1900 Census of Hawkerville (Alto)

1900 Census of Hawkerville (Alto)

Transcribed by Charles Sherrill, 1999

Introduction: Hawkerville or Alto: This is a verbatim transcription of information given in the 1900 census of Hawkerville (now called Alto). This area was also known as Civil District 9 of Franklin County, and was identified on the census as Enumeration District 27.

Spelling Variations: The census enumerator was Philip M. Collins, a 45-year old farmer who lived in the district. Collins was a phonetic speller and his pronunciation was typical of the people of his community. Therefore the name Beulah, for example, was written as “Buler.” My surname, Sherrill, was spelled according to whim as Shairel, Shearel, and Shearell. Although Collins’ spelling of names was wrong more often than it was right, in general it is possible to determine what was intended by sounding it out. The original spelling has been retained in the transcription, with brackets enclosing the transcriber’s notations.

Transcription Errors: Mr. Collins’ handwriting was not of the highest quality, either, and it was often difficult to determine whether a letter was a “T” or “L” or “J” or “I”.
Errors have probably occurred in the transcription. A question mark has been inserted where a guess was necessary. The original census schedules should be consulted in cases where there is doubt.

Number of Children: The number of children born to each mother is listed, along with the number of those children still living.

Relationships of Family Members: The relationship of each member of the household to the head of household is given on the census. The transcription only includes that information in cases where the family is NOT comprised of a father, mother and children. Gender has been indicated for persons whose names did not definitely indicate their sex. Collins consistently misspelled such words as “cosen,” “neace” and “heard hand”.

Other Census Data: This transcription does not include all of the information available on the census schedule. The state of birth for the parents of each individual, occupations and information about home ownership are among the columns not transcribed.

Organization of Census: The numbers given in this transcription are the family numbers which appear in a left-hand column of the census page. Because neighbors were often relatives, the original order of the census has been preserved.

Index (Surname Family Number)

Baird 265, Baker 93, Barnes 10, Barnes 73, Barnes 81, Basin 38, Bass 79, Bell 264, Bell 268, Bennett 201, Bennett 228, Bishop 128, Black 117, Blair 238, Bolden 199, Boren 155, Boren 163 Bostick 97, Bowen 87, Bowen 207, Brakefield 113, Brannan 3, Brannan 9, Brannan 11, Brannan 107, Brannan 110, Brannan 141, Brannan 51, Brannon 82, Brannon 259, Bratton 205, Brink[l]ey 41, Brown 106, Brown 199, Buckner 202

Caldwell 268, Camel 169, Camel [Campbell?] 85, Camp 180, Campbell? 169, Carter 153, Casady 12, Chearey 270, Cherry 134, Cherry 135, Cherry 270, Clark 119, Clark 227, Clark 269, Cobell 161, Coker 4, Coker 5, Coker 6, Coker 34, Coker 80, Collins 124, Cortter 153, Crownover 191 Crownover 249, Crownover 250, Crownover 279, Cunangham 185, Cuningham 186, Cunningham 48

Dartis 160, Dartis 255, Davis 248, Dotson 112, Dotson 251, Dotson 252, Dugles [Douglas] 42 Duncan 20

Earlley? 194, Eders 219

Faries [Farris] 128, Featherston 75, Featherston 159, Featherston 204, Fieldes [Fields] 76, Fieldes [Fields] 78, Fields 203, Finch 152, Finney 99, Finney 142, Finney 145, Finney 176, Finney 192, Finney 195, Frizzell 8, Fulmore 146

Garner 14, Garner 22, Garner 53, Garner 71, Garner 118, Garner 132, Garner 162, Garner 172, Garner 225, Garner 226, Garner 272, Gillem 12, Gilliam 116, Gilliam 167, Gilliam 258, Gilliam 277, Gilliam 41, Gilliam 61, Gipson 25, Gipson 54, Gipson 56, Gipson 74, Gipson 88, Gipson 89, Gipson 109, Gipson 120, Gipson 130, Gipson 217, Gipson 239, Gipson 244, Gipson 254, Glover 188, Goin 233, Goin 234, Goin 235, Goin 236, Goins 199, Gorgin [Grogan?] 18, Gouing 199, Greenlee 194, Guinn 65, Guinn 255

Hayse 96, Hendely 115, Hendley 19, Hendley 23, Hendley 61, Hendley 114, Hendley 131, Hendley 222, Hendley 241, Hill 30, Hill 33, Hill 35, Hill 36, Hill 55, Hill 57, Hill 91, Hill 102, Hill 125, Hill 253, Hill 256, Hilton 223, Hinting [Hinton?] 126, Holt 84, Hopkins 184

Ikard 260, Ikard 261, Ikard 276

Jackson 262,Jackson 263, Jones 105

Keel 164, Keel 270, Kenedy 212, Kenley 90, Kennedy 216, Kennerley 154,Kennerley 156, Kennerly 158, Knedy [Kennedy?] 224

Landers 153, Leaders 193, Linzey 50, Little 103, Little 147, Little 190, Long 16, Long 21, Long 24, Long 26, Long 27, Long 28, Long 77, Long 133, Long 138, Long 139, Long 168, Long 213, Long 220, Long 221, Long 272

Magriff 127, Maries [Morris?] 149, Maries [Morris?] 245, Maries [Morris?] 246, Maries[Morris?] 247, Marlow 129, Marshel 183, McBee 49, McBride 193, McGriff 232, McKnight 67, Meeks 1, Minton 76, Mitchel 249, Montgomery 250, Moore 117, Morris 150, Morris 151, Morris 122, Morris 200, Morris (see also Maries) 46, Myres 106

Nippers 237, Noogen [Nugent] 135, Noogen [Nugent] 173

Odiar 218, Oliver 31, Oliver 32, Oliver 65, Oliver 68, Oliver 69, Oliver 242, Owins 275

Par[t]en 51, Partin 60, Partin 93, Partin 94, Partin 100, Partin 175, Partin 187, Partin 143, Parton 39, Parton 66, Parton 257, Pearson 121, Pearson 122, Pearson 137, Peary 278, Pendergrass 104, Pendergrass 179, Penney? 208, Pentygrass [Pendergrass] 182, Perry 95, Philips 248, Philips 185, Powers 165, Powers 197, Powers 206, Powers 126

Quinn 80

Ramsey 136, Reed 97, Reed 178, Reed 179, Reed 220, Richardson 174, Rose 240, Row 68, Rowe 273, Rutleg 255, Rutleg [Rutledge] 231, Rutlege 43, Rutlege 44, Rutlege 45, Rutlege 68

S[t]eavens 2, Samson 47, Sanders 177, Sanders 271, Sanders 274, Sansom 15, Sansom 157, Sansom 80, Scot 17, Searcy? 237, Shairel? [Sherrill] 101, Shavers 218, Shearel [Sherrill] 86, Shearel [Sherrill] 171, Shearell 243, Shearil (Sherrill] 170, Simins 169, Smith 62, Smith 111, Smith 140, Smith 267, Smith 56, South 257, Sparks 196, Spaulding 70, Spaulding 83, Starnes 144, Starnes 198, Steavens 1, Steavens 266, Stuart 215, Suart [Stewart] 29, Surzey 237, Sutherland 209, Swann 72, Swann 229, Swann 232

Tairwaters? 200, Tanner 262, Taylor 63, Taylor 64, Taylor 227, Tearell? 123, Teaters 181, Thomas 37, Tomson 41

Wagner 40, Walker 210, Walker 211, Walles [Walls?] 214, Walles [Walls?] 230, Walls 37, Walls 81, Walls 92, Warren 59, Warrick? 7, Watkins 13, Watson 148, Whit[a]cker 143, White 212, Whrick? [Warrick?] 7, Wildcox 189, Wilder 38, Williams 98, Williams 228, Willis 108, Woods 166, Wooten 52

1 Steavens, John 43, Malinda 48, Johney 13, Maria Jane 5, Dealey (f) 2, Arther 15 (cosen [cousin]), Jane 68 (mother), Elexander MEEKS 43 (bro-in-law). All born TN except Elexander Meeks born TX. Married 20 years. 4 children 3 living. Jane Steavens widowed, 5 children 2 living.

