogers, Bell county, Texas, at the age of sixty years, having been born July 23, 1838, in Arkansas. He was raised in this county, and entered the mercantile business in Gainesboro, in 1876 and continued in that business part of the time as a partner with H. J. Harley until about 1884, when he left here and went to Kansas, where he lived for about two years, removing from there Belle county, Texas, where he was engaged in the mercantile business. He was stricken with paralysis in 1895 and again in 1897, becoming helpless and remaining in that condition until his death.
The family from which Mr. Loftis came is one of the oldest and most prominent in Jackson county, having been identified with its interests and connected with its history ever since the foundation of the county.
The father and mother of the subject of this sketch, William Loftis and Elizabeth Loveall, were married April 3, 1828. William Loftis was born May 1, 1801, and died February 16, 1875. Elizabeth Loftis was born March 10, 1802, and died December 9, 1874, exactly 24 years before the death of their son, the subject of this sketch. They had born to them nine children, four boys and five girls, to-wit: J. P. Loftis, age 70, now living in Texas; Mrs. Malinda Loftis, age 68, now living in Mo.; David Loftis, age 66, living in Gainesboro; Mrs. Nancy Maberry, age 64, now living in Mo.; Laborn Loftis, age 63, now living in Nashville; Jas. H. Loftis, who died in Texas; Mrs. S. E. Chaffin, age 58, now living in Kansas; Mrs. R. M. Loftis, age 55, now living in Mo.; Mrs. P. M. Harley, age 52, now living in Nashville. As will be seen from the above list all the children are yet living except one.
J. H. Loftis was married to Nannie Johnson August 9, 1880, and his wife and three boys survive him. Some time in October 1872, William Loftis and wife, who were living on Morrison's Creek, had with them at dinner all their children and all their grandchildren except one. All the nine children of William and Elizabeth Loftis were together at dinner, all eating at the same table at Logan H. Loftis' in Ozark county, Mo. On September 20, 1894. It was a reunion of brothers and sisters who had been separated for more than 20 years. Henry P. Loftis."
Thursday, January 26, 1899
p. 1:3 (Local and Personal). "Mrs. B. A. Butler is visiting relatives at Chapel Hill, Ky.
Miss Rettie Kelly left Tuesday morning for Chapel Hill, Ky., to visit her sister, Mrs. Washburn, at that place."
p. 1:4 (Our Picture Ser
[accidentally deleted portion] does reasonable justice to one of Gainesboro's popular citizens. He was born May 16, 1834, in this county, and was married August 31, 1858, to Miss P. M. Davidson. To this union four children were born, two of whom survive -- Dr. S. H. Minor, of this place, and B. S. Minor, of Celina. He entered the Confederate service at the beginning of the war and served through the entire struggle. Dr. Minor has been engaged in the drug business here over 22 years. He is a prominent Mason and member of the Christian church. He is a man of rigid integrity and high principles, and a more genial, whole-souled gentleman would be hard to find."
p. 3:3 (Flynn's Lick). Jan. 23. "Dr. H. L. Baugh is visiting his father in Kentucky, who is quite sick."
p. 8:1 (Putnam County. Cookeville Press.) "The case of the State against Tex Tucker for the murder of Fred Young was taken up in the Supreme court last week and the verdict of the lower court was reversed. The case comes back for trial."
p. 8:1 (Overton County. Livingston Crescent.) "R. E. Gilliland passed through town Thursday enroute to Mouth of Wolf, his former home. He has been located in Texas for 2 years and is visiting home folks. His sister, Miss Lillie, will accompany him back to Texas."
Thursday, February 2, 1899
p. 1:3 (Local and Personal). "Luke P. Gillem, Sr., a prominent and excellent citizen of Putnam county, residing near Bloomington, was killed last Monday afternoon while cutting down a large tree, from which a limb fell inflicting injuries upon Mr. Gillem from which he died in about two hours. He leaves a wife and several children. He was a member of the Masonic lodge at this place, and will be sadly missed by the community in which he lived."
p. 1:4 (Our Picture Series. No. 6.) Geo. Bancroft Murray. The subject of this sketch is fairly represented in the above picture. He was born in this county December 15, 1853, and married to Miss Evelyn Flippin, of Smith county, June 24, 1873. He graduated at St. Mary's College, Ky., in 1869, and also from the law department of Cumberland University, Lebanon, in 1873. He is recognized as one of the ablest lawyers in the State and has an extended practice, especially throughout the upper country. As an orator he has few equals, and is a genial and polished gentleman. He has five children -- four sons and one daughter."
p. 1:4 (no heading - continuation of Local and Personal?). "W. T. Rector, a highly respected and well-known citizen, living in Gibson's Hollow, one mile south west of Gainesboro, died Saturday after a lingering illness of several months. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn their loss. He was buried Sunday evening at the Young grave yard on top of Doe Creek Hill."
[p. 2:3 (A Poor School.) Mrs. Strongmind--I am afraid that women's college I am sending my daughter to doesn't amount to much.
Friend--It is a very famous institution.
Mrs. Strongmind--So I had heard; but my daughter has been there three years and she doesn't look or talk or act like a man yet.]
p. 5:3 (Putnam County. Cookeville Citizen). "Lat Holladay, who has been in Texas for the past year, returned to Cookeville last Saturday.
Miss Sallie Ford left Tuesday for an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. O. R. Rauchfuss, of Milwaukee, Wis."
p. 8:1 (Flynn's Lick). "Mrs. Mark Gailbreath, who is visiting in Texas, is expected home next week."
Thursday, February 9, 1899
p. 1:3 (Non-resident Notice). Logan R. Dyer v. Jones Chaffin et al. Defendants Jas. Fitzgerald, Joseph Fitzgerald, Theo. Kirkpatrick, John Kirkpatrick and Sallie Kirkpatrick are non-residents of the State of Tennessee.
