Wills from Will Book II

Wills from Will Book II

Abstracted by Judy Henley Phillips, 1988

P283 – Pleasant HILL. …to my wife Adelphia … the plantation on which I live … to my dau., Isabella … to Adelphia … 6 of my slaves to wit: John, Darkess, Tom, Caroline, Layfayette, and Margaret who is the child of Caroline, but should sd. John become ungoverable my wife with the advice of my executor is authorized to exchange him for another or sell him and the money laid out for another slave … Stock in the Nashville and Chattanooga R.R. … I however direct that whereas I have let Wm. HENDSON have $128, my dau. Emily have $100, my son’s Edwin, Albert, and Robert have each $100 that these sums be accounted for in the division of the money arising from the sale of the negroes mentioned so that each shall be equal … to my two sons Grand and Flint and Nicholas MATHEWS sons of my dau. Emily … my negros Lucy, Liddy, Sam, Ben, Henry, George, and Bob … to Isabella, Juliann, Musidora, and Jane … friend Benjamin DECHERD and my wife Adelphia HILL be executors & executrix. Signed: 29 Dec. 1850, Pleasant (x) HILL. Wits.: Benjamin DECHERD; James OLIVER; Sam’l. R. OAKLEY. Probated Feb. Term 1851.

P284,285 – Wm. OREAR. …my land shall be equally divided among Sally Covey, Polly Covey, Matilda KNIGHT, Peggy NEWMAN, and Benjamin OREAR … my wife Nancy OREAR my negros be equally divided among my before mentioned ch. and my wife by Benjamin DECHERD … one equal sixth part of my estate money land and negros (after paying of my debts and special legacies to each of my before mentioned daus. Sallie COVEY, wife of Jess COVEY, Polly COVEY wife of the late Aban COVEY, Matilda KNIGHT wife of William B. KNIGHT and Peggy NEWMAN wife of Isham NEWMAN … to my wife Nancy OREAR one sixth part of my estate during her natural life and at her death I give what may remain of the above legacy to my step son (the son of my sd. wife) William DURHAM to him and his heirs forever … to my two grandch. Easter and Tempy KNIGHT children of my dau. Matilda KNIGHT $100 each to be used for their education. …to my son Benjamin OREAR my stock in the Nashville & Chattanooga R.R. … all the property heretofore devised to my daus. Sally, Polly, Matilda, and Peggy I hereby vest in my friend Benjamin DECHERD as trustee … to my son Benjamin OREAR one sixth part of my estate to him and his heirs. Benjamin DECHERD my sole executor. Signed 16 Feb. 1849 Wm. OREAR (S) Wits.: W.B. WAGNER; James CAMPBELL Probated May Term 1851.

P285-287 – John SYLER. …to my son Jacob SYLAR the tract of land I purchased from Robert W. THOMPSON being 100a more or less, it being the same tract of land Jacob SYLER sold to Isaac SYLER … to my son Isaac SYLER 100a of land to be cut off my home tract adjoining the above tract of land purchased from Jacob SYLER by Isaac SYLER … to Elizabeth NEWMAN a negro girl named Manda a slave which is to be in the placeof Milly that was recorded to her … to my wife Sarah the home plantation, also a negro girl named Milly … an old negro woman named Hannah is to be free to live with any of my children she wishes to live with after the death of my wife Sarah … also a negro man named Ben, also a negro boy named Tom … to my grandson George Washington SYLER a negro girl named Fanny and her increase … John W. SYLER to act as his gdn. but if George Washington should die Fanny is to go back to my estate provided he has no heirs. To my grandson John W. SILER a negro boy named Samuel … to my grandson John Siler NEWMAN, son of my dau. Elizabeth NEWMAN, a boy named Randle … Sarah the balance of my slaves … if my lawful heirs (viz) Jacob SILER, Isaac SILER, Elizabeth NEWMAN and Polly POWERS heirs of two boys Isaac and Matison, Isaac to be MATISON’S gdn. … my dau. Elizabeth NEWMAN to have Milly … my grandson William SILER, Isaac SILER’S son, my blacksmith tools … wife Sarah is to give to any of her children or grandchildren she thinks proper. John W. SILER, Isaac SYLER, Jacob SILER and Randolph C. NEWMAN my executors. Signed: 29 Apr. 1851 John X SILAR. Attest: Mathew R. MANN; A.M. CRAWFORD. Probated Sept. Term 1851.