2 S[t]eavens, Charles 32, Josie 27, Edie (m) 4, Johnie 2, Ellick DAVIS (step son) 7. All born TN except Ellick Davis born TX. Married 3 years. 4 children, all living.

3 Brannan, Robart 42, Chatharine 30, Maria 4, Marthey 9?, J.T. (m) 6, Mandy 5, Unnamed (f) 0/12. All born TN. Married 10 years. 6 children, 5 living.

4 Coker, Cam 64, Maria 56, Jess 25, Lisey (f) 23, Charley 21, Arman 19, Pearley (granddau.) 2. All born TN. Married 36 years. 10 children, 9 living.

5 Coker, James 35, Amey [Amy] 30, Colman 10, Coarey [Cora] (f) 8, Henrey 6, James 5, Joseph 8/12. All born TN. Married 12 years. 7 children living.

6 Coker, Henrey 28, Oader (wife) 22, Edney (f) 5. Married 3 years. 1 child, 1 living.

7 Whrick? [Warrick?], William 53, Marie 50, John 28, Elen (dau-in-law) 20, Bular (granddau) 4. All born TN except John born NC. Married 31 years, 8 children, 3 living. Elen and John married 4 years with 3 children, 2 living.

8 Frizzell, Paton 29, Rodia 26, Minie 7, Lee 4, Ruthey 1. All born TN. 4 children, 3 living.

9 Brannan, John 53, Sarah Jane 42, Louallen (m) 19, Rebeckey 15, Marget 13, Robart 12, Willis 7, Henrey 7, Andrew 4, Mamie 3, Hattie 0. All born TN. Married 23 years. 12 children, 11 living.

10 Barnes, James 30, Manervy 22, John 1. All born TN. Married 3 years. 1 child, 1 living.

11 Brannan, Albert 26, Manervy 19, Lucy 1, Daisy 2/12. Married 3 years. 2 children, 2 living.

12 Casady, Marthey 53, John GILLEM 16. Both born TN. Both listed as head of household but in same house. Marthey married 30 years with 2 children both living. John single.

13 Watkins, Henrey 33, Lill? 29, Andy 11, Joseph 4, J.C. 9/12. All born TN. Married 1 year. 6 children, 3 living. (black family)

14 Garner, Anderson 54, Marthey 56, Henrey 26, Marke (m) 23, John 19, Edger 17. All born TN except Marthey born AL. Married 31 years. 6 children, 5 living.

15 Sansom, Martha 60, Bettie 35, Sarah 37, William 13 (grandson), Claud 6 (grandson), Goye/Gorge? (grandson) 11/12. All born TN. Martha widowed, others single. 6 children living.

16 Long, Edie 28 (male), Murtle 22, Vergial 4, Maggie 1. All born TN. Married 5 years. 3 children, 2 living.

17 Scot, Lum 48 (male), Isbell 41, Liga (son) 16, Ivie (son) 14, Jiles (son) 12, Juley 11, Rose 8, Jinne Bell 4, Arther 2. All born TN. Married 16 years. 12 children, 8 living.

18 Gorgin [Grogan?], Neal? 33, Jane 31, Lisey (dau) 19. All born TN. Married 6 years. 1 child, 1 living.

19 Hendley, James 54, Marget. [Margaret] 44, Tomas 14, Jakey (son) 13, Dolie (dau) 11, Henrey 7. All born TN. Married 35 years. 13 children, 10 living.

20 Duncan, Will 29, Bettie (wife) 25, Buford 5/12. All born TN. Married 5 years. 3 children, 1 living.

21 Long, Henrey 23, Jenie 23, Ales (dau) 3, Manervy (dau) 1. All born TN. Married 6 years. 2 children, 2 living.

22 Garner, George 70, Sam (son) 23, Grady (dau-in-law) 21, Lewis (grandson) 2, Delar (grandson) [sic, Della granddau.] 8/12. All born TN. Married 3 years. 2 children, 2 living.

23 Hendley, David 32, Catharine 25, John 8, Azea (dau) 5, Besie 5, Arther 2, Edney (dau) 2/12. All born TN. Married 10 years. 5 children, 5 living.

24 Long, James 58, Lisey 60, Tiney (granddau) 6. All born TN. Married 40 years. 11 children, 9 living.

25 Gipson, Luke 22, Vick (wife) 20, Roy 0 (born Nov. 1899). All born TN. Married 2 years. 1 child, 1 living.

26 Long, Sam 22, Nanie 21, Harvey (son) 3, Buler (dau) 2, Faris (son) 0 (born June 1899). All born TN. Married 4 years. 3 children, 3 living.

27 Long, Isaac 38, Josey 27, John 12, Etter 10, E[s]teler [Estella] (dau) 6, Wat (son) 5, W[e]bster (son) 1. All born TN. Married 13 years. 5 children, 5 living.

28 Long, James 42, Annie (wife) 23, Arther 3, Marthey 1, Walter SUART [Stewart] (nephew) 19. All born TN. Married 4 years. 2 children, 2 living. Walter is single.

29 Suart [Stewart], Arther 25, Marah (wife) 23. Both born TN. Married 0 years. No children.

30 Hill, Marget 62, Alen (son) 34, Tennie (dau) 21, Jack (son) 20, Marget (dau) 18, Eddie (grandson) 8. All born TN. Marget widowed, but 45 years married is crossed out. 12 children, 9 living.

31 Oliver, Armsten [Armstead] 26, Ida 20, Myrtle 3, Sady (dau) 0 (born July 1899). All born TN. Married 4 years. 2 children, 2 living.

32 Oliver, Armsten [Armstead] 68, Delitha 64, Willie (son) 22. All born TN. Married 43 years. 6 children, 3 living.

33 Hill, William 31, Sarah 29, Bular (dau) 14, Malinda 9, James 6, Joe 5, Liga (son) 1. All born TN. Married 11 years. 5 children, 5 living.

34 Coker, Mancel 32, Salie 30, Marah (dau) 8, Sarah 5, Maggie 2, Liew [Lou] (dau) 7/12. All born TN. Married 11 years. 6 children, 4 living.

35 Hill, Martin 26, Rody 23, John 5, Josie 3, Sam 1. All born TN. Married 7 years. 3 children, 3 living. (Johnse Hill family in same household.)

36 Hill, Johnse 57, Elen 62, John 21, Lem 17. All born TN. Married 37 years. 10 children, 8 living. (In same household with Martin Hill family.)

37 Walls, Dea (male) 28, M[a]ggie 24, G[e]orge 8, Sam 5, Marian (dau) 3, Zeb 1, Rachel TOMAS [THOMAS] (mother-in-law) 54. All born TN. Married 10 years. 5 children, 4 living. Rachel is single, no number of children given.

38 Wilder, John 70, Janie 45, Elmer (grandson) 15, Fanie B[A]SIN (granddau) 4. All born TN. Married 3 years. No number of children given.

39 Parton, Leues [Lewis] 41, Malisey 23, Maud 16, Mattie 14, Ben 12, Henrey 10, Eddie 8, Nanie 1. All born TN. Married 2 years. 1 child, 1 living.