[Sentinel is just 6 months old this week.]
p. 5:3 (Putnam County. Cookeville Press.) "Last Saturday morning Mrs. C. N. Wheeler breathed her last at her home in this place surrounded by her family and a few friends. Mrs. Wheeler had been in poor health for many years, during which time she suffered untold agonies, but bore it all with a Christian fortitude that was wonderful."
p. 5:3 (Overton County. Livingston Crescent.) "Henry Hussey, who we reported last week as being very low, died early Thursday morning. He was an old and respected citizen, and had many friends."
p. 5:3 (no heading). "Hyram Hall, who murdered his girl wife aged 15 and to whom he had been married less than a year, will be hanged at Crossville, March 13. He confessed the crime. It will be the first execution in the history of Cumberland county."
p. 8:1 (Rough Point). "One of our prominent young men, Mr. Willie Bohanon, left for Texas a few days ago."
Thursday, February 16, 1899
p. 1:3 (Local and Personal). "The four month's old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Fuqua, living near town, was found dead in bed last Monday morning.
Mrs. B. A. Butler and children and Miss Rettie Kelly have returned from a visit to relatives at Chapel Hill, Ky."
p. 4:2 Note: an item has been cut from this page.
p. 5:3 (Gabbatha). "Eld. J. P. White, who recently returned from Colorado, preached an interesting sermon here on the 4th Lord's day in Jan."
p. 5:4 (Putnam County. Cookeville Citizen.) "Mrs. Crawford, who has been making her home at William Smoot's the past year, died last Thursday."
Thursday, February 23, 1899
p. 1:4 (Local and Personal). "Mr. J. Virgil Pistol and wife, of Franklin, Ky., were in Gainesboro Tuesday."
p. 5:4 (no heading). "Mrs. Rebecca Kernell, a very old and highly respected lady, of the Rough Point neighborhood, died last Saturday night after a lingering illness of many months. She was almost one hundred years of age."
Thursday, March 2, 1899
p. 1:1 (no heading). "Parm Spivey, of Hurricane district, an old and esteemed citizen, died Tuesday night of pneumonia fever."
p. 1:4 (Local and Personal). "James Allen, a highly and esteemed citizen residing one mile west of town, died last Friday from an attack of pneumonia. He was about 55 years of age. He leaves a wife and several children.
Paul Young, who has been at Chapel Hill, Ky., for some time, returned home last week."
p. 3:4 (Overton [County]. Livingston Crescent.) "Bob Gilliland and sisters, Lillie, Mag and May, passed through town enroute to Texas Friday. Mr. Gilliland has been visiting relatives at Lillydale for a month.
Willie Brown, son of James Brown, deceased, died at the old homestead near Allons last Friday night. He had consumption. Matt Coffman of the same neighborhood died last Thursday evening."
p. 3:4 (Putnam [County]. Cookeville Citizen.) "We have heard of the death of Mrs. Pointer, mother of James Pointer. She was quite old and a much respected lady, and we are sorry we could not learn more to give a full account of her death.
Hon. Josiah Jared, one of the most prominent and popular citizens of Putnam county, died last Wednesday night at his home in Rock Spring Valley. He was born Sept. 14, 1815, and had attained the ripe old age of eighty three years. His father was a Virginian and a soldier in the Revolutionary war, being at Yorktown when Cornwallis surrendered."
p. 4:1 (Meagsville). "Mrs. Bettie Ann Scantling, aged about 76 years, died last Monday."
Thursday, March 9, 1899
p. 1:4 (no heading). "Dr. G E Speck, of Livingston, a popular and well known medical student, died at Nashville last week."
p. 1:6 (Gabbatha). "Mrs. Jim Smith died Friday, and we extend to the bereaved ones our sympathy.
Mrs. Viola Kirkpatrick and 3 children from Texas are visiting her sisters, Miss Sarah Kirkpatrick and Mrs. Whitefield."
p. 5:3 (Cookeville Citizen). "Mr. Ellis died at his home in the 16th district Saturday with old age. He was in his 86th year."
p. 5:4 (no heading). "Died Thursday, February 9, 1899, the wife of David F. Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Darwin and our most precious sister, Eugenia, whose great soul left the 'narrow confines of its prison house of clay' and winged its way from earth to heaven to join the other link -- our young brother, Dr. T. F. Darwin, who left us five months previous, tearing our heart strings with his going.
She was 27 years, five months and 17 days old, and the mother of two sweet children. At the age of 15 she gave her heart to God, uniting with the Christian church at Flynn's Lick. . . . For eight weeks she lay in bed, her bright life fading away, but bearing her suffering with unspeakable patience. . . . I reached her bedside just five days before the end came. She spoke of our merry childhood and of the never ending eternity where we all would be united 'beyond this vale of tears.' With tearful eyes we stood around her bedside Thursday evening and heard her tell us that she was dying, breathing a prayer to the Lord. . . . Mrs. G. B. Hall."
Thursday, March 16, 1899
p. 1:3 (no heading - appears to be Local and Personal). "Chas. Howard, who was shot by Norman Hickey in White county last week, died Monday.
[p. 1:4] Scipio Young, of Chapel Hill, Ky., is visiting relatives here."
p. 8:1 (Granville). "George Hollemon, one of the oldest citizens of Granville, died last Friday night from injuries received in a fall some weeks ago. He was over 82 years old, and leaves a wife, one son and five daughters. Rev. Carden conducted the funeral services.
Gaily Lundy, who has been attending a medical school at Atlanta, Ga., is at home."
p. 8:2 (Non-resident Notice). Joshua Haile v. W. C. Young et als. Chancery Court of Jackson County. Defendant W. C. Young is a non-resident of the state of Tennessee.
p. 8:2 (Non-resident Notice). B. C. Spivey and H. B. Spivey v. Henry Lancaster et al. Chancery Court. Defendant Sam Dodson is a non-resident of the state of Tennessee.
p. 8:2 (Non-resident Notice). Wade U. McCoin [next week's entry says Wade H. McCoin] v. J. H. Smith et al. Defendants T. P. Evans and John Stean are residents of the state of Kentucky.
