Daniel Simeon Lavender Family Cemetery
Photo images contributed by Bill Vinzant of Skaneateles, New York. He writes, “Five graves of the Daniel Simeon
Lavender family are found adjacent to Route 62 in Morgan County, Tennessee; just a few miles east of the Fentress County line.
They are very visible when approaching from the west; from the east they are hidden in a small alcove of trees.
“Daniel was born in 1776, Elizabeth in about 1779. They came to Morgan County after 1805.
Daniel was a prominent citizen, donating land for the first County Seat, serving as Justice of the Peace and
he operated a tavern near the site of these graves.
“Elizabeth’s maiden name is sometimes cited as Howard; I can find no evidence that this is true other
than that the Howards were nearby and the families had a close relationship.”