40 Wagner, George 48, Fanar (wife) 32, John 23, Nansey 16, Besie 14, Tolly (dau) 12, Warner 2, Frank 1. All born TN. Married 5 years. 3 children, 2 living.

41 Brink[l]ey, James 52, Susen 44, Henrey 16, Johney 14, Allen 11, Criss (son) 8, Emiline 6, Salie (mother) 77, Laurey TOMSON (son-in-law) 48, Jane TOMSON (dau) 26, Mitchel GILLIAM (son-in-law) 24, Malinda GILLIAM (dau) 22, Robert GILLIAM (grandson) 4, James GILLIAM (grandson) 1/12. All born TN. James and Susan married 27 years, 8 children, 7 living. Laurey and Jane married 0 years, no children. Mitchel and Malinda married 5 years, 4 children, 2 living.

42 Dugles [Douglas], Singelton 53, Lilane (wife) 33, Mattie 17, Harvy 14, Hattie 11, Maggie 9, Margie 7, Henrey 5, Robert 3, Livy (dau) 2, Tennie (dau) 4/12. Black family. Father born GA, others all born TN. Married 14 years. 11 children, 9 living.

43 Rutlege, Isick 66, Nansey 33, Leaner (dau) 17, Salie 13, Harison 10, Samie 4, John 1, Alferd (nephew) 20. Black family. All born TN. Married 10 years. 6 children, 5 living.

44 Rutlege, George 50, Alzure? (wife), Frank 21, Haris 19, Tomas 16, Lettie (dau) 28, Fanie (granddau) 2. Black family. All born TN. Married 22 years. 7 children, 7 living. Lettie shown as single, no children.

45 Rutlege, John 25, Calie 21, Walter 6, Georgy (dau) 3, Claudy 2, Johney 1. Black family. All born TN. Married 8 years. 5 children, 4 living.

46 Morris (or Mories?), Sam 42, Sharlet 47, Maggie 18, Edney (dau) 15, Besie 14, Luler 12, Samie (son) 9, Lizie 8, Edker (son) 4. Black family. All born TN. Married 14 years. 7 children, 6 living.

47 Samson, John 22, Elisia 23, Clarent (son) 1. Married 3 years. 1 child, living.

48 Cunningham, Jane 61, Matilda (dau) 20, Anier (granddau) 8. Black family. All born TN. Jane and Matilda both widows.

49 McBee, Church 31, Malinda 28, John 11, Wilie (son) 8, Bob 3. All born TN. Married 12 years. 7 children, 3 living.

50 Linzey, William 32, Rebecky 31, Pearl 12, Elender 11, Mattie 8, Maria (dau) 6, Clemey 2. All born TN. Married 13 years. 5 children, all living.

51 Paren [Partin], Jane 71, Columb[u]s Paren (son) 34, William BRANNAN (“suning law” ) 43, Rebecky Brannan (dau) 3 3, George Brannan (g.son) 13, Luler Brannan (g.dau) 11, Osker Brannan (g.son) 6, Myrtle Brannan (g.son) 2. All born TN. Jane is a widow with 8 children, 3 living. William and Rebecky married 13 years with 4 children, all living.

52 Wooten, Abraham 66, Sarah 38, Bill (“hiard hand”) 24. Bill is black, others white. All born TN. Married 38 years. No children.

53 Garner, Martin 39, Susen 40. Both born TN. 6 children, 3 living.

54 Gipson, Tom 26, Ada 20, Roy 1. All born TN. Married 2 years. 1 child, living.

55 Hill, William 51, John 18, Fanie 25, Tomas 14, Alen 8. All born TN. William widowed.

56 Gipson, John 70, Marah 66, John 23, Charley SMITH (g.son) 14. All born TN. Married 48 years. 11 children, 9 living.

57 Hill, Henrey 19, Larie [Laura] (wife) 14. Both born TN. Married 0 years. No children.

58 Yarbrough, Mariel (male) 46, Marah (dau) 16, Arther 14, Wilie 11, Tomie (son) 9. Mariel born AL, others born TN. Mariel is widowed.

59 Warren, Calaway 36, Manervy 36, Andrew 15, William 13, Malinda 12, Maria 10, George 8, Emer (dau) 5, James 2. All born TN. Married 16 years. 7 children, all living.

60 Partin, Manervy 33, Marien (son) 18, Pearlie 13, Marie 14. All born TN. Manervy is widowed. 3 children, all living.

62 Smith, Jincy 76. Single, born TN, no children.

63 Taylor, Harit (female) 58. Elender (dau) 19, Larence (son) 19. Harit born SC, others born TN. Harit widowed. 11? children, 9 living.

64 Taylor, Will 28, Nansey 16, Gilbert 9 months. All born TN. Married 2 years. 1 child, living.

65 Oliver, Henrey 46, Ann 37, Nonimous (son) 13, Robert 16, Lizie GUINN (neice) 9. Black family. All born TN. Married 14 years. Number of children: 0.

66 Parton, Lisey 61. Black woman. Born TN. Widow. No children.

67 McKnight, John 35, Mary Jane 29, James 7, Effey (dau) 4, Arther 2, Marie 3 months, Rachel (mother) 68. All born TN. John and Mary Jane married 7 years. Mary Jane had 4 children, all living. Rachel widowed, mother of 10 children, 7 living.

68 Oliver, Juley (female) 49, Siler (son) 17, Martin 15, Malinda RUTLEG[e] 88, Keley? ROW (nephew) 22. Black family. All born TN. Julen and Malinda widowed. Julen mother of 10, 7 living. Malinda mother of 11, 2 living.

69 Oliver, George 25, Tennie? 19, John 3, Lucy 2, Julia 6 months. Black family. All born TN. Married 5 years. 3 children, 3 living.

70 Spaulding, Robert 59, Larie [Laura] 48, Burke 25, Charles 22, Leonard 16, Lula 12, Edker (son) 10, Bob Miles (son) 7. Robert born VA, Parie born AL, children born TN. Married 28 years. 10 children, 7 living.

71 Garner, Allen 45, Lavina 43, Eddy 20, George 18, Cabel (son) 15, Mary Lizebeth 13, Lou (son) 11, Linsey (son) 9, Oscar 7, Roy 5, Jinie (dau) 2. All born TN. Married 23 years. 10 children, all living.

72 Swann, Dea 39, Sarah J. 37. Both born TN. Married 19 years. 1 child, living.

73 Barnes, John 33, Lisbey 24, Jonas 9, Lieues [Lewis] (son) 7, Nancy 5, John 0. All born TN. Married 10 years. 4 children, all living.

74 Gipson, Jess 52, Salie (wife) 25, James 5, Charley 3, Bob 2, John 0, Linard (g.son) 11. All born TN. Married 5 years. 4 children, all living.

75 Featherson, Marie 67, Charley 20, Jesse 19. All born TN. Marie widowed, mother of 4 children, all living.

76 Fieldes [Fields], Marthey 68, John MINTON (son) 45. Both born TN. Both widowed. Marthey mother of 8? children, 5 living.

77 Long, William 26, Lisey 21, Estelar 2, Hourd (son) 9 months. All born TN. Married 3 years. 2 children, both living.

78 Fieldes [Fields], Henrey 25, Maud 21, John M. 1. All born TN. Married 2 years. 1 child, living.

79 Bass, Calvin 25, Margie 22, Alma (dau) 1. All born TN. Married 3 years. 1 child, living.

80 Coker, Arman 39, Bethaney 23, Nancy Jane 16, James 14, Marie 11, Lisey 7, Anie 5, Lou 1, Rosey 3 months, Arman (nephew) 13, George SANSOM (“brothering law” ) 34, Cam QUINN (nephew) 19. All born TN. Married 17 years. 8 children, 7 living. George Sansom widowed.