Thursday, March 23, 1899
p. 1:3 (Rough Point). "Mrs. R. K. Forkum, after a lingering illness, died last week."
p. 1:4 (no heading - appears to be local news). "Horace G. Young, of Chapel Hill, Ky., is here this week."
p. 4:2 (Clay Reeves Stafford). "Last Saturday, Clay, the ten year old son of J. H. Stafford, living about 3 miles from this place, was seized with convulsions, and despite all that medical skill could do he died late the same afternoon. He had only been feeling bad the day before and nothing serious was expected. Doctors Fowler and McCoin were present and pronounced the trouble congestion of the brain. He was a bright and promising youth and was idolized by the entire family, who are almost prostrated over the sad and unexpected event. The remains were interred at the family cemetery Sunday."
p. 5:4 (Granville). "Dr. B. L. Simmons, who has been teaching in the Georgia Eclectic college, at Atlanta, has returned home."
p. 8:1 (Celina). "Mrs. S. A. Hall, a very estimable lady, died at her home here last Wednesday after an illness of three or four months. She was about 75 years of age.
Mrs. Lizzie Martin, of Oklahoma, is here visiting relatives."
Thursday, March 30, 1899
p. 1:2 (no heading). "Horace Young has returned to his home at Chapel Hill, Ky."
p. 1:2 (Celina). "Mrs. P. S. Martin, who has been visiting here some time, returned to her home at Guthrie, Oklahoma, last week. Her daughter, Miss Maud, accompanied her."
p. 1:4 (no heading). "D. W. Cullom, of Celina, one of the best known citizens of the upper country, died at his home rather suddenly last Friday after noon about five o'clock. He was ill only a few hours, and the attending physicians pronounced the cause to be congestion of the lower brain. He was buried at the Hall cemetery about 8 miles from Celina. He was about 50 years of age, a man of strict integrity, and a popular and valued citizen, who will be sadly missed by the entire community. He leaves a wife and four children."
p. 8:1 (Flynn's Lick). "G. B. Hall, of Dallas, Texas, is expected in the first of April."
p. 8:2 (Non Resident Notice
Thursday, April 6, 1899
p. 1:2 (no heading). "Judge E. L. Gardenhire, of Butler's Landing, Clay county, passed over to the higher life last Tuesday, after a lingering illness of several weeks. He was in his 85th year, and was perhaps the oldest and most distinguished lawyer of the Upper Cumberland Valley. . . . His mortal remains were buried Friday near his home at Butler's Landing."
p. 1:2 (no heading). "We are in receipt of a communication from West Plains, Mo., announcing the death of H. L. Smith, at that place, on the 30th, ult. He left Jackson county in the spring of 1886. His father, three brothers and a sister reside in the 15th district of this county. He leaves a wife and seven children."
p. 1:4 (no heading). "Born to spirit life on the 29th, ult., Miss Maud Young, eldest daughter of the late Judge M. B. Young. Miss Maud was just at the height of happy girlhood full of promise and adorned with all the jewels of womanly purity and loveliness, when that dread destroyer, consumption, laid his withering touch upon her mortal form. . . . For several months she was confined to her room at the residence of her uncle, Esq. N. B. Young, at this place, where she was tenderly cared for. Her remains were interred at the cemetery near the Christian church."
p. 4:3 (Cookeville Press). "L. D. Perkins is selling out his household goods and is otherwise preparing to leave for Los Angeles, Cal., where he expects to make his future home."
p. 7:1 (Henry J. Harley). "Having learned that my former neighbor, Henry J. Harley, is an applicant for coal oil inspector of Nashville, I take this method of giving a short history of the man from my own personal knowledge. He was born in Jackson county, Tenn., of humble but respectable and honorable parentage, deprived of advantages on account of poverty. He engaged in farming from boyhood up to the breaking out of the civil war, when he cast his lot with the confederate army, serving throughout the four years of the memorable conflict. At the reorganization of the army at Corinth, Miss., he was made First Lieutenant of his company. Returning home in 1865, having in the meantime married, he found himself the poor but proud possessor of a wife and two little children, nothing else. Not discouraged, he went to work for his neighbors by the day for support for his family and widowed mother, his father having died during the war. In 1874 he made the canvass for clerk of the county court; being successful, was again elected in 1878. Resigning in 1880, he moved to Nashville and engaged with Philipps, Buttorff & Company as traveling salesman, continuing with them several years. He is at present manager of the Broad Street Stove & Tinware Co., of Nashville, and no man employs a larger personal and business following wherever known. He is a member of high standing in the christian church and S. S. Stanton Bivouac of confederate soldiers, also an honored member of the highest standing in that ancient and honorable order of Free and Accepted Masons. . . . M. L. Gore."
Thursday, April 13, 1899
p. 1:3 (no heading). "Mrs. Baugh, of Jamestown, Ky., is the guest of Mrs. Nettie Draper this week.
The 18 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Carlisle, near town, died Monday morning.
Miss Margaret Cooke, a popular young lady, well known in Gainesboro, died at her home in Nashville last week. Her remains were brought to Double Springs for burial."
p. 1:4 (no heading). "Rowland Terry, a prominent and popular citizen of Granville, died last Monday night, after a protracted illness. He was 68 years of age. He leaves a wife; no children."
p. 4:2 (Cookeville Press). "Information reached here first of the week that James Smith had shot Clay Braswell at Silver Point, and the wound was considered fatal.
Mrs. Trogden, mother of Mrs. Geo. H. Morgan and Mrs. Donelson, of this place, died last night at 10 o'clock at the home of her son-in-law, Judge Geo. H. Morgan, after a five days illness with the grip."
p. 4:3 (Non-resident Notice). Andrew Rush et als vs. Mary Way, et al. Chancer court. Defendant Hezekiah Way is a non-resident of the State of Tennessee and a resident of the State of Kansas.
p. 4:3 (Non-resident Notice). Harvey Pharris et al v. Asa Lynn et al. Chancery court. Defendant Thomas Harris is a citizen of Kentucky.
p. 8:1 (no heading). "Mrs. Josie Lane, wife of L. P. Lane, living near town, died early Tuesday morning, from consumption. Her remains were carried to Oak Hill Overton county, for interment. She was about 35 years of age and a most estimable lady. She leaves a husband and a little daughter."
p. 8:1 (Non-resident Notice). Jno S. Botts v. Geo. W. Clements, et al. Chancery at Celina, Clay Co. Tenn. Defendants Louis McQuown and wife Dora McQuown, E. T. Ellison and wife, Elizabeth Ellison, Wood Huff and wife Agness K. Huff and H. C. Pedigo and wife Ella Louis [sic] Pedigo are non residents of the State of Tennessee and are resident citizens of Barren county, Ky.