P288,289 – Clement ARLEDGE. 6 Aug. 1850. … to my beloved dau. Mary SHIPP two negroes named Siller and Anderson … son Colman three negros named Lucinda, Lewis, and Martha … my beloved dau. Happy three negros named Alcey, Nancy, & Henry … my son Tilman two negros, a girl named Ann, a boy named Thomas … son Jesse one negro girl named Lussey … my dau. Julian two negros a girl named Maria, a boy named Ned … to my son Clement two negros, one boy named Henry, a girl named Mary Jane … to my son Gepetha two negros, a girl named Easther, a boy Peter … my beloved wife Martha to keep during her life all the negros not specified … balance of estate to be equally divided with my wife and the children with the exception of the heirs of Mary SHIPPS and the heirs of Happy RILEY my will further is that all my children who may not have provided homes for themselves and remain unmarried shall remain on my farm and have an equal share of the proceeds … appoint my two beloved sons Jesse and Clement my executors. Signed: Clement ARLEDGE (S) Wits.: J. HANDLEY; Jas. CAMPBELL. Probated Sept. Term 1851.

P290 – Hannah EDWARDS. Being in a low state of health … to my beloved niece Hannah Elizabeth EDWARDS all the money that is owing to me … my other property… I appoint my beloved brother Edward EDWARDS executor … until Hannah Elizabeth EDWARDS becomes of age … my estate divided equally between Martha and Mary, daughters of Edward EDWARDS. Signed: 9 Jan. 1850. Hannah EDWARDS (S) Wits. James T. EDWARDS; John L. EDWARDS. Probated Oct. Term 1851.