81 Wals [WALLS], William 23, Liddy 21, Marie 1, Jones BARNES (“cosin” ) 8. All born TN. Married 4 years. 2 children, 1 living.

82 Brannon, Will 35, Anie 29, Lila 11, Claud 4. All born TN. Married 9 years. 4 children, 1 living.

83 Spaulding, Frank 27, Jiney? (wife) 26, Clyd (son) 2. Frank born AL, others born TN. Married 3 years. 1 child, living.

84 Holt, Henry H. 59, Cynthia 55. Both born TN. Married 34 years. No children.

85 Camel [Campbell?], John 55, Rachel 45, Elender 16, Maggie 5. Black family. John born AL, others born TN. Married 30 years. 4 children, 4 living.

86 Shearel [Sherrill], Leuice [Lewis] H. 65, Jane 63, Will 22, Lou 17. All born TN. Married 45 years. 7 children, 4? living.

87 Bowen, Robert 43, Marthey 37, Martian 11, Eddy 8, Haley (dau) 7, Hattie 7, Elen 4, Marrie 1. All born TN. Married 15 years. 8 children, 6 living.

88 Gipson, David 30, Liza 28, Arther 7, Marie 4, Annie 3, Cariel (son) 1. David born Ohio, others born TN. Married 8 years. 4 children, all living.

89 Gipson, Jo 23, Manervy 23, George 4, Dickey 2, Buler (dau) 6 months. All born TN. Married 5 years. 3 children, all living.

90 Kenley, Henery? 51, Caroline 49?, Myrtle 17, Jessie 9, Johney 7, Tomas (brother), Maggie (niece) 6, Lewie? (nephew) 17. Black family. All born TN. Married 22 years. 3 children, all living. Tomas married 12 years.

91 Hill, William H. 40, Julie 29, Maudy Lee 7, Claud 2. All born TN. Married 9 years. 2 children, both living.

92 Walls, Rasmus 53, Marget 51, Rebeckey 20, Andrew Johnson 15, Louisey 10, Henrey 7. All born TN. 12 children, 8 living.

93 Partin, William 54, Fanie 39, Curney (son) 26, Lucie (dau) 20, Joe BAKER (“hear hand” ) 19. All born TN. Married 14 years. 1 child, none living. Joe Baker single.

94 Partin, Henrey 32, Winnie 32, Annie 13, Oler (dau) 11, Audrey 9, Willie (dau) 7, Claudy (dau) 4, Alonzo 1. Henrey born GA, others born TN. Married 14 years. 6 children, 6 living.

95 Perry, Tomas 56, Sarah 51, Lithey (dau) 17. Tomas born AL, others born TN. Married 32 years. No children enumerated.

96 Hayse, Camel [Campbell] 41, Bettie 30, Elier (dau) 13, Maril C. (dau) 10, Lisey 8, Lilucy? C. 4, James C. 2. All born TN. Married 5 years. 2 children, both living.

97 Reed, Ben 31, Sophie 31, Etta M. 10, Sam F. 7, Mattie 4, Hattie (dau) 4, Carie H (dau) 4 mos., Polie BOSTICK (“mothering law” )63. All born TN. Married 12 years. 5 children, all living. Polie Bostick widowed, no children enumerated.

98 Williams, John 53, Carie W. (dau) 25, George H. 20, Matt J. 18, Mary E. 12, Culie C. (dau) 10. John born AL, others born TN. John widowed. Married 28 years (crossed out).

99 Finney, Hop L. 55, Marah C. 44, Mutle (dau) 14, Ora 8. Parents born TN, Mutle born TX, Ora born AL. Married 23 years. 3 children, 2 living.

100 Partin, Jake 30, Marie 26, Coreny? (dau) 8, Ernest 3. All born TN. Married 9 years. 4 children, 2 living.

101 Shairel? [Sherrill], Robert 23, Annie 25, Nancy Jane 5, Marian 4, Andy 3, James 1. All born TN. Married 6 years. 4 children, 4 living.

102 Hill, Allen 37, Salie 35, James Allen 15, William 12, Cardealie (dau) 10, Dollie (g.dau) 4, Marget (dau) 21. Salie born AL, others born TN. Married 19 years. 7 children, 7 living.

103 Little, Joseph 55, Marget 55, Henrey 23. All born TN. Married 24 years. 2 children, 1 living.

104 Pendergrass [possibly Pendergraff], Marie 42, William 21, John 18, Jisey? (dau) 13, Nancy 6, Guss (stepson) 21. Marie born AL, others born TN. Marie widowed, married 22 years, 7 children, 4 living.

105 Jones, William H. 61, Eliza 50, Lisie 25, Dealey (dau) 22, Ellar 21, Charlie 18. William born FL, Eliza born GA, others born TN. Married 34 years. 8 children, 6 living.

106 Brown, James 22, Marie S. 23, Daisy 8 months, Mandy MYRES 17 (“sistering law”). James born GA, others born TN. Married 3 years. 2 children, 1 living.

107 Brannan, Henrey 31, Forest (wife) 27, Ethel 10. All born TN. Married 11 years. 1 child, living.

108 Willis, Andy 47, Jinie 45, Bill 20, George 18, Culie (dau) 12, Emer 10, Fana 5. All born TN. Married 27 years. 8 children, 7 living.

109 Gipson, William 38, Marie 39, Idar (dau) 15, Nettie 11, Nannie 10, Claud 5, Hattie 10 months. All born TN. Married 19 years. 8 children, 6 living.

110 Brannan, Andrew 40, Marthey 31, Willie (dau) 9, Glennie (dau) 7, Myrtis (dau) 5, Ben 2, Altha 0. All born TN. Married 11 years. 8 children, 5 living.

111 Smith, Joseph 33, Nancy 27, Janie 11, Salie 10, Marthey 8, James (son) 7, Samuel 6, John 4, Jenie 2, Nathaniel 0. All born TN. Married 12 years. 8 children, 8 living.

112 Dotson, William 46? [b. ca1861] , Marthey 35?, Ever (dau) 12, Grover 11, Eddie 9, Rufus 7, Ethel 6, Hellen 4, Frank 2, Marthey 1. All born TN. Married 15 years. 8 children, 8 living.

113 Brakefield, David 44, Josie 33, Mattie 11. All born TN. Married 17 years. 3 children, 2 living.

114 Hendley, David 48, Marie 43, Cariell (son) 15, Liza 11, Jennie 8, Ales [Alice] 4, Dick 3, Vlamia? (dau) 11 months. All born TN. Married 25 years. 13 children, 9 living.

115 Hendley, James 20, Marian Ann 15. Married 0 years. No children.

116 Gilliam, Henry 46, Jane 45, Albert 22, Allen 18, Lisebeth 16. All born TN. Married 24 years. 4 children, 3 living.

117 Black, Warner 38, Martha F. 35, Aubry P. 12, Howell W. 11, Warrick 9, Matie W. 7, Virgiel S. 4, Eilen [Eilene] 3, Ela 2, Charley MOORE (nephew) 21. Warner born GA, Howell born AL, others born TN. Married 5 years (13 crossed out). 3 children, 3 living. Charley Moore single.

118 Garner, Charles 30, Nora 31, Pearel 2, Galer T. (son) 5 months. All born TN. Married 10 years. 2 children, both living.