Thursday, April 20, 1899
p. 1:3 (no heading). "Tom D. Young, son of James L. Young, living in Talley's Hollow, near town, died last Thursday night, after a short illness with fever. He was about 22 years of age and leaves a bride of about four months."
p. 1:4 (no heading). "Scipio Young left yesterday for Bowling Green, Ky.
Miss Cora James, of Akron, Ark., is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. W. Robinson, of this place.
C. E. Reeves, affectionately known by a large circle of friends as "Uncle Charley," is back at home after spending several months in Texas with his sons John and William."
p. 5:4 (Cookeville Press). "W. E. Levessey, an aged and respected farmer, died at his home north of this place last Friday.
John Chilcut, who left this place some months ago for California, has returned to Memphis where he has been quite ill."
Thursday, April 27, 1899
p. 1:3 (no heading). "Miss Cora James left Sunday for her home at Akron, Ark. L. B. Anderson, of this place, accompanied her as far as Nashville.
Elias Gaw, one of the pioneers of Jackson county and an honored and highly esteemed citizen, died at his home 2 1/2 miles north of Gainesboro last Friday about 12 o'clock. He was 83 years of age and raised a family of thirteen children, among them Mrs. Emily Gibson, of this place. His remains were interred at the family cemetery Saturday."
p. 1:4 (no heading). "James Williams, of Newtonia, Mo., is here visiting his brother, Thos. J. Williams. He is accompanied by his son, William, of Monette, Mo.
Mrs. Millie Gore, colored, of Cedar Grove, this county, died last Friday. She was probably the oldest person in the county, being over 110 years age. [sic]
Miss Mattie Butler, who has been in Texas for some time, has returned to this place."
Thursday, May 4, 1899
p. 1:2 (Gabbatha). "Henry and Narl [sic] Chaffin attended the burial of their sister, Mrs. Sewell Chaffin, on Flynn's [Flynals'?] Creek, last week."
p. 4:1 (Shot His Wife). "Wayman Richardson, of the 9th district of this county, shot and perhaps fatally wounded his wife last Wednesday night. Bad feeling had existed between them for some time and it seems that a quarrel arose after they had retired. Richardson had a pistol under his pillow, and with this he inflicted two serious wounds upon his wife -- one in the arm and other in the left breast. Neighbors were attracted by the shots and crying of the children, and the would-be murderer was detained in the house until Constable W. A. Overton could arrive and place him under arrest. He was brought to Gainesboro Thursday morning and placed in jail. The woman is not expected to live." [Note: issue of July 13: "Wayman Richardon, charged with attempting to murder his wife, was allowed to make bond for his appearance in the sum of $500."]
p. 5:4 (Haydensburgh, April 24.) "Death visited this place last Friday night and claimed as its victim one of our old citizens and friend, Asbery Forkum, who had been ill for quite awhile. His remains were deposited in the graveyard at T. J. Forkum's Sunday. Many of his friends and relatives were present to pay to him the last tribute of respect, Brother J. A. Craighood conducting the services."
Thursday, May 11, 1899
p. 1:1 (no heading). "A. G. Keith died at his home on Jennings' Creek last Saturday. Esq. Keith was a well known and excellent citizen and his loss is greatly deplored."
p. 1:2 (Granville). "Wayne Calhoun, while crossing the back water near Rome, Smith County, fell off his horse and was drowned."
p. 1:4 (no heading). "Mrs. W. T. Comer and children, of Horse Cave, Ky., have been here several days visiting relatives. She is a daughter of Charles E. Reeves, Sr.
Dr. T. H. Haile and wife, of Kentucky, and Misses Pearl Barksdale and Irene Richardson, of Celina, were here the past week visiting at Dr. H. P. Loftis'."
p. 5:3 (Putnam County. The Cookeville Press.) "Last Tuesday about noon, the daughter of Mr. John King, who lives three miles north east of this place, while out in the field with her father who was burning brush, got her dress on fire by going too near a burning heap. She ran to her father who was a hundred yards distant, and he attempted to tear her burning clothes off, but he did not succeed in doing so until she had been frightfully burned. It was a horrible sight, and she suffered intense agony for twelve hours, when she died.
Last Friday, at her home two miles east of town, Mrs. Harriet L. Terry, widow of the late Wash Terry, died after a protracted illness."
p. 8:1 (Murders in Putnam). "On the night of May 3, at Mine Lick Station, Putnam county, Peter McGuffy was shot and instantly killed by Walter Tucker and Grant Jones. An eye witness states that it was a cold-blooded and unprovoked murder. McGuffy was sitting on the depot platform when Tucker and Jones came up and began shooting at him. They were arrested and placed in jail at Cookeville early next morning.
Thursday, May 18, 1899
p. 1:3 (no heading). "G. W. Hampton left Monday for Springfield, Mo., to spend a few weeks with relatives.
Alfred Gore, of this county, who was in the Fourth Tennessee regiment, mustered out at Savannah a few days ago, went to Texas to locate.
James and Will Williams, of Newtonia, Mo., left for their western home last Monday, after spending two or three weeks here visiting Thos. J. Williams."
p. 4:2 (Putnam County. The Cookeville Press). "All of this week and part of last week was consumed with the case of the State against James, Clay and Claude Braswell for the murder of Giles Bradford. The jury returned a verdict of murder in the second degree and fixed the punishment of each of the defendants at fifteen years in the penitentiary. [Subsequent issue reports that the verdict was set aside and a new trial granted.]
Chas. Isom, whom Wayman Isom and Perry Essex swore killed constable R. H. Jared, near Bloomington July 4, 1896, and who has since been in parts unknown, came in and surrendered himself and was admitted to bail in the sum of $5,000."
Thursday, May 25, 1899
p. 1:3 (no heading). "Mrs. W. S. McClain and son, Victor, left on the Dudley Monday morning to spend the summer with relatives at Lansing, Michigan. The editor accompanied them as far as Nashville."
