County, Tennessee
Slate Creek Baptist Church Minutes - 1818 to 1826
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State of Tennessee, Cocke County,
This day do personally appear before me, William Moore, a justice of
the peace for Cocke County. John Kelly, ninety years of age,
who makes oath in due form of law, and states upon oath some where
between the year 1818 and 1823. I was present and saw the
money paid and the deed made by Thomas Smith and John Worth to the Old
Baptist Church for the benefit of said church and grave yard the
boundry was two acres, located where the old church house now
stands. I further know that the said Old Primitive Baptist
has owned and controled the same until the present time. And
the church and neighborhood went forward and built said church house
about the time of the dates above given. I never have heard
the title to the said church and grave yard disputed.
This May 6th, 1887, John Kelley.
This sworn to before me May 6, 1887, William Moore, J. P.
This is to certify that I, Elder W. C. McMillon and Mrs. W. C. McMIllon
have read and transcribed the original records from the old book of
Slate Creek Primitive Baptist Church, from its organization January
1818 to 1876. We and each of us, the undersigned do ceritfy that we
have copied and transcribed said records correctly according to the
best of our knowledge and ability.
(Eld.) W. C. McMillon
Mrs. W. C. McMillon
Slate Creek Church Covenant
We do mutually consent and agree to imbody ourselves to gather as a
religious society to worship God through faith in Jesus Christ
depending on him alone for the salvation of our souls, and the
blessings and immunities of this life, as it is contained in the
scriptures of the old and new Testament, believing them to be the
revealed mind and will of God. Containing the precious and
soul reviving doctrines of justification by the imputed righteousness
of Jesus Christ both active and passive, apprehended by faith,
sanctification through God’s Grace and fourthwith the final
perseverance or continuence of the saints in grace. And for a
more full declaration of our principles in general as a distinct
society, we refer to the confessions of faith, adopted by the
Association at Philadelphia in the year of our Lord 1742. And
being constituted into a church congregationally, being baptised on
confessions of our faith in Jesus Christ by the desent immersing of our
whole body once under water, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost. Do agree to submit ourselves to the
ordinance and discipline of this church as a part of Christ’s visible
Kingdom, agreeing that being blessed with the aiding grace of God’s
holy spirit, we will act toward one another as brethren in
Christ. To hold communion together in the worship of God in
the celebration of his ordinances, with a due and becoming regard to
all his commands as we shall be directed by the word
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and spirit of God. And we are for the aforesaid purposes to attend our
respective meetings and in particular, our church meetings unless
providentially hindered and the reason to be rendered to the church
when called for. To watch over each other in the fear of God,
to reprove and admonish in Christian charity and brotherly
love. Not discovering the infirmities of one another out of
the community where it may be avoided; nor to any in the community but
by gospel rule and order, according to the best light we have, or shall
have from the holy scriptures.To endeaver to maintain an
unspotted life and character at home and abroad. To
communicate of our worldly substances according to our general
abilities as shall be to the glory of God in the decent support of the
church and ministery. And not to remove our abode out of the
bounds of this church till an orderly application for a dismission by
the same.
January 22 and 23, 1818
1st. By the request of Slate Creek, we the Presbytery, brethren Elders
Isaac Barton, Duke Kimbrough, Caleb Witt, constituted a church called
Slate Creek Church.
2nd. Received Bro. Charles Kelly by letter also received Susannah
Driskill by letter.
3rd. Called Bro. Charles Kelly to ordination.
4th. Brother Charles Kelly ordaned to the word and ordinances by the
laying of hands of the Presbytery, Elders Isaac Barton, Duke Kimbrough,
Caleb Witt.
5th. Called brethren John Smith and Simon Smith to the office of
6th. They were ordained by the laying on of hands by the above named
7th. The Church unamiously called brother Elder Charles Kelly to the
pastorial charge and he accepted of the call.
Saturday, February 21, 1818
The church met and after divine services, preceeded to business.
1st. Chose John Smith, clerk for this church.
2nd. Agreed that our church meeting be the third Saturday in the month.
3rd. Agreed that brethren John Smith, Simon Smith, William Smith, and
Joshua Driskell be appointed to act in behalf of Slate Creek Church to
make a contract with Thomas Smith and John Worth and get a right for
two acres of land for the use of the meeting house.
4th. Received sister Milly Driskill by experience.
5th. Received Thomas Driskill by experience.