119 Clark, William 22, Nancey 22, James W. 1. All born TN. Married 2 years, 1 child, living.

120 Gipson, Baley 36, Tennie 38, Lieu [Lou] (dau). All born TN. Married 15 years. 2 children, both living.

121 Pearson, William 37, Hattie 25, Elis 3, Marven 1. All born TN. Married 4 years. 2 children, both living.

122 Pearson, Jake 76, Elisebeth 68?, Minnie MORIES [Morris?] (niece) 16. All born TN. Married 40 years. No children.

123 Tearell?, Jackson 48, Marthey 45, Malinda 10. All born TN. Married 12 years. 3 children, all living.

124 Collins, Philip M. 45, Vellar (wife) 28, Lillie L., Earnest 18, Calvin H. 16, Joe Edney (dau) 10, William (father) 73. All born TN. Married 0 years. 0 children. William was widowed. Philip Collins was the census enumerator for this district.

125 Hill, Franses M. (male) 58, Julie 40, Hairse [Harris] 18, Jackson 16, Myrtle 11, Marie 4. All born TN. Married 21 years. 5 children, 4 living.

126 Hinting [Hinton?], Joseph 61, Elisebeth 36, Harry 2, Mariea L. (mother) 83, Lea POWERS (“survent”) 18. All born TN. Married 3 years. 1 child, living. Mariea widowed.

127 Magriff, Jeff 30, Marthey A. (wife) 16. Both born TN. Married 0 years. No children.

128 Faries [Farris], Newting [Newton] 39, Virgina 58, Ida 16, Willie BISHOP (“neases son” ) 7. All born TN. Married 23 years. 5 children, 4 living.

129 Marlow, Andy 42, Tennie 42, Joseph 21, Sebrieney? [Serena] (dau) 20, Mariedy [Meridy] (son) 14, Elick (son) 13, Bettie 11, Franke (son) 6. All born TN. Married 22 years. 7 children, 6 living.

130 Gipson, Fred 23, Mandia 22, Annie 4, Newting 2, Lusey 1. All born TN. Married 6 years. 3 children, 3 living.

131 Hendley, Thomas 35, Lisey 27, Marie 10, Elender 8, Loue (dau) 6, Joseph 3, Lottie 9 months. All born TN. Married 10 years. 5 children, 5 living.

132 Garner, John 36, J.G. [Jodie G.] (son) 16, Joseph 8, Ollie 4, Delar May 1, Sarah (cousin) 40, Floid (cousin) 13. All born TN. John is a widower, Sarah is single.

133 Long, Sam 56, Ales (wife) 49. Sam born TN, Ales born England. Married 13 years. No children.

134 Cheary, [Cherry] Bengemon 39, Marie J. 28, Edker (son) 14, Foster 10, Peat 7, Evilee (dau), Elear (dau) 2, Milleard 6 months. All born TN. Married 15 years. 8 children, 6 living.

135 Cheary, [Cherry] Lisebeath 73, John 36, Grover (g.son) 9, Leoney (g.son) 3, Jinnie NOOGEN [Nugent] (sister) 71. All born TN. Liseabeth is widowed, mother of 1 child, living. John is widowed. Jinnie is single.

136 Ramsey, William 34, Marthey 24, Harvy 12, Ethel 7, Besie 5, Marie 1. All born TN Married 14 years. 4 years, 4 living.

137 Pearson, Seabern 36, Sarah 23, Walter 3, Georgia 8 months. All born TN. Married 7 years. 2 children, both living.

138 Long, James 35, Lisey 35, James 14, Salie 12, Besie 10, Lisey 5. Alll born TN. Married 12 years. 6 children, 4 living.

139 Long, William 53, Marthey 52, George 25, Leaner (dau) 19. All born TN. Married 31 years. 7 children 6 living.

140 Smith, Sarah 67, Jesie J. (son) 31. Both born TN. Sarah widowed. No children enumerated.

141 Brannan, Robert L. 37, Marie J. 39, Hollis 12, Leona 10, Horace 7, Clide 6, Claud 3. All born TN. Married 16 years. 6 children, 5 living.

142 Finney, Andrew 42, Marie (wife) 24. Both born TN. Married 0 years. No children.

143 Whit[a]cker, Marthey Ann 44, James PARTEN (bro) 16. Both born TN. Widowed, married 21 years. No children.

144 Starnes, George 58, Fannie 30, Elvie (dau) 8, Eldreg (son) 6, Prisey (dau) 3, Burld (son) 0. All born TN. Married 11 years. 5 children, 4 living.

145 Finney, James 46, Flarnce (dau) 21, Ider (dau) 18, Milige (son) 16, Gracy 10. All born TN. James widowed, married 22 years (crossed out).

146 Fulmore, Frank 41, Marie 38, Turney 10. All born TN. Married 5 years (16 crossed out for Frank). 1 child, none living.

147 Little, Tomas 33, Mattie 22, Rosey Lee 1, Emley (mother) 44. All born TN. Married 4 years. 2 children, 1 living. Emley widowed, mother of 5 children, 4? living.

148 Watson, Henrey 49, Nannie 37, Carie (dau) 9, Roy 7, Charley 5, Ida 3, Eller (dau) 8 months. All born TN. Married 10 years. 5 children, 5 living.

149 Maries [Morris?], Barry 49, Martha 32, Marie 4. All born TN. Married 6 years. 1 child, living.

150 Morris, Lewis 41, Salian (wife) 26, John H. 8, Floar? (dau) 6, Lovel 4, Sam A. 2, James L. 14, Eumsey? (dau) 15. All born TN. Married 10 years. 4 children, 4 living.

151 Morris, George 55, Elen (sister) 57, Mattie (nephew) 11. All born TN. All single.

152 Finch, Sarah 52, John 22, William 21, George W. 20, Lisebeath 18, Berylee (dau) 16, Tenney M. (dau) 14. All born TN. Sarah is widowed, mother of 8 children, 7 living.

153 Landers, Charley 22, Jack (brother) 20, James CORTTER [Carter?] 19 (hired hand). Landers’ born GA, Cortter born TN. All single.

154 Kennerley, John 56, Nancy 49, Jessie 11, Leisey (dau) 8. All born TN. Married 13 years. 4 children, 2 living.

155 Boren, Zeb 51, Maggie (wife) 26, Josey (dau) 27, John 18, Earl? 14, Carney (son) 11. Married 0 years. No children.

156 Kennerley, George 56, Tennie 50. Both born TN. Married 27 years. 1 child, living.

157 Sansom, Marthey Jane 20, Salie (sister) 15, Nancy (sister) 11, Jessey (bro) 9. All born TN. All single.

158 Kennerly, Reynolds 47, Ann 37, Samuel, Burda (dau) 10, Reynolds 7, Ethel 4. All born TN. Married 13 years. 4 children, all living.

159 Featherson, Pearey [Perry] 36, Alles (wife) 36, Hattie 7. All born TN. Married 10 years. 1 child, living.

160 Dartis, John 27, Fannie 22, Sarah 5 months. All born TN. Black family. Married 1 year. 1 child, living.

161 Cobell, David 52, Jennie 47, Fannie 27, Harise (son) 25, Willie (son) 21, Joseph 20, Emit 18, Forrist 15, Orie? (dau) 7. David born NC, others born TN. Married 30 years. 9 children, 8 living.

162 Garner, Henrey 46, Sarah J. 32, Charley 18, Larie (dau) 15, Arther 11, Carell (son) 9, Nancy 6, Rice (son) 4, Etter (dau) 3, Roye (son) 1. All born TN. Married 12 years (Henry married 22 years, crossed out). 6 children, 6 living.