Thursday, June 1, 1899
p. 1:4 (Granville). "Fred T. Wilson and W. Thomas Carden will leave in a few days to visit relatives at Montecello, Ky."
p. 4:2 (Decoration Services). "About twenty members of Gainesboro Lodge, I. O. O. F., went up on Roaring river to the home of Capt. M. L. Gore last Sunday and observed the beautiful memorial service of the Order, decorating the grave of their deceased brother, M. D. Gore, with floral offerings. A large crowd of friends and neighbors were present. Most of the Gainesboro people were sumptuously entertained at dinner at the hospitable homes of Capt. Gore and Mr. Andrew Johnson."
p. 5:4 (Putnam County. The Cookeville Press). "Charley Daniels, who lives half way between this place and Double Spring, shot himself with a rifle, there this morning. The cause for his rash act was said to be caused from the fact that he was deeply in love with a young lady who was not so deeply impressed with his wooings."
p. 8:1 (Haydenburg). May 27. "Marion Richardson, who has been in Texas for the past 15 years, is again located with us, and is teaching school at this place."
Thursday, June 8, 1899
p. 1:all columns (advertisement) (Death Claims paid by the Equitable Life in Smith and Jackson Counties, Tennessee, since January 1, 1898.):
Name Address Amount Paid In
- J. D. Estes, Elmwood, $1,000.00 $111.80
- Taylor Rollins, New Middleton, 1,000.00 54.45
- Gabe Timberlalke[sicElmwood, 1,000.00 19.62
- Frank Cooper, Sr., Granville, 4,000.00 211.64
- W. T. Rector, Gainesboro, 5,000.00 221.40
- W. D. Fisher, Carthage, 2,000.00 261.00
- Osco Smith, Gainesboro, 3,000.00 81.50
- Profit Premiums Paid.
- 888.20 2
- 945.55 1
- 980.38 1
- 3,788.36 1
- 4,778.60 2
- 1,739.00 5
- 2,918.50 1
p. 1:1 (no heading). "Walter C. Anderson, who has been teaching school at Alvorado, Texas, returned home last Monday to spend a few days.
G. W. Hampton returned home last Friday night from Springfield, Mo., where he spent some three weeks very pleasantly visiting his father and family. He is favorably impressed with the great West."
p. 1:3 (no heading). "Mrs. A. C. Washburn and children and Maggie Stamps, Bowling Green, Ky., are visiting here.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McDearman and wife, last Friday, a son, which lived only a few minutes."
p. 4:2 (no heading). "J. G. Howell, a well known citizen and attorney at law of the 3d district, tells us that his only grand child, a very promising youngster, has more living fore parents than probably can be found in another family in the county. Its grand parents and great grand parents are all yet living and within a radius of about four miles."
p. 5:4 (Putnam County. The Cookeville Press). "Mrs. Frank McLaughlin died at her home here Sunday from lung trouble. She was a daughter of Mrs. Hutzell.
The committee to see to preparing the grave of A. Lawbaugh for decoration, deemed it prudent to remove the remains to a lot in the cemetery belonging to the lodge. When the grave was opened and the top of the box removed, there lay the collar and the three links and several sprigs of cedar on top of the coffin, and strange to say the coffin was in a fine state of preservation, having been buried May 7, 1881, 18 years, so much so that the committee were satisfied to use it in reinterment. The grave will have tombstones, and the lot will be enclosed with a neat wire fence at the expense of the lodge -- Odd Fellows.
Monroe Smith, of the Williamette Valley, Oregon, is visiting his father, J. G. Smith, of Quiz. He has not been in Tennessee before in 18 years."
p. 8:1 (Non-resident Notice). Ida Britton v. J. L. Britton. Bill for Divorce. Defendant J. L. Britton is a non-resident of the State of Tennessee.
p. 8:2 (Clay County. Clay County Tribune). "Captain Hull's company, 4th Tennessee, who were in Cuba a short time, lost only three members from disease, and who died at Trinidad, Cuba, viz: Wm McQurry [sic], Bud Wright, and John Looney. John Shootman was killed by a provost guard at Knoxville prior to the departure of the regiment for the queen of the Antilles. Forty five men of Captain Hull's company were from Clay county."
Note: issue of June 15, 1899 is missing.
Thursday, June 22, 1899
p. 1:1 (no heading). "Dr. Donoho and wife, of Sherman, Texas, have been visiting relatives here this week.
R. L. Stephens and family, of Plano, Texas, and Judge W. T. Smith, of Sparta, visited a few days at Clay Reeves' the past week. Mr. Stephens and family have gone to Thompkinsville, Ky., to visit relatives. Judge Smith proceeded on to Celina to open court."
p. 5:4 (Clay County. Tribune.) "Mrs. Mary A. Peterson and her neice, Pearl Napper have returned home after a few weeks pleasant visit to relatives at Parson, Illinois."
p. 5:4 (Putnam County. The Cookeville Press). "Last Friday morning at his home in Cookeville, Dr. J. P. Martin quietly breathed his last. A few days before he was struck by paralysis, he never regained his strength, and was only able to speak a few disconnected sentences.
Mrs. A. M. Wommack, died at her home in west side last Tuesday. She has been lingering some time with consumption."
p. 8:1 (Granville). "The little child of Geo. Lee died yesterday."
Thursday, June 29, 1899
p. 1:1 (no heading). "John D. Lowe and family, of Columbia, Ky., are here this week visiting relatives.