P290,292 – Samuel CORN. …it is my wish that my family and property remain together until my son William arrives at the age of 18 years… except land I have bequeathed to George W. CORN I wish him to have full possession … I wish him to continue to wagon as has been doing heretofore as long as he may find it profitable to himself and the family or until the sale hereafter directed. The land that I herafter bequeath to Jesse it is my will and desire that he shall not have the possession of until he is 22 years old … hire out the boy Jack for the benefit of the remaining part of the family. I wish Jesse until he is free to attend to the family with William to keep them up and keep up the stock tools … Should either of my daus. marry before the time hereafter appointed for my sale, I wish them to be furnished by my executors with a horse cow and calf bed bedstead and furniture … to my son George W. CORN a certain portion of land on Elk River in FCT district 8 beg. on a large chestnut tree near the fence and branch between John A. CORN and myself, then north westerdly to the lower course fence and from there a strait line to a spanish oak on the bank of Elk River, thence down with and meandering the same to SMITH’S old section line, then south with the same to a walnut on the branch between me and John A. CORN, then up sd. branch to the beg. … also to him 1/2a of land in my present plantation including the ground whereon Nancy CHITWOODS house once stood, together with 2a … running to the river for the benefit of water the last named 2 1/2a are in the bounds of the land that I will to Jesse, but are excepted and taken out for the purpose of a site for a residence and water … I do also give to him 50a of my land to be taken off of the north end of my 150a tract west of Wm GOSSAGE in a square clear across … to my son Jesse B. CORN I give that portion of my land that lies between my lower and middle cross fence beg. at the above-named chestnut tree George W. CORNS beg. corner, running then east up the branch with John A. CORN’S line until it come to Richard S. CORNS line, then a northwest course until it strikes my middle cross fence to an off setting the same then a straight line to the birch on the branch of the river that we used to tie the back to this down the river with the remainder of the same to a spanish oak on the bank G.W. CORN’S corner and with his line to the beg. Also to him 50a lying south of that I give to George W. being a part of my 150a tract … to my son William CORN that portion of my land that lies between my middle cross fence and Wm.GOSSAGE fence beg. in the branch at R.S. CORNS line and Jesse B. CORNS corner, then up and with R.S. CORNS line until it strikes William GOSSAGES line then north with the cross fence between him and me crossing the road to the river, then down with the meanders of the same to a birch, Jesse B. CORNS corner, then with his line to the beg. including the dwelling … also to him the remaining 50a of my upland being the south end of my 150a tract … to my dau. Elizabeth one negro girl about 5 years old… to my dau. Nancy one negro girl named Moriah about 3 years old … to my dau. Mary Amanda one negro girl named Lucy about 7 years old also my old yellow woman Moriah about 50 years old … to make my son Jesse equal in advancements to George W. … and to my son William to make him equal in advancements to his brother, I give him when he arrives at the age of 18 years … I wish the foll. negros sold to wit: Jack, Gilbert, Nrserly, and Reuben and their increase … proceeds be applied as folls. to my dau. Ruth MCNEIL … my granddaughter Jamima CORN … to my grandson William CORN … my three youngest daus. to wit: Elizabeth, Nancy and Mary Amanda … appoint Daniel B. STAMPS and B. KNIGHT executors. Signed 3 Nov. 1850. Samuel CORN (S) Wits.: Abel C. MCNEIL; Joseph M. WOOD. Codicil 28 Jan. 1851. On more mature consideration it is my desire to postpone the above sale two years longer and that my son Jesse shall have possession of but half his find until the sale and that twelve months credit be given on all my property and that William and Mary be allowed 12 months support and the money bequeathed to Jemima and William R.S. CORNS heirs be put out at interest by my executors until Jemima is 20 years of age or marrys…. Samuel CORN (S) Wits.: George W. CORN; Jesse (his X mark) CORN. Probated Dec. Term 1851.

P292-294 – Jersey C. WINKLER. … that my funeral expenses … debts be paid as soon after my death as possible … to my wife Margaret all my land during her life … my son Ephraim to have the lower part of my plantation south of the lane running by my house duing the lifetime of my wife with the exception of the lot adjoining of the land leading by my house and also the apple and peach orchard and garden by his keeping the same in good repairs and paying 14 barrels of good sound corn and every year to my wife to be delivered at her crib… my dau. Moriah and A.C. COBB[LE] her husband to have the use of the place on which they now live provided that sd. A.C. COBB[LE] will keep sd. place in good repair and pay 14 barrels of good sound corn each year to be divided at the crib of by wife or at her crete during her life but sd. COBB[LE] is not to clear any more land or waste any timber on sd. place. I wish my granddau. Charity WINKLER to have a pedded heifer called star at my death … to Moses HOLDEN whom I raised $20 out of my estate after the death of my wife … sale with the balance to be equally divided between Alfred E. WINKLER, Ephriam WINKLER and my dau. Moriah COBBLE … appoint Mark LUCAS and my wife exector and executrix. Signed 11 Oct. 1847 Jersey C. WINKLER. Wits.: Mark W. LUCAS; Thomas PARKS; Daniel SCIVALLY. Probated Jan. Term 1852.

P294,295 – Thomas WILSON. …to my nephew Thomas W. WHITE of the Town of Huntsville, AL corner house and lot situated in town of Winchester, Tenn. … to my nephew Newton K. WHITE my brick house and lot lying in Winchester … my niece Eleanor W. WHITE my plantation lying in Washington Co, VA adjoining the lands of James NANCE and known as the BALFOUR Farm … my sd. niece E.W. WHITE I require her to pay to my nephew Milton WHITE the sum of $1000 … to Walton PRESTON I give $1000. and a certain note for the sum of $500 … to James W. PRESTON and Elizabeth E. PRESTON each $1000…. to Betsy infant dau. of my nephew William T.C. WHITE the sum of $1000. I appoint William T.C. WHITE trustee … To Ellen, dau. of my nephew Thomas W. WHITE, $1000 … to Ellen W. dau. of my nephew James W. PRESTON $1000 … two notes owing to me by John DAUGHTERY and GILLIAM … to my niece Jane? W. HUMES my carrige and carriage horse not to be liable for debts by her husband James M. HUMES … to the three ch. of my brother William WILSON I give and bequeath each $2000 … my negro boy Green have five years in which to pay and redeem himself … my nephew, T.C. WHITE, an additonal sum of $500 … my nephew Addeson WHITE $1000 … to my niece Kathleen, dau. of Ann E. HANNCUM $1000. p296 … Signed: Thomas WILSON (S). Wits.: Alex FENDLEY; E.S. WATSON. Virginia … at a court continued and held for Washington Co. this 26 Dec. 1851 the will of Thomas WILSON dec’d was proved by the oath of Alexander FINDLEY … further proved 26 Jan. 1852 by Edward S. WATSON….

P295-297 – D.C. LEWIS. …to my wife Sinil LEWIS my negros: Lot No. 1 consisting of George, Ann, and Granville I give to Mary M. WIGGS wife of A.R. WIGGS. Lot No. 2 Martha and Nat I give to my sister in law Mary Concord WIGGS … Lot No. 3 Sally and her child now about 6 weeks old to Musadora A. DIXON out of control of her husband … and then to her ch. Lot No. 4 Stephen to my niece Eliza A. WILLIAMS… Lot No. 5 Washington to my nephew William R. LEWIS … proceeds equally among all the legaties above named and that portion of my fathers estate which is coming to me and which has not been reduced to possession and which will be in money, I direct to be divided in equal shares between Mary M. WIGGS, Musidora A. DIXON, Eliza A. WILLIAMS, and William R. LEWIS … Should Big Sally out live myself and wife I wish my friend A.R. WIGGS to take her … appoint my wife Sivial and my brother in law A.R. WIGGS my exeutrix and executor … Signed: 27 Jan. 1851. D.C. LEWIS (S). Attest: A.S. COLYAR; Jos. CARTER. Probated Apr. Term 1852.

P298,299 – Elizabeth SIMS and Samuel SIMS Against John T. SLATTER and Harrison COULSTON … issue to try will.1. John KNIGHT, 2. Elijah HALL, 3. Wm. H. BROWN, 4. Thomas M. PRYOR, 5. Peter LENEHAN, 6. Benjamin FRANKLIN, 7. Farley B. WADE, 8. Robert HINES, 9. Wm. OLIVER, 10. Asa GRANT, 11. Mathew R. MANN, 12. Wm. DARDIN who being sworn do say they find the paper writings in the pleadings mentioned purporting to be the last will and testament of the sd. Elisha SIMS dec’d is the true will…. March Term 1852. Circuit Court a perfect copy of the findings…. 30 Apr. 1852. Elisha SIMS will. …to my wife Elizabeth T. SIMS … son Samuel SIMS all of my land and the following negros: my boy Tom and his wife Viney … George and a girl by the name of Gerina … my son Samuel should die without an heir I desire what land and negros with the increase to be delivered up to my dau. Sarah … to my dau. Sarah the foll. negros: two men Granderson and Sandy, also two girls by the name of Tilda and Moriah … that may be left sold and divided between my four ch. equally: Ellen COLSTON, Hester Ann SLATTER, Samuel and Sarah SIMS my son my executors. 20 Aug. 1847. Elisha SIMS (S) Wits. testator and H.W. RAINES. Probated by the judgement of the Circuit Court May Term. 1852.

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