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March 21, 1818
After divine service, proceeded to business.
1st. Agreed that our sacrament meetings be on the meeting day in May
and September.
2nd. Agreed for the church to find a tablecloth.
3rd. Received sister Elizabeth Wiliams by letter.
Saturday April 18, 1818
After divine services proceeded to business.
1st. The church made up fifteen shillings for the use of the church.
2nd. Received James Buckner by letter.
3rd. Recieved Sally McCarty by letter.
4th. Brother Thomas Smith requests liberty from the church to exercise
a gift in public which was granted. The money for the use of the church
was put into brother Simon Smith’s hands.
5th. Received Mary Hermon by experience.
Saturday May 26, 1818
After divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Brother Burrell Buckner and brother Daniel Buchner applied for a
letter of dismission which was granted.
2nd. Received Elizabeth Jones by experience.
3rd. Received Peter Wise by experience
4th. Received Daniel Hurley by letter.
5th. Recived Nancy Martin by letter.
Saturday June 20, 1818
After divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Appointed brethren Charles Kelly and John Smith, Smith Smith, Joel
Mason and Thomas Smith delegates to the Association.
2nd. Appointed brethren John Smith and Charles Kelly to write a letter
to the Association.
3rd. Received Rachel Phillips by letter.
4th. Received Patsy Brazendine by experience.
5th. James Calfee came and talked to the church and told his experience
and informed us that he had been baptised. The church appointed
brethren Charles Kelly and John Smith to write to that church where
said Calfee formerly belonged.
6th. Received Sister Driskell by experience.
Saturday July 18, 1818
The Church met and after divine worship, proceeded to business.
1st. Brother Simon Smith was appointed treasurer for this church.
2nd. Agreed that our next church meeting be on Tuesday after the
3rd. Received sister Betsey Freshour by experience.
4th. Received brother John Righsell by experience.
5th. Received sister Nancy Davise by experience.
6th. Received sister Mary Carwells by experience.
Tuesday, Aug. 12, 1818
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Sally McCarty requested a letter of dismission which was granted.
2nd. Ageed that brother Simon Smith purchase a half gallon of wine and
the church pay him the money.
3rd. Received sister Sally Smith by experience.
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4th. Received sister Lucy Kelly by experience.
Friday Sept. 18, 1818
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Received James by experience and recantation.
2nd. James Buckner came forward and made acknowledgement that he had
got angry and had drunk too much and the church forgave him for it.
Saturday, December 19, 1818
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
Saturday January 16, 1819
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Is it just and right to put out money upon unlawful interest or
not? Answered in the negative.
2nd. The church being dissatisfied with brother Joel Mason for taking
more money that would be lawful interesst. And he agreed that he
wouldn’t do so no more, for which reason the church forgave him.
3rd. Opened a door for the reception of members and received brother
Shadrick Williams by experience.
4th. Recieved brother Elizah Hill by experience.
5th. Received sister Rigtha Manning by experience.
6th. Received sister Debby Manning by experience.
7th. Brother Thomas Smith requested to speak in the bounds of the
churches round about here which was granted.
Saturday, Febuary 20, 1819
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Areeed that we build a new house.
2nd. Agreed that we choose two commissioners.
3rd. Choose Brethren Charles Kelly and Joel Mason commissioners to see
that the building of the meeting house is carried on. Said meeting
house shall be built with hewed logs, shingle roofe, the said house
shall be cramed(sic) and pinted(sic) with lime.
4th. Agreed the workmen be allowed four shillings and six pence per day.
5th. Opened a door for the reception of members, received sister Caty
Smith by letter.
Saturday March 20, 1819
The church met and after divine worship, proceeded to business.
1st. Wheras brother Charles Kelly could not attend as commissioner the
church chose brother Thomas Smith, commissioner to ct in his room.
Saturday, April, 1819
The church met and after divine services, proceeded to business.
Saturday, May 15, 1819
The church met and after divine service, proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
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2nd. Bro. John Brazedine came forward and made confession that he and
Thomas Brazendine went to Henry Mills and Mills run off and they moved
part of said Mills property and their Mother to his house by the
consent of their Mother. And he acknowledges he both sed and
done wrong and was sorrow for it and the church forgave him.
3rd. Opened a door for the reception of members on Sunday and received
sister Catherine Grisory by letter.
Saturday June 19, 1819
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members and received sister
Susanna Jaster by letter.