Miss Flora Bilbrey left Tuesday for Gamaliel, Ky., where she will take charge of a class in music."
p. 1:1 (no heading). "Jeremiah Whetstone, a prominent citizen of the 6th district, died suddenly of heart disease while eating his dinner last Tuesday. Mr. Whetstone was about 70 years of age and a native of Indiana. He was a captain in the Federal army during the Civil War, and leaves a wide circle of friends. He was an excellent citizen and a good man in every respect. He leaves a wife and several grown children. He was no doubt the tallest man in the county, measuring considerably over seven feet."
p. 1:3 (no heading). "John Richardson, aged about 40, of near Highland, died last Saturday. He leaves a large family." [Note: on page 6, under Highland: "John Richardson, suffering from Brights disease, is not expected to live but a short while."]
p. 5:2 (Clay County. Tribune). "Robt. Nivins, who lived on Neeley's Creek, four miles north est of Celina, died of consumption last Sunday morning at four o'clock."
p. 6:3 (Putnam County. The Cookeville Press.) "Invitations have been issued to the marriage of Miss Nora Lee, of Cookeville, and Mr. R. A. Jones, of Georgia, which will take place in the Cumberland Presbyterian church at Cookeville Wednesday morning, June 28. After Aug. 1st, Mr. and Mrs. Jones will be at home to their friends at Eatonton, Ga.
Last Tuesday at noon the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Smith was made desolate by the death of their only son, Norman. He had been sick only a few days of appendicitis. . . .
Mr. H. I. Swarthout is in the Indian Territory where he has a position erecting telephone lines."
Thursday, July 6, 1899
p. 1:1 (no heading). "John D. Lowe and family returned to their home at Columbia, Ky., Tuesday."
p. 1:1 (no heading). "The wife of Marsh Meadows, of Flynn's Lick, died Tuesday night."
p. 4:1 (no heading). "Mrs. W. C. Lowry died at Celina last week after a long illness with cancer. She was a sister of Dr. S. B. Fowler, of this place, who remained at her bedside for about two weeks before the end came. She leaves a husband and five children."
p. 4:1 (Clay County. Tribune.) "Mrs. Mary A. Peterman returned to her home near Celina, after a prolonged and pleasant visit to her sister, near Carbondale, Illinois.
Mrs. Nancy Vaughan, wife of Steve Vaughan, who lives on West Fork, Overton county, committed suicide by hanging herself last Sunday. She was 60[?] years of age. Some time ago her home place was sold; since which time she has been brooding over the matter until her mind became unbalanced with the above result."
Thursday, July 13, 1899
p. 4:1 (Granville). "The many friends of John Shepherd, of Enigma, were grieved to hear of his death which occurred last Thursday. He was buried near Rome."
Thursday, July 20, 1899
p. 4:2 (Putnam County. The Cookeville Press.). "Mrs. Sallie, wife of Judge L. D. Bohannon, died at her home here Sunday. Mrs. Bohannon has been in feeble health for some time, but her death was not expected so soon. She leaves a husband and four small children, who surely have the deepest sympathy of every one. The remains were laid to rest in the Goodbar grave yard, 5 miles south of town. -- Overton County Enterprise."
p. 4:4 (Clay County. Tribune.) "Nym Scott was tried and bound to court this week by Justices I. H. Mitchell and D. Beets, charged with the killing of his wife."
Thursday, July 27, 1899
p. 1:1 (no heading). "W. S. McClain returned from Nashville Sunday, accompanied by his wife and baby, who have been visiting relatives near Lansing, Michigan, for the past two months.
Mattie Lee, daughter of H. L. and Mary A. McDearman, of this place, died last Monday at 10:30 o'clock a.m., aged about 3 1/2 years. The remains were interred Tuesday at the family cemetery near M. L. Gore's, on Roaring River. She had been quite ill for several weeks. . . ."
p. 1:2 (Flynn's Lick). "Mrs. Julia Wills, of St. Louis, and Mrs. Rogers, of Arkansas, are visiting relatives here this week."
p. 5:3 (Clay County. Tribune.) "W. C. Johnson, of Vernon, Texas, but formerly of Celina and a splendid sprig of Clay county production, reached his old quarters Monday last."
Thursday, August 3, 1899
p. 4:2 (Clay County. Tribune.) "C. J. Roberts and John H. Stone are preparing to emigrate to Texas. Their old chum, J. K. Pondexter, will hie away to Missouri, to do duty in the lead mining regions.
July 21, 12:15 a.m., at the residence of Dr. J. T. McColgan, of Arcot, Mr. Bernice B. Williamson, aged 39 years, died of collapse from rupture of Hegatic Abscess.
Mr. Williamson has for many years been a traveling salesman and has many friends all through the South and West who will be grieved to hear of his untimely demise."
p. 4:2 (Butler's Landing). "D. C. Mitchell returned from Glasgow, Ky., Saturday.
Miss Gertrude Whitefield accompanied by Mr. L. S. Anderson, attended the burial of her little sister at Gabbatha, last week."
p. 5:4 (Putnam County. Cookeville Press.) "Mrs. Maud McCarrell, of Charleston, S. C., died last evening at 8 o'clock at the home of her mother Mrs. Pauline Mills at this place. She has been ill for some months with lung trouble, and her death was expected at any time.
Tuesday morning Mr. Byrd Nichols was instantly killed while logging near his home not far from Boma. He was loading a heavy log, when it became unmanageable and rolled back on the 'skids' passing over Mr. Nichols' body. He was a brother of Mrs. J. W. Puckett of this place, and was a splendid young gentleman. [Note: also a notice that J. W. Pickett, of Gainesboro, Tenn., has made a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors.]
p. 8:2 (no heading). "There will be an election held in the 14th district next Saturday to fill out the unexpired term of Henry Ramsey, deceased. G. W. Dixon and S. L. Pate are avowed candidates."
Thursday, August 10, 1899
p. 1: Note: an item has been cut out of this page.
p. 1:1 (no heading). "James Young and wife, of near Franklin, Ky., are visiting relatives in this vicinity.
Byrd Stafford and wife, of Texas, are visiting the family of her father, F. P. Buchanan, near town."
p. 1:4 (Rough Point). "Mr. Jas. Rogers, of Walnut Ridge, Ky., and Mrs. Julia Wills, of St. Louis, Mo., are visiting relatives in this section."
p. 5:4 (Putnam County. Cookeville Press.) "J. K. P. Jones died at his home four miles east of here last Monday. Mr. Jones was a well known citizen and prosperous farmer.
Mrs. Isham Burgess died at her home in Double Springs Saturday. She had slow fever."
Thursday, August 17, 1899
Part I, p. 2:2 (Putnam County. The Cookeville Press.) "Mr. P. C. Shields, who has been connected with the Press typographical force severl years, has gone to Hopkinsville, Ky., to accept a position as foreman of the Kentuckian. . . .