163 Boren, Outlaw? 37, Annie 34, Dessie 16, May 14, Ottsey? (dau) 11, Lela (dau) 6, Tomas (son) 1. All born TN.

164 Keel, Willie 30, Nancy Jane 20, Lillie 9, Floid 8, Richard 6, Carney (son) 4, Samuel 3, Susey 2, Bessey 1, Andrew 5 months. Married 11 years. 8 children, 8 living. All born TN.

165 Powers, Will H. 25, Elen 19, Bise? (son) 2 , Earnest 1. Married 3 years. 2 children, 2 living. All born TN.

166 Woods, Archy 49, Pollian [Polly Ann?] (sister) 65, Susen (sister) 52, Morning (sister) 47. All single. All born TN.

167 Gilliam, Jessey 50, Catharine 45. Married 24 years. 2 children, 1 living. Both born TN.

168 Long, Jane 47, Allen 18, Fannie Lee 16, Mattie 14, Louisey 12, Jack 23, Esteller (dau in law) 17. Jane widowed, mother of 9, all living. Jack and Esteller married 0 years. All born TN.

169 Simins, Charles 45, Elen 34, Lottie 14, Adia 10, Lillie 6, Annie 4, Willie (dau) 3, Laury (son) 1, Liddy CAMEL [Campbell?] (sis in law) 24. Married 15 years. 10 children, 7 living. Liddy single. Black family.

170 Shearil [Sherrill], William 44, Fannie 35, Johney B. 17, Jesey Marten (dau) 13, Marie Lisey 10, Robert 8, Peggie 6, Ray 4, Warner 1. Married 18 years. 7 children, all living. All born TN.

171 Shearel [Sherrill], Andy 51, Cattey 42, William 22, John 19, Marian (dau) 15, David 13, Sallie 10, Bearthey 20, Charley 19, Loar (dau) 16, Tomas 14, Robert 3, James 7 months. Married 19 years. 7 children, 6 living. All born TN except Cattey born VA.

172 Garner, William 20, Mamey 17. Married 0 years, no children. Both born TN.

173 Noogen [Nugent], George 32, Manervy 26, Bettey 4, Dollie 2. Married 6 years. 4 children, 3 living. All born TN.

174 Richardson, William 60, Marthey 56, Sarah Ann 30, Caliefanney 21 [Callie Fonia], Willie R (son) 17. Married 40 years. 8 children, 5 living. All born TN.

175 Partin, Benn 49, Leone 39, Warner 16, Dollie 14, Marie 13, Haries 10, Lousesy 7, Lealer 5, Jennie 2. Married 17 years. 7 children, all living. All born TN except Leone born AL.

176 Finney, William 73, Sarah 67, Fannie 38, Julleyann 38, Tennessee 25. Married 48 years. 11 children, 7 living. All born TN.

177 Sanders, James 27, Myrtle 17. Married 0 years. Both born TN.

178 Reed, Isick H. 32, May 20. Married 0 years. Both born TN.

179 Reed, Darkes (female) 57, Nancy 24, James 21, Evey 18, Lucy 15, James Pendergrass (hired hand) 21. Widow. 8 children, all living. All born TN.

180 Camp, Anderson 72, Rebeckey 66, Robert 25, Tead? (dau in lau), Bearthey (gr dau) 11 months. Married 45 years. 7 children, 6 living. All born TN.

181 Teaters, William 24, Lisey 24, Arther 4. Married 7 years. 4 children, 1 living. All born TN.

182 Pentygrass [Pendergrass], William 37, Jessie Green (son) 15, Marah B. 13, Marthey 10, James 6, Mathewy/Matheny? 5. Widower. All born TN.

183 Marshel, William 80, Cela An 82. Married 34 years. 1 child, living. William born IN, Cela born KY.

184 Hopkins, James 60, Larie? (wife) 29, Jessey 18, Nancy 19, Marie 12, Sallie 9, Marchel 3 months. Married 3 years. 1 child, 1 living. Larie and Jessey born IL, others born TN.

185 Cunangham, Richard 55, Luisey 30, James PHILIPS (nephew) 12. Married 14 years. 2 children, 0? living. All born TN.

186 Cuningham, Hen[d]erson 49, Matilda 14, Burtie 11, Lisey 9. All born TN. Widowed.

187 Partin, Elle Ner (female) 38, Mike 10, Peater Turney 7. All born TN. Widowed. 2 children, both living.

188 Glover, James 59, Maria Jane 51, Lem? (son) 16. James born KY, others born TN. Married 30 years. 7 children, 2 living.

189 Wildcox, James 53, Mari Jane 49, Fories (son) 17, Robert 3. All born TN. Married 30 years. 8 children, 6 living.

190 Little, Lude 34, Nanie 28. Both born TN. Married 8 years. No children.

191 Crownover, Frank 45, Marthey 42, Jessee 19, Walles (son) 19, Nealy (dau) 11, Lisey 9, Nettie 7, Ida 6, Ester 2. All born TN. Married 20 years. 9 children, 7 living.

192 Finney, John 49, Mariah 35, Forest 15, John B. 11, Arther 8, Effie M. 5, Jessie (son) 2. All born TN. Married 16 years. 6 children, 5 living.

193 Leaders, John 32, Salie 25, Luisey McBRIDE (grandmother) 65, Mariann McBRIDE (sis in law) 19. All born TN. Married 0 years.

194 Earlley/Earssey?, Elick 67, Muradane? (wife) 55, Fannie GREENLEE (“heard girel” ) 16. Earlleys born TN, Fannie born Texas. Married 45 years. No children.

195 Finney, John 47, Dellar 39, Lennard 19, Pearl 17, Maudie 16, Lula 13, Coalman 11, Annie 6, Ester 3. All born TN. Married 20 years. 7 children, all living.

196 Sparks, Nannie 38, Henrey 18, Wilard P. 13, Eles W. 9, Gusta L.? (dau), Hattie G. 2. All born TN. Widowed (married 18 years crossed out). 5 children, all living.

197 Powers, Hence 52, Mariann 50, Samuel 22, John 20, Tomas 17, Marah (dau) 13, Euler (dau) 11.

198 Starnes, Call 51, Marah Lisabeth 48, Joseph 21, Marthey 19, George W. 17, Joshaway 15, Charley 13, Arther 10. Call born AR, others born TN. Married 29 years. 8 children, all living.

199 Brown, Obe 58, Sarah 55, Antney GOUING [Goins?] (stepson) 33 , Elzy GOUING (g.son) 10, Jessie GOUING (g.son) 7, Plese BOLDEN (son in law) 29, Bill BOLDEN (dau) 24, Chalmus BOLDEN (g.son) 6, Leou Venia BOLDEN (g.dau) 4, Maggie BOLDEN (g.dau) 3, Evie BOLDEN (g.dau) 2 months. All born TN. Browns married 25 years, 7 children all living. Antney Gouing widowed (but shows married 12 years). Boldens married 7 years, 5 children, 4 living.

200 Tairwaters?, Lisey 24, Arther 7, Willie 5, Marien (son) 2, Arther MARIES [Morris?] (brother) 18. All born TN. Lisey widowed, mother of 3 children, all living. Arther Maries is single.

201 Bennett, Benn 52, Sinthey 45, Arther 22, Carel (son) 20, Earel (son) 18, James 16, Frass (son) 14, Floid 11. All born TN. Married 24 years. 6 children, all living.

202 Buckner, Margt. 54, Lenie (dau) 26, Maggie 6. All born TN. Margt widowed (married 34 years crossed out), mother of 5 children, all living. Lenie widowed (married 7 years crossed out) 1 child, living. Maggie indicated to be Margt’s daughter (error?). Black family.

