MainResearch AidsBusinesses & ProfessionalsPetition to Open a Bank, 1817

Petition of Hawkins Countians to the Tennessee General Assembly
to Open a Bank

Petition No. 21-1817
Manuscript Collection, TN State Library & Archives, Nashville

Note: a blank line in the text below indicates an illegible word.

To the Honourable Senate & House of Representatives at Knoxville

Your Petitioners, Citizens of the County of Hawkins, _____ _____ of the great important, convenience, and utility of Banking Institutions, when wisely and judiciously managed, and at the same time taking into view the wealth and reputation of this County, would Respectfully call the attentions of Your Honorable Body to the propriety of Establishing and _____ of the above _____ in the _____ of Rogersville.

They feel convinced from the daily increasing _____ Prosperity of said Town, its great intercourse with the principle Seaport Towns in the Union, the many advantages its possessions, from being Situated on the Great _____ Road, and it being the principle seat for _____ in the District, that Your Honourable body will view it as being the most Eligible situation for a Bank in this Secton of the Country REmoved a considerable distance from Knoxville in _____ not only be a just, convenience but add much to the interest of the People both in the County of Your Petitioners and the adjacent ones. Should therefore your honorable body in Your wisdom that a proper? be great _____ a Bank to be established at said Town. You _____ _____ its Capital to be at least from ten to four hundred thousand dollars. And should the derectors or the stockholders of the State Bank _____ _____ to receive it as a Branch of this? we would most heartily _____ with them: _____ wish it to be so incorporated. But should they refuse to do so you would then wish to have it Established as a Principle [sic] district Institution.

D. Alexander
_____ Barker


Richard Mitchell
Orville Bradley
Jos Huffmaster
James Gaines?
R. W. Gillenwaters
William Waller?
Henry Reynolds
W Lain?
George Wright
Nash? Henderson
John Blackwell
Hughes O. Taylor?
John Well?
John Wilfley?
Joseph Russell
Jno. Carden
Michael Harrell
Abra. McConnel
Bartley Ware?
Joseph Bishop
Jno Johnston
Ed? Haynes
Saml Smith
G. B. Dotson?
James H. Howell
John Cockreham
Lazarus Speir?
William Vinson
Jno? Miller
Hezekiah Hamblen
Joel Gillenwater
P. Parsons
Jno McWilliams?
Reuben B_____
D. _____ Campbell
Wm Armstrong
John Lester
Philip King?
Wm Alexander?
A. Kyle
Joseph McColaugh
Daniel Carmichael
Samuel Neill
William S_______
Patrick Carey
John Nujent
Martin Dalzell
Joseph Rogers
Stephen Ware
Jacob Hackney
T.? N.? Rogers
J.? Lomes?
John A. McKinny
George White
William Gillenwaters
Jacob Knight
Gorge Johnston
Peter Anderson
William Stapleton
Alexander Long
John K. Long
John C. Gillenwater
S. D. Mitchell
Georg Winterbower?
Geo B.? Jones
John R. Bleckins?
Nicholas Long
Cornelius Carmack
William Carmack
George M. Starnes?
Jn. A. Rogers
A. G.? Armstrong
John Loughmiller
_____ C. Reynolds
John Croson?
Robt Gambill
David Sinsabough
A. McKinney
S_____field Anderson
Roger? McConnel
J.? S. McCarty
L.? Kenner?
Ham____ Farmer?
Joshua Smith
_____ Lawson
John Houser?
Clint Armstrong
_____ Evans?
John Mitchell
Jas Cumming
John Smith
Jones Griffin
A. G. Young
James? C. Good?
Samuel? McCollough
Thos. Monehun
C. W.? M.? Carson

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