Last night Sheriff Alcorn and Constable Judd of this place in company with Sheriff Parker of Clay county and a Deputy from Cumberland county, Ky., went to the home of Wm. Miller on Calfkiller for the purpose of arresting his brother in law, J. Short, who is wanted in Kentucky for cutting a man's throat. Arriving at the place, they made known their wants, when to their surprise a man crawled out from under the porch and made for the woods. The officers fired on him, and he surrendered. He proved to be Miller. The officers ran back to the house just in time to bag Short, who was preparing to slope. They brought Short to Cookeville, from whence he will be taken to Kentucky."
Part II, p. 1:1 (no heading). "J. J. Lee, a deputy sheriff of Putnam county, fell over a precipice 75 feet high, near Monterey, on the night of the 9th inst., and was killed. His body was not found until Friday."
p. 1:2 (Clay County. Tribune.) "C. J. Roberts of this place, left his home Aug. 1st for the great Lone Star State."
Note: some pages appear to be missing.
Thursday, August 24, 1899 - no entries.
Thursday, August 31, 1899
Part 1, p. 2:2-4 (advertisement) (An Interesting Letter) Mrs. Sallie Hart, Carthage, Tenn., August 8, 1899. To local agents of The Equitable Life Assurance Company of the U.S. "Dear Sirs and Friends:--Allow me to thank you, as agents for the Equitable Life Insurance Co., for your promptness in paying off the policy my husband (the late H. E. Hart, M.D.) held in your company. He had only been insured about four months and not even paid the first installment on his policy, as he had given you his note for first installment, you paying the company the amount, the note not yet due. . . ."
Part 2, p. 2:2 (Putnam County. Cookeville Press.) "Miss Eugenia Matheney, daughter of L. Matheney, died last Sunday after lingering several months with consumption.
Mrs. Daniel Ray died at her home near this place yesterday after an illness with slow fever. She had only been married for a few months. She was a daughter of Winfield Burgess, and a most excellent lady, a devout Christian and dutiful wife."
p. 6:3 (Whitleyville). "E. B. Carlisle and family and Sam Merritt and family will start for Arkansas to day. Their many friends wish them success."
Thursday, September 7, 1899
[In August, marriage licenses: Frank Anderson to Martha Thaxton]
Part 1, p. 2:1 (Putnam County. Cookeville Press.) "Esq. C. R. Ford celebrated his nintieth birthday last Saturday. He is in perfect health and in possession of all his faculties, and is good for many years of life. Esq. Ford has as many friends as any man in this part of Tennessee, who rejoice with him at his long lease of life and usefulness."
Part 2, p. 1:1 (Joshua Haile Dead). "Joshua haile, an honored citizen of Gainesboro, and an able and well-known member of the bar at this place, died last Friday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock. Mr. Haile was about 59 years of age, an old Confederate soldier, and had been an invalid for several years. He was never married, but leaves several brothers and sisters residing in this State and Texas, among them Mrs. J. K. Richmond, of Nashville, Mrs. Geo. Darwin, Mrs. Pleas Chilcut and Geo. Haile, of Flynn's Lick, who were at his bed side during his last illness. He was buried at the family cemetery, near Flynn's Lick, Saturday. A more fitting obituary notice will doubtless appear later."
p. 3:3 (no heading). "Walter Baker, son of R. P. Baker, of Sparta, died of consumption last Monday. He was an exemplary and promising young man."
p. 3:3 (no heading). "Miss Fannie Belle Hayes, of Celina, about 18 years of age, dropped dead at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hays, last Saturday. She had had a few chills, but otherwise appeared to be in good health."
p. 3:4 (Flynn's Lick). "James Rogers, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Julia Wills, returned to their home at Walnut Ridge, Ark., last week."
Thursday, September 14, 1899
Part 2, p. 1:4 (Non-resident Notice). Hull & Gilliland, a firm composes of Wm. Hull and J K P Gilliland vs. Robert Young and Samuel Young. Circuit Court. Defendants Robert Young and Samuel Young are non-residents of the State of Tennessee.
p. 1:4 (Non-resident Notice). D. A. Rawley and wife v. Susan A. Hare et al. Chancery Court. Sampson Van Hooser and wife Sallie Van Hooser are residents of the State of Kentucky.
p. 2:2 (McDearman). "Barlow Lynn, son of J W Lynn, of this place, left for Missouri Tuesday."
p. 6:2 (no heading). "Virgil Baker, son of W. W. Baker, of Cookeville, and newphew of the editor of the Favorite, who is a member of the First Tennessee writes that he will be mustered out at Manila and remain there and engage in business. Other members of the regiment will probably do likewise. -- White County Favorite."
Note: issue of September 20, 1899 is missing
Thursday, September 28, 1899
part 2, p. 1:3 (no heading). "Jim Kelly left last Thursday for Bowling Green, Ky., to spend a few weeks.
James German and Loudon Brmmitt [sic], who were bound over last week to the Circuit Court on the charge of perjury, were later permitted to make oath that they would leave the State and never return, and upon so doing were given their liberty. When the jail door was opened they did not tarry to shake hands with their friends but made for the Kentucky line at a double quick pace."
p. 3:4 (Putnam County. Cookeville Press.) "Mrs. Martha Dyer, who lived near Double Springs, died last Sunday with fever.
The Press has just learned of the death of G. W. McCully, of Windle, which occured on the 14th ult., from paralysis. Mr. McCulley was one of the mountain pioneers and a gentleman of high order. He was a constant reader and possessed a large fund of information.
Burl Jernigan, of Bloomington, was born in the year 1825, died Sept. 19, 1899, age 74 years."
Thursday, October 5, 1899
part 2, p. 2:2 (Putnam County. Cookeville Press.) "Crave Shanks, a prominent citizen of the lower end of the county, died last Sunday."
p. 4:2 (Butler's Landing). "Mrs B G Johnson is making preparations to start to Texas soon."
p. 4:2 (McDearman). "T. F. Berry, of Elwood, Indiana, is visiting his uncle, Gale Berry at this place."