203 Fields, Frank 28, Annie 23. Both born TN. Married 0 years. No children.

204 Featherston, George 44, Ann 42, Bular (dau) 20, Georgia 17, Charly 15, May 8, Alta (dau) 5. All born TN. Married 22 years. 6 children, 5 living.

205 Bratton, Henry 31, Lisey 31, Vera 9, Clarie 8, Montie 7, Duey (son) 1. All born TN. Married 10 years. 4 children, all living.

206 Powers, Samuel 46, Marthey 39, Ida 20, Ellen 15, Marten 13, Bular (dau) 10, Jack 7, Bettie 5, Allie 4. All born TN. Married 22 years. 12 children, 10 living.

207 Bowen, Joseph 38, Clarie 32, Carill (son) 10, Marien (son) 7. Clarie born OH, others born TN. Married 10 years. 3 children, 2 living.

208 Penney, Tomes M. 61, Lisey A. 60, Logen A.? 32, Williams 22. All born OH. Married 34 years. 9 children, 6 living.

209 Sutherland, James 40, Marah 37, Samuel 18, Harvey 16, Andrew 12, Coaria (dau) 10, Georgia 5, Lillie 2, Willie 7 months. All born TN. Married 19 years. 9 children, 7 living.

210 Walker, Matison 30, Luisey 29, Edde Lee (son) 7, James Ray 4. All born TN. Married 1 year. No children.

211 Walker, Nancy 52, Tomas B. 19, Noar Bell 17, James Earnest 11, Edger A. 8. All born TN. Widow (married 11 years crossed out), 10 children, 4 living.

212 Kenedy, James 32, Rebeckey 24, Jennie 5, Joseph M. 2, Patrick 1, Hanamal WHITE (hired hand) 71. Kenedys all born TN. Married 10 years. 5 children, 3 living. Hanamal White widowed and born in SC.

213 Long, Henrey 30, Mircey (wife) 22, Carrie 4, Andrew 1. All born TN. Married 5 years. 2 children, both living.

214 Walles [Walls?], James 24, Sarah Allis 33, Hattie 7, Dollie 4, Eddie 2, Bessie 5 months. All born TN. Married 4 years. 5 children, all living.

215 Stuart, Johney 22, Alliemay 17, William 1. All born TN. Married 2 years. 1 child, living.

216 Kennedy, Mikel 70, Susan Jane 50, Mikel 27, Idia (dau) 22. Father born Ireland, others born TN. Married 35 years. 6 children, all living.

217 Gipson, Allen 44, Callie 40, Robert 18, John 15, Nannie 13, Tomas D. 10, Lisie 8, James 6, Jennie 4, Eller 1. All born TN. Married 23 years. 10 children, all living.

218 Shavers, George 58, Marie Matilda 61, Malinda ODIAR (sister) 68. Married 36 years. No children. Malinda widowed (married 32 years crossed out), 1 child, none living. George and Malinda born AL, Marie born GA.

219 Eders, James 60, Rebeckey 54. Both born TN. Married 25 years. No children.

220 Long, Dollie 61, James Tomas 27, John Chatum 21, Nancy L. (g.dau) 7, Venton REED (hired hand) 19. All born TN. Widowed (married 43 years crossed out) 11 children, 9 living.

221 Long, Betty 27, Minnie 10, Eddie 6, Charley 4, Henry Taler 2. All born TN. Widowed (married 12 years crossed out). 4 children, 4 living.

222 Hendley, Tomas J. 45, Nancy 39, Leau (dau) 15, Eddy M. 12, Georg A. 8, John L. 6, Sallie 3, Roye 1, John McIniece? (hired hand) 16. All born TN. Married 16 years. 7 children, 6 living.

223 Hilton, Deborah 48, Harvy 22, John 18. All born TN. Widow (married 25 years crossed out). 4 children, 3 living.

224 Knedy [Kennedy?], Tomas 34, Salie 34, Daisy 13, Lillie 10, George 8, Roy 7, Ida 2. All born TN. Married 14 years. 5 children, all living.

225 Garner, George 47, Elen 42. Both born TN. Married 21 years. No children.

226 Garner, Anderson 30, Lisey 24, Richard 9, Alferd 8, Eathney (dau) 7, Annier 3, Johney B. 1. All born TN. Married 10 years. 6 children, 5 living.

227 Clark, John 46, Jane 47, Hester 11, Janie 4, Robert TAYLOR (hired hand) 19. John born GA, others born TN. Married 26 years. 5 children, 4 living. Robert Taylor black, others white.

228 Bennett, Windfield 47, John L. 53, Leder C. (dau) 13, Jiles A. (son) 11. Annie WILLIAMS (niece) 32, John WILLIAMS (nephew) 30. All born TN. Woodfield widowed (married 11 years crossed out). Others all single.

229 Swann, Marthey 50, Web Tate 18, Coal (son) 15, Maggie 13, Maudie 11. All born TN. Widow (married 29 years crossed out). 9 children all living.

230 Walles [Walls?], Tomas 22, Larie 20. Both born TN. Married 0 years. No children.

231 Rutleg [Rutledge], Frank 39, Tennie 26, Arther 7, Vicker? (son) 4, Clader (dau) 1, Leisey (mother) 75. All born TN. Married 9 years, 4 children, 3 living. Leizey widowed (10 years crossed out), 8 children, 2 living. Black family.

232 Swann, Sumler [Sumner] 27, Marie 28, Marget S. 2, Lou Ann 2 months, Benn McGRIFF (hired hand) 21. All born TN. Married 2 years. 2 children, both living. McGriff single.

233 Goin, Samuel 28, Marah 21, Harie (son) 1. All born TN. Married 6 years. 1 child, living.

234 Goin, Nathan 72, Vandorey (dau) 30, Marah 28, John 23, Harry 21, Nathaniel (son) 5. All born TN. Widowed (married 49 years crossed out). Vandorey also widowed (14 years crossed out), mother of 1 child, living.

235 Goin, Billie 37, Mettie 26, Georgia 4. All born TN. Married 5 years. 2 children, 1 living.

236 Goin, William 26, Larie 24, Frank 4. All born TN. Married 8 years. 1 child, living.

237 Nippers, John W. 58, Lisey Beth 28 (wife), Henrey 15, Bradford SURZEY? [Searcy?] (step dau) 13, Walter SURZEY? (son) 8, Lillie SURZEY? (dau) 7, Claud SURZEY? (son) 4. Leizey and Bradford born GA, others born TN. John W. married 38 years, Leisey married 11 years [!], mother of 8 children, 5 living.

238 Blair, James W. 64, Fannie 58, Tomas H. 16, Roy L. 24, Steaven 10. All born TN. Married 35 years. 7 children, 5 living.

239 Gipson, John 49, Marthey Jane 49, David 26, Lillie 24, William 21, John Henrey 19, Francis Lee (son), Vanburen 13, Jessie (dau) 9. Marthey born AL, others born TN. Married 29 years. 15 children, 10 living.

240 Rose, William 42, Peggey 39, Wamen [Waymon] L. (son) 20, John 18, David 16, James A. 15, George W. 12, Sarah L. 11, Alles V. (dau) 9, Dick 7, Dollie 4, Dealey (dau) 1. All born TN. Married 22 years. 11 children, all living.

241 Hendley, John P. 62, Jane 51, Dasy 16, Robert 14, Jessie 12, Jones 8. All born TN. Married 34 years. 12 children, 9 living.

242 Oliver, Edd 28, Anner 26, James 6, Elener 4, Juley 2. All born TN. Married 8 years. 3 children, all living. Black family.

243 Shearell, David 41, Peggey 31, Marah 9, Leisey 7, Veargll 2. All born TN. Married 10 years. Three children, all living.

244 Gipson, Jones 25, Molie 28, Dellar 8, Jessie (son) 5, Samuel , Rosey Lee 1. All born TN. Married 9 years. 4 children, all living.

245 Maries [Morris?], Ellen 56, John (son) 16. Both born TN. Widow (married 25 years). 2 children, 2 living.

246 Maries [Morris?], George 48, Lisebeth 43, Alick 19, Salie 17, Leaner 13, Charley 11, Ida 7, Susey 5. Lisebeth born KY, others born TN. Married 24 years. 9 children, 7 living.

247 Maries [Morris?], Sollom 43, Nancy (nease) 26, Peardy (nease) 19, Vesty (nease) 15. All born TN. All single.

248 Philps, Clinting 26, Ellar 30, Jessie DAVIS (stepson) 12, Johney DAVIS (son) 4, William H. DAVIS (son) 3, Tomas W. DAVIS (son) 1. All born TN. Married 6 years. 4 children, 4 living. [Note: the three younger children are probably misidentified; their surname is more likely to be Philps.]

249 Crownover, Fransus [Frances] (female) 49, Froney (dau) 27, Marcy J. 15, Walter MITCHEL (hired hand) 21. All born TN. Fransus a widow, (married 31 years crossed out), mother of 8 children, 7 living. Froney single.

250 Crownover, William 49, Sarie [Sarah] 49, Huell 23, Marah J. 21, Charley W. 15, Sallie 13, Patsey 12, William 10, Oar Galer (son) 9, John MONTGOMERY (bro in law) 37. All born TN. Married 26 years. 10 children, 8 living. John widowed, (married 7 years crossed out).

251 Dotson, John 66, Patsey 58, Marthey 31, Nancy 28 (dau) Lelfitrick? (son) 21. All born TN. Married 43 years. 10 children, all living.

252 Dotson, John 37, Marie Leu 37, Hugh Orien 4. All born TN. Married 8 years, 2 children, 1 living.

253 Hill, Allen 49, Tennie 46, Ida 18, John P. 15, Jessie B. (son) 12, Siliann (dau) 10, Allen 6. All born TN. Married 27 years. 9 children, 7 living.

254 Gipson, William 26, Marah W. 20, Eddie 3, Tomey (son) 2, Lee (son) 1, Nancy J. 1 month. Marah born TX, others born TN. Married 5 years. 4 children, all living.

255 Dartis, Tomas 28, Minnie 25, Willie 6, Rosey 4, Arindaler (dau) 1, Oley GUINN (nephew) 10, Luler RUTLEG (sister in law) 13. All born TN. Married 4 years. 4 children, 3 living. Black family.

256 Hill, Tomas 42, Mariah L. 38, Sarah L. 20, Jessie B. (son), Waming [Waymon] L. (son) 15, James Allen 13, Jeff Davis 10, Henrey Marton 8, Lucy Edney 6, Albert P. 4, William B. 2, Susay Bular 9 months. All born TN. Married 23 years. 14 children, 11 living.

257 Parton, John 66, Marian 64, Joseph 24, Lusey SOUTH (hired girl) 19. John born AL, others born TN. Married 47 years. 11 children, 7 living.

258 Gilliam, Marann (female) 58, Frank 37, Minard 33, Ellan 26, Lester 24 (dau), Samuel 21. All born TN. Widow (married 40 years crossed out). 12 children, 10 living.

259 Brannon, James 50, Leaner 40, Willis 16, Marah L. 14, Mattie 12, James 6, Tenney (dau) 5, Marah (cousin) 45. All born TN. Married 16 years. 7 children, 5 living. Cousin Marah single.

260 Ikard, Lawson 33, Sarah 35, Mark 11, Maggie 10, Don Carl 9, James 7, George 5, Henrey 4, Marten L. 1. All born TN. Married 12 years. 8 children, 7 living.

261 Ikard, James 55, Tennessee L. 59?, Franke 24, Theough [Theo] 21, Tomas A. 19, Maria Einer 17. Tennessee born MO, others born TN. Married 34 years. 9 children, 8 living.

262 Jackson, Church 47, Sarah L. 46, Washington 18, John W. 16, Edgar 10, Warner A. 4, Florenc TANNER (hired girl) 18. All born TN. Married 25 years. 9 children, 5 living.

263 Jackson, James 23, Minnie 23, Virgie (dau) 1. All born TN. Married 2 years. 1 child, living.

264 Bell, Frank 53, Emmer 44, Salie 19, Charley 17, Norie (dau) 16, Sumler (son) 13, Annia 9, Marah 6, Georgia (son) 3 months. All born TN. Married 20 years. 7 children, all living.

265 Baird, Lem M. 52, Marthey 49, Estorer [Estora] (dau) 24, Lou (dau) 22, Willie 20, James 17, Joseph 15, Nanie 13, Hattie 7. All born TN. Married 32 years. 12 children, 11 living.

266 Steavens, Ab 42, Bell 40, Dosha (dau) 14. All born TN. Married 22 years. 5 children, 1 living.

267 Smith, John 23, Lindy 19, Elgia (son) 2, Garnet 3 months. All born TN. Married 3 years. 2? children, 2 living.

268 Bell, Robert 50, Marah 39, Willie 20, May B. 4, Annie? CALDWELL (step dau) 14. All born TN. Married 20 years. 7 children, 2 living.

269 Clark, John 51, Amandia 45, William 18, Joseph 16, Bell 15, Vincent? 13, Maron (son) 11, Macck? (son) 8, Clemmy (dau) 5, Hazlel (dau) 3. All born TN. Married 20 years. 8 children, all living.

270 Keel, Richard 53, Olithia 41, Bengamon 24, Bettie 22, Georgia (son) 15, Hattie (“nease”) 21, Sarah CHEAREY [Cherry] (“cosin”) 58. Married 16 years. 1 child, 1 living. Sarah single.

271 Sanders, Robert 26, Maria Emmer? 23. Robert born TN, Maria born AL. Married 3 years. No children.

272 Garner, William 32, Janey 25, James LONG (bro in law) 19, John LONG (father) 74. All born TN. Married 5 years. 1 child, none living. John widowed.

273 Rowe, Steaven 66, Mollie 51, James G. 18, Marten 16, Fannie 14, Hattie 12, White (son) 10, Eddey 8, Lanson 4, Steaven 1. Mollie born AL, others born TN. Married 19 years. 8 children, all living.

274 Sanders, Eleck 64, Marie 58, Cordlia L. (dau) 18, Walter 17, John P. 13, Robert L. (g son) 3. All born TN. Married 31 years. 8 children, 6 living.

275 Owins, William 51, John 18, Jane 17, Dollie 14, James 12, Joseph 9, Jessie (son) 8. All born TN. Widowed, (married 28 years crossed out).

276 Ikard, William 42, Eliza 39, Johney 18, Charley 15, Althia 13, Lanson (son) 11, Willie 9, Orvile 7, Polk 4, Marvine (son) 5 months. All born TN. Married 19 years. 8 children, all living.

277 Gilliam, Lemuel 25, Leithey J. 22, James Roy 5, Martin Lee 4, Jenerel [General] J. 1. Married 6 years. 3 children, all living.

278 Peary, Rolen 24, Jenie 21, Lottie 1. All born TN. Married 5 years. 2 children, 1 living.

279 Crownover, Heuell [Hugh] 41, Nerya? Jane [Minerva] 38, Rolan 15, William 14, Kisiar (dau) 11, Nancy 10, Quinn? (son) 9, Lanney (son) 7, Soloman 5, Joseph 3, Scot 2, Halle (son) 8 months. All born TN. Married 17 years. 9 children, all living.

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