2nd. Thomas Brazendine came forward and made confession that he and
John Brazendine went to Henry Mills and Mills run off and they moved
part of said Mills property and their Mother to his house by the
consent of their Mother. And he acknowledges that he both said and done
wrong. And that he was sorry for it.
3rd. Appointed brethren Charles Kelly, John Smith and Joseph Wise and
Thomas Brazendine delegates to the association.
4th Agreed that brother Thomas Smith have written licens to preach.
Saturday July 15, 1819
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Received sister Anna Kelly by experience.
3rd. Agreed that we petition for the next association to be held at
Slate Creek.
4th. We agree that we will hold church meetings at Carter Kellys house
on next Thursday for the reception of members.
Thursday, July 22, 1819
The church met at Carter Kellys house on next Thursday at Carter
Kelly’s according to appointement and after divine services, proceeded
to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Received Elizabeth Campbell by experience.
Saturday August 21, 1819
The church met and after divine serfices proceeded to business.
1st. Agreed that we have the deed recorded for the land that the
meeting house is on and that brother Joshua Driskell attend the same
and this church to defray expence.
Saturday September 18, 1819
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Received sister Agnes Hurley by experience.
Saturday, September 17, 1819
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Agreed that we give Andrew Ramsey three dollars a day and he fined
himself and his team.
Saturday October 15, 1819
The church met at Slate Creek meeting house, and after divine services
proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members and received Nathan Fry
by experience.
Saturday November 20, 1819
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The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members
2nd. Received Sister Betsy Fowler by experience.
Saturday, December 18, 1819
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
Saturday January 20, 1820
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took into cinsideration the duty of washing feet and the church
agreed that it showed in the church that believe it to be a christian
Saturday, February 19, 1820
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Sister Rachell Phillips requested a letter of dismission, which
was granted.
Saturday March 18, 1820
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Daniel More, came forward and confessed he had done wrong in
selling a man when he had no right and it was posponed ‘till the next
Saturday, April 15, 1820
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. The church _______ bro. Daniel Moore confession.
3rd. Appointed brethren Charles Kelly, James Kalfee, Simon, Joel Mason,
and Thomas Smith to attend the union meeting at Flag Branch meeting
house in Green Co. Tenn. On the fifth Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in
4th. Sister Mary Harmon requested a letter of dismission, which was
May 14, 1820
The church met at Andrew Ramsey’s and after divine services proceeded
to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Received Sister Rode Ramsey by experience.
Friday May 19, 1819
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Choose brother Charles Kelly Moderator.
3rd. The church has come to see that brother James Buchner has done
wrong and has taken up an accusation against him for the same.
4th. The church laboring with brother Buckner and making some
achknowledgements, the church forgave him.
5th. On Saturday received sister Patsy Moore by letter.
Saturday June 11, 1820
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Appointed members to the Association, brethren Charles Kelly,
write the association letter.
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Thomas Smith, Thomas Brazendine and Joel Mason.
3rd. Appointed brother Charles Kelly to write the association letter.
4th. The church took up accusation against brother Daniel Moore for
having a hurt against Brother Joel Mason. And the church
postponed the matter for not having taken gospel steps and refusing to
take a seat in the church on that account. ‘Till the next meeting.
Saturday July 15, 1820
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. The door opened to receive members.
2nd. Took up the matter against brother Daniel Moore and laid it over
till next meeting.
Saturday August 15, 1820
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened the door for the reception of members.
2nd. Released Isaac Smith from being commissioner, about building a
meeting house.
Saturday, September 20, 1820
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
Saturday October 15, 1820
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Took up the distress against Daniel Moore the church laboring with
him and there being no satisfaction gained, the church excommunicated
3rd. Catherine Moore applied for a letter of dismission which was
4th. Whereas there has been a report circulating through the country
respecting brother William Smith stealing and killing a sheep, he came
forward and informed the church, that he had a sheep killed, through a
mistake that was not his own. And that he paid the owner therof for the
said sheep, and cleared himself of the charge to the satisfaction of
the church that it was done through a mistake.
Saturday November 18, 1820
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the case of brother James Buckner and referred it till
next meeting.
2nd. Appoined brethren John Driskell and Asa Holt to go and talk with
brother Buckner and site him to our next meeting.
Saturday December 16, 1820
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the distress of brother James Buchner and referred it till
next meeting.