Thursday, October 12, 1899
part 1, p. 2:2 (An Old Negress). "Mirinda Poteet, an old colored woman, once of this vicinity but now living in Nashville with Thomas Price, col., is about 115 years of age according to the best information. Her mind is good and she gets about well. Jane Thompson, of this place, who is 65 years of age, is her grand-daughter."
p. 2:2 (no heading). "Elbert Kimes, a prominent young attorney of Livingston, died at that place on the 5th inst."
p. 3:4 (Putnam County. Cookeville Press.) "Paty Ford, of Whiting, Mo., is here in response to a telegram that his little daughter, Josephine, was critically ill. She is improving.
We are pained to announce the death of the wife of Theo. Smith, Esq., of this place, which occurred yesterday afternoon."
Note: some pages are missing.
Thursday, October 19, 1899
part 2, p. 1:1 (no heading). "Miss Sissie Morgan, who has been teaching at Alvorado, Texas, several years, returned to her home, near this place, Saturday.
Mrs. Sissie York, wife of Thomas York, residing south of this place, died last Thursday morning of consumption. She was about 25 years of age, and leaves four small children. She was a daughter of Mrs. Emily Gipson, of Gainesboro, and was a lady most highly esteemed by all who knew her. Funeral services were conducted Friday afternoon at the Christian church by Esq. W. A. Rash. Her remains were entered in the cemetery near by. The services were attended by a large crowd of sympathizing friends."
p. 1:2 (Rough Point). "L Draper and family are making preparations to move to Kentucky."
p. 2:2 (Putnam County. Cookeville Press.) "Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Lee, of Irby, left yesterday for Goree, Texas, where they will make their home.
Mrs. O. R. Rauchfuss, of Milwaukee, and her sister Miss Sallie Ford of this place who has been spending some time with her, came to Cookeville last week on a to [sic] visit their parents Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Ford. Both are in the best of health."
Thursday, October 26, 1899
part 2, p. 2:2 (Granville). "Miss Nora Maham, of Ky., is visiting at A. B. Holleman's."
p. 4:2 (no heading). "A. H. Hoover, a prominent citizen and one of the pioneers of the county, died at his home near Nameless on Sunday, the 8th inst. Mr. Hoover was 77 years of age and had lived in the vicinity of Flynn's Lick for over forty years. He was said to be the first man to bring blooded stock to this county. He had lived a consistent member of the Christian church for many years. He leaves a widow and seven children."
Thursday, November 2, 1899
part 1, p. 1:4 (A Sad Death). "Aline Herod, daughter of N. W. and Fannie Herod, this place, died after a lingering illness with fever last Thursday night at 11:20 o'clock. She was about 11 years of age and a bright and lovable child. . . . Her remains were interred Friday afternoon at the cemetery near the Christian Church, Eld. L. S. White conducting funeral services." A loving remembrance follows, written by Willie Hampton.
part 2, p. 2:2 (Putnam County. Cookeville Press.) "John Shores, formerly a citizen of Cookeville, but who for several years has been living in Texas, came up Monday night and will spend some time here with his sister Mrs. Shanks and daughter Mollie."
p. 4:2 (no heading). "Miss Mamie Morgan, who has been teaching at Gamaliel, Ky., was here Tuesday enroute to her home at Cookeville."
p. 4:2 (Henley, California). Letter from J. C. Mayberry: "Henley is situated two miles south of the Oregon & California railroad. This (Siskiyou) county borders upon the Oregon State line. . . ."
Thursday, November 9, 1899 - no entries.
[p. 4: large advertisement for "A Nice Assortment of Goods at Jim Kelly's, Who is needing Money Badly. If you Want Bargains Go To the Store that Needs Money Bad Like Jim Does . . ."]
Thursday, November 16, 1899
p. 1:1 (no heading). "Isaac Adcock, an old and respected citizen of Aaron's Branch, died last Friday."
p. 1:2 (Rough Point). "Jerome Draper has returned from a trip to Indiana and West Tennessee."
p. 1:2 (no heading). "Russell Gross, a well known citizen of Chestnut Mound, died last Monday."
p. 1:4 (no heading). "Laura Belle, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lowe, of Lee's Landing, died last Tuesday afternoon, after a lingering illness, aged about 16 months. The remains were interred at the Ragland cemetery Wednesday.
The 12 month's old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Young, who live at the river, a mile and a half from town, died last Friday, and was buried Saturday at the Fox cemetery."
p. 2:1 (Mayfield). "G. W. Buck and family are preparing to move to Kentucky."
[Note: rest of pages missing.]
Thursday, November 23, 1899
p. 1:3 (no heading). "Daniel H. Morgan, who has resided in Texas for the past two years, is here this week mingling with old friends."
p. 1:4 (no heading). "The wife of George W. Birdwell of near Granville, died last Monday."
part 2, p. 2:2 (Putnam County. Cookeville Press.) "Daniel Harvey Morgan of Texas, arrived in Cookeville Tuesday, and will spend some time visiting his father Judge Geo. H. Morgan at this place."
p. 4:1 (Rough Point). "Holl Jones and wife have returned home from a visit to relatives in Texas. They report a nice trip."
Note: an item has been cut from this page.
Thursday, November 30, 1899
p. 1:1 (North Springs). "Miss Neva Crabtree, aged fifteen, daughter of Gilbert Crabtree, of this place, died on the 14th., inst., after an illness of about four months. . . ."
p. 1:4 (no heading). "L. B. Anderson returned home Sunday from an extensive Western trip. He is pleased with the country and expects to go back about the first of the year to locate."
part 2, p. 4:2 (Non-resident Notice). H R Upchurch vs. Byrd Anderson et al. Chancery Court. Defendants Harriett Ragland, J. T. Young and John B Young are non residents of Tennessee.
J. C. Terry and wife, et als vs. Armel Gaw, et als. Chancery Court. Defendant Wiley Gaw is a citizen of Texas, and the children and heirs at law of Vandiver Gaw, whose names, ages and residences are unknown, but supposed to be citizens of the State of Missouri, are non-residents."
[Note: remaining issues for 1899 are missing.]
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