Wills, 1876-1914

Wills, 1876-1914

Wills from Will Book March 1876-August 1914

PAGES 263,264. Noah McKelvey. Being apprised of the uncertainty of life and for the love and affection which I have for my children do hereby make my last Will & Testament 1st after all my personal debts are paid I desire after the death of myself and my beloved companion Almira J. McKelvey to bequeath to my Grand Son Jackson Bennett fifty Dollars to be paid out of the personal effects of which we may die seized & should there not be enough of said effects to pay it that the same shall be paid by my Six living children out of the property herein after bequeathed to them each paying his equal part 2nd I desire after the death of myself & wife to bequeath my lands which I have divided into lots designated as lots No 1 2 3 4 5 & 6 in the following manner viz. Lot No 1 being a part of the home tract and including the buildings in which I live & barns & stables. I bequeath to my beloved daughter Isabella Duncan containing Fourteen & three fourth acres as shown in a plat accompanying this Testament 3rd I bequeath to my beloved son Thomas McKelvey Lot No 2 also being a part of the home tract including building on said lot containing nineteen & one half acres & the boundaries shown on said plat 4th I bequeath to my beloved Daughter Caroline Walker Lot No 3 a part of the home tract containing 26 3/4 acres the boundaries of which is shown in said plat. 5th I bequeath to my beloved Daughter Narcissus Bass lot No 4 being a part of the Verner Tract containing eighteen & one half acres shown on said plat 5th I bequeath to my beloved son Samuel McKelvey Lot No 5 a part of what is known as the Verner Tract the boundaries shown in said plat containing twenty-nine & one-half acres Twenty-two & one-half acres of timbered land north of my home tract & not adjoining the same is equally divided between Lot No 4 & 5 6th I bequeath to my beloved son Wm. B. McKelvey Lot No 6 a part of the Verner tract as set forth in said plat containing ninety acres one-half acre being reserved out of the same for burial expenses. It is my desire that my personal effects and the proceeds of my lands are to be used for the support of myself & wife during our natural lives & should she or I or both become helpless so that the proceeds of the place fail to support us such a part of the land be sold and the money appropriated for the support of myself & wife during our natural lives. I desire after the death of myself & wife that all the personal property of which we may die seized shall be equally divided among my six living children That is after my grandson Jackson Bennett has received the fifty dollars as above described. I hereby appoint James Bass executor of my will and Alex Duncan & James Walker as witnesses to see that my will is carried out & should I die before my wife or become so helpless as not be able to see to my business my Executor and his assistants are to look after & see that we are properly cared for & supported while we live & to see that nothing is to be wasted through neglect or carelessness upon their part. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal This the 19th day of March 1878. Noah McKelvey {Seal}Witnesses: Joseph M Holland; William M Holland.
Oin to J D Bass going to Texas and being away I appoint my son T J McKelvey to be my Executor to my Will This September the first 1886. Noah McKelvey {Seal}. Witnesses:A Duncan;T J Leming.

County Court March Term 1894. When the last [will] & testament of Noah McKelvey dec’d was presented to court for probate and being duly proven by William M Holland one of the subscribing witnesses thereto he also proves the handwriting of the other subscribing witness thereto.Witness my hand at office This March 6 1894. Hop T Taylor, D.C. Transcribed by Joy Gallagher, gallagherj [at] cafes [dot] net

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