2nd. Appointed brethren John Driskell and Asa Holt to go and talk with
brother Buchner and site him to our next meeting.
Saturday Januray 20, 1821
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members and received brother
John Phillips under the watch care of this church.
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2nd. Received sister Rode Philips under the watch care of this church.
3rd. Received sister Rachel Phillips by letter.
4th. Sister Elizabeth Williams applied for a letter of dismission which
was granted.
5th. Brother James Williams applied for a letter of dismission which
was granted.
6th. After laboring with brother James Buckner the church excluded him
for drinking too much spiritous liquors.
7th. Thomas Brazendine came forward and made confession that he had
drunk too much spiritous liquor and had done several other things that
was wrong and the church forgave him for it.
8th. Brother John Driskill applied for liberty to exercise his gift
which was granted.
Saturday February 24, 1821
The church met according to appointment and took up the distress
against brother James Williams and after laboring with him for telling
that brother Isaac Smith said that James Mason told him that sister
Brazendine was drunk. When brother Smith denies saying any such a thing
and laid him under sensure of the church and referred the matter till
next meeting.
2nd. Took up the distress agianst brother Thomas Brazendine for telling
falsities and after laboring with brother Brazendine laid him under the
sensure of the church and referred the matter till the next meeting.
Saturday, March 17, 1821
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Brother Writesall came forward and made confession that he got
very angry and struck a man. And was very sorry for it and the church
forgave him.
2nd. Bro. Writesell requested a letter of dismission which was granted.
3rd. Took up the distress against brother James Williams and referred
it till next meeting.
4th. Took up the distress against brother Thomas Brazendine and
referred it till next meeting.
Saturday April 21, 1821
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Put Joshua Driskell under the sensure of the church for getting in
a passion.
2nd. Received a letter from brother John Whiteside and agreed to send a
letter back of inquest.
3rd. Appointed brother Charles Kelly to prepare the letter.
4th. The letter prepared and received by the church.
5th. Took up the distress against brother James Williams and the church
agreed to wait with him awhile.
6th. The church took up the distress against brother Thomas Brazendine
and after the matter into cinsideration the church execommunicated him.
7th. The church took up the distress against sister Anna Kelly for
having a base born child and the church execommunicated her.
8th. Released brother Joshua Driskell from under sensure of the church.
Friday May 17, 1821
The church composing the union meeting in Lower District having met and
appointed their next union meeting at Lick Creek.
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Saturday May 19, 1821
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
Saturday June 18, 1821
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened the door for the reception of members.
2nd. Received brother Daniel Moore by recantation.
3rd. Brethren Charles Kelly, Thomas Smith and John Phillips to attend
the association to beheld at Cany Creek, the second Friday in August
and following days Sat. And Sun.
4th. Appointed brother Charles Kelly to write the association letter.
Saturday July 21, 1821
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Received sister Catherine Moore by letter.
3rd. The church gave consent that brother Charles Kelly shall spend a
part of his time in the bounds of Clay Creek Church as pastor of that
Saturday August 18, 1821
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the distress against brother Joel Mason and laid him under
the sensure of the church for talking about the cow and for taking
unlawful interest and talking of hard talk about brother
Hurley. And postponed the matter till the second Saturday in
Saturday September 8, 1821
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Nathan Fry came forward and made confession that he had done wrong
in shooting of a gun for whiskey. And the church forgave him for same.
2nd. Took up the distress against brother Joel Mason and laboring with
him, the church postponed the matter till the next meeting.
3rd. Brother Joel Mason made acknowledgement that he had talked about
brother Daniel Hurley and that he was sorry for it.
Saturday October 20, 1821
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the distress aginst sister Sarah Mason and postponed it
till next meeting.
2nd. Took up the distress aginst brother Asa Holt and postponed it till
next meeting.
Saturday November 11, 1821
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Took up the distress against sister Sarah Mason and released her
from under the sensure of the church.
3rd. Took up the distress against brother Asa Holt and postponed it
till next meeting.
Saturday December 15, 1821
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. The church took up the distress against brother James Williams and
he confessed he might be mistaken and the church forgave him.
2nd. Took up the distress agaist brother Asa Holt and laid it over till
next meeting.
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Saturday the 15 of September, 1821
Second--took up the distress against Joel Mason and excomunicated him.
This church considers for taking unlawful interest and for selling of a
cow to brother Charles Kelly for a good milk cow and said cow proven in
church not to be such a cow as he said Mason represented her to be.
Saturday the 1st of March 1822
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the distress against brother Asa Holt, referred till next
2nd. Brother Joel Mason came forward and made acknowledgement
concerning the interest and made it appear by evidence that the cow was
a good cow. And the church restored the said Mason to fellowship.
Saturday the 20th day of April, 1822
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Took up the distress against Asa Holt and postponed it till next
Friday the 17 day of May 1822
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the distress against brother Asa and confessed he was
sorry for what he had done and the church forgave him.
Saturday the 15 day of June 1822
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
First--Agreed that we send brethren Charles Kelly, John Smith, Simon
Smith and Daniel Hurley to attend the Association to be held at Big
Pigeon meeting house on the 2nd Friday in August and following days.
The comminntee who appointed by the association met according to
appointment, with the exception of brother Hill. And was
recevied to seats us with brother Bootright and Baker, and being
formed--choose brother Calib Witt, Moderator and Rees Bayless assistant
and Thomas Hall.
1st. Brother Kelly brought forward a charge against brother Joel Mason
and his wife for selling him a cow to be a good cow when she was not.
And upon full examination, found them not guilty.
2nd. Brother Kelly brought forward a charge aginst sister Mason for
contradicting him and the brethren and we found her guilty.
And upon her acknowledgement we forgave her. Also after
considerable altercation we came to an unaminious settlement and gave
one another the right hand of fellowship.
Saturday the 18 of August
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Agrees that we have a day of fasting and Friday the ___ day of
August 1822.
Saturday 21 of September 1822
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
Saturday the 19 of October 1822
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Agreed that we send brother Charles Kelly to Flag Branch to assist
in the ordination of brother Joshua Hardan.
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Saturday the 15 day of November 1822
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
The church met at a call meeting at Mr. Loftys.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members. And received sister
Lofty by experience.
Saturday the 16 day of November 1822
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
Saturday 21 day of December 1822
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
Saturday the 15 day of February 1823
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. A petition was laid in for a dismission for the brethren and
sisters who live on the waters of Clay Creek, ‘viz’ Daniel Hurley,
Agnes Hurley, Bitha Manning, Debby Manning, James Calfee, Mary Kelly,
Lucy Lofty, Lucy Kelly and Rachel Phillips. Which was granted.
Saturday the 15 day of March 1823
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
First Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Sister Nicy Smith and sister Betsy Fowler and brother Kelly
applies for letters of dismission which was granted.
Saturday the 19 of April 1823
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Appointed Simon Smith, Thomas Smith and John Smith to attend the
union meetng to be holden at Bent Creek the Friday before the first
Saturday in June.
Saturday the 17 day of May 1823
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Apointed brethren Simon, Thomas Smith and John Smith to attend the
union meetng to be holden at Bent Creek the Friday before the first
Saturday in June.1823.
Saturday the 21 of June 1823
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
First: Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Appointed brethren Simon Smith and Thomas Smith delegates to the
association to be held at Stevensons meeting house, Washington County
Tenn. The second Friday in August and the following days.
Saturday the 19 day of July 1823
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Agreed that we call brother Thomas Smith to ordination.
3rd. Agreed that we send for brethren Calip Whitt, Thomas Hill, William
Senters, Joseph White, Henry Randolph and William Wood. A
presbytery to attend on the Friday before the third Saturday in August.
Friday the 19 day of September 1823
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The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Being informed that Joshua Driskell and his wife attended the
Methodist with his wagon with articles to sell, and the church that
they should not take them to meeting.
Saturday the 20 of September the church met.
Saturday the 18th of October 1823
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the distress of Joshua Driskill and his wife and postponed
the matter till next in course and appointed Simon Smith and William
Smith to site them to our next meeting in course.
Saturday the 15 of November 1823
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the distress against Joshua Driskill and his wife and
altercating this matter, he made confession that he had done wrong and
the church forgave him.
2nd. Joseph Wise came forward and confess that he had been guilty of
doing wrong at a shooting match and the church forgave him.
Saturday the 20 of December 1823
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the distress against Nancy Driskiull and postponed it till
next meeting in course.
2nd. Agreed that we send brother Joseph Wise and Nathan Tiry to site
brother John Phillips and wife to meet at our next meeting in course.
Saturday the 17 of January 1824
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Chose brother Nathan Tiry and brother Peter Wise to go and talk
with Isaac Smith about going to the courthouse and selling spiritous
2nd. Apppointed Joel Mason and Thomas Smith to write a letter to
brother John White conserning the distress between him and John
Driskell about some hogs.
3rd. Tookup the distress against brother Daniel Moore for the non
payment of a debt due bro John Phillps.
4th Took up the distress against Nancy Driskell and postponed it till
next meeting in course.
5ly. We Called Joshua Driskell for selling spiritous liquors at public
places and he confessed that it was wrong and agreed to quit it.
Saturday the 21 day of February 1824
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Bro John Driskell came forwards and confessed that he had drank
too much and the church forgave him for it.
2nd. Nancy Driskell came forward and confessed that she done wrong in
helping brother John Driskell and the church forgave her for it.
3rd. Took up the distress between brother John Phillips and brother
Daniel Moor and postponed the matter till next meeting in course.
4th. Brought on the case against brother Isaac Smith for selling
spiritous liquors at public places and the church says it is wrong and
the church agreed to wait till next meeting in course.
Saturday the 20 of March 1824
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
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1st. John Driskell and wife requested their letters which was granted.
2nd. Received sister Elizabeth Williams by letter.
3rd. The case was brought forward with Isaac Smith settled to
satisfaction and he agreed not to sell any more spiritous liquors at
public places.
4th. Called a meeting and appointed Joel Mason to site brother John
Saturday the 20 of March 1824
The church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the distress between brother Daniel Moor and brother John
Phillips and after altercation postponed the matter till next meeting
in course.
Saturday the 17 of April 1824
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the distress against bro. John Phillips, brother Danie Moor
settled by themselves to the satisfaction of the church.
Saturday the 8th of May 1824
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Appointed brother John Smith to write the association letter.
2nd. Appointed Simon Smith and Isaac Smith delegates to the association.
3rd. Took up the allagation against brother William Smith.
Brought in by Calip Witt and bro. Thomas L. Hall for falsifying his
word and the church found him guilty and laid him under the sensure of
the church.
Saturday the 17 of July 1824
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Read association letter and it was received.
2nd. Took up the case against bro. Wm. Smith and lait it over till
Wednesday week.
Saturday the 21 of August 1824
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the distress against brother William Smith about
falsifying his work and he confessed and the church forgave him.
2nd. Sister Sally Kelly requested her letter which was granted.
3rd. The church agreed to send for bro Henry Randolph and bro Joseph
White to attend with us at our next meeting.
Friday the 17 of September 1824
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up an allegation against bro Daniel Moor for denying a debt
due bro John John of Cullor and appointed bro Thomas Smith and John
Smith to site him to next meeting in course.
Sept. 18th
Bro Joseph Wise came forward and confessed that he had too drunk and
the church forgave him.
Saturday the 16 of October 1824
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The church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st. Appointed bro John Smith and Simon Smith to site bro Daniel Moore
to meet next meeting in course.
Saturday the 20 of November 1824
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the distress against bro Daniel Moor and put it off till
next meeting in course.
2nd. Took up an allegation against bro. Nathan Tiry concerning land in
dispute and postponed it till next meeting in course.
Saturday the 18 of December 1824
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the distress against bro. Daniel Moore and put it off till
next meeting in course.
2nd. Took up the distress against bro. Nathan Tiry and chose brother Wm
Coalman and James Calfee to settle the distress between bro. Nathan
Tiry and Polly Kelly on our next meeting in course. And
appointed bro. Jesse Driskell to go to Pigeon to request them to send
bro. Coalman too. And Bro. Isaac Smith to go to the Arm of
Long Creek
3rd. Appointed bro. Simon Smith and bro. Isaac Smith to site Elizabeth
Jones to our next meeting in course.
Saturday the 15 of January 1825
The church met, worshipped, proceeded to business.
2nd Called Sister Polly Kelley's distress against bro. Nathan Tiry and
postponed it till next meeting in course.
3rd. Choose bro. Thomas Smith and bro Joel Mason to site bro. Joshua
Driskell and wife to next meeting in course.
4th. Chose bro. Joseph Hale and bro. John Smith to settle the distress
between sister Kelly and Nathan Tiry.
Saturday the 19 of February 1825
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the reference respecting bro. Joshua Driskell and
unanimously excluded him from fellowship 1st for getting drunk. 2nd for
whipping wife.
2nd. Appointed brethren Isaac Smith and William Smith to site bro Jack
and bro Daniel Moor to our next meeting in course.
3rd. Took up the reference against bro. Tiry and the church acquite
bro. Tiry of certain charges respecting entering some land.
4ly. Bro. Nathan Tiry requested a letter which was granted.
Saturday the 19 of March
The church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. Received Nancy Smith by letter.
3ly. Took up the distress of bro Daniel Moor and cleared him of the
Saturday the 15 of April 1825
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Whereas we received a letter from Lick Creek Church stating that
they were dissatisfied with Slate Creek about bro Daniel Moor and bro
Jack of Cullar. And laid it over till next meeting in course.
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Saturday the 21 of May 1825
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Called a meeting at William Smith’s on Thursday next. In
order to settle an affair between bro Daniel Moore and bro Jack of
2nd. Opened a door for the reception of members and received one by
experience. Took up the reference from last meeting
respecting bro Danile Moor and after considerable altercation bro Moor
saw his error and made satisfactory acknowledgements to the church.
Saturday the 18 of June 1825
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st Opened a door for the reception of members and received sister
Elizabeth Driskell by letter.
2nd. Appointed bro. John Smith to write the association letter.
3rd. Appointed bro. Simon Smith and bro Jesse Driskell as messengers to
the association.
4th. The church agreed to have bro Thomas Smith ordained and chose
brethren Calip Witt, Duke Kimbrough, Joseph White, William Senter and
Henry Randolph to meet at our next meeting in course, as a presbytery
for that purpose.
5th. Agreed that John Smith write to bro. Witt and White and Senters
and bro Simon Smith write bro. Kimbrough and bro. Rnadolph.
Saturday the 16 day of July 1825
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Read the association letter and received it.
Secondly. Agreed to continue the ordination of bro. Thomas
Smith till next meeting in course. And the church agreed to
send for bro. Lemmon and bro Randolph and bro Senter and bro. White and
bro. Kimbrough.
Saturday the 1st of September 1825
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
Secondly, the church agrees to continue the ordination of Thomas Smith
till next meeting in course.
Saturday the 19 day of November 1825
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Agreed to continue the ordination of bro. Thomas Smith till our
next meeting in course.
Saturday the 21 day of January 1826
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st Referred the ordination of Tomas Smith till next meeting in course.
Satuday the 18 day of February
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Referred the ordination of Thomas Smith till next meeting in
Saturday the 18 of March 1826.
The church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st. Sister Susannah Smith came forward and confessed she had spoken
hard of bro. Calip Witt and the church forgave her.
Saturday the 15 of April 1826.
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
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1st. Took up the case against bro. Joeeph Wise and excommunicated him.
2nd. Agreed to have bro. Thomas Smith ordained.
3rd. Agreed that we send for bro. Calip Witt and bro. Wm. Senter and
bro Joseph White as presbytery for that purpose.
Friday the 19 of May 1826.
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Took up the ordination of bro Thomas Smith and the presbytery did
not meet and continues the ordination till next Saturday.
2nd. Susannah Smith came forward and confessed that she was sorry for
beating of Jonathan Irving and the church forgave her.
Saturday May 2.
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Called for presbytery none came but bro. Caleb Witt, bro Plesant
A. Witt being present the church chose him to go forward in the
ordination of bro. Thomas Smith. Having gone through with the
examination and agreed to ordain him tomorrow, the 21st day of May 1826.
2nd. The church appointed bro. Thomas Smith and bro. Simon Smith to go
to the union meeting at Big Pigeon.
Saturday the 11 day of June 1826.
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Appointed John Smith and Thomas to write the association letter.
2nd. Bro. William Smith came forward and laid the matter before the
church concerning an affair between Palmer and himself and he came and
proved himself clear.
3rd. John Phillips and wife is dismissed from under the care of this
Saturday July 26, 1826
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Restoration was made between bro. Phillips and his wife. And the
church agreed to send a letter with him to the church for a letter in
Vaginia, and bro Thomas Smith and Joel Mason to write the letter with
bro. Phillips and to have the same to be read at our next meeting.
2nd. The church agrees to appoint three members as a committee to go
and settle a distress between bro. Daniel Moore and sister Nancy
Driskell and appointed bro. Wm. Senter and Joel Mason and Shadrick
Williams for that purpose.
Saturday the 19 of August 1826
The church met and after worship.
2nd. Received sister Judah Mills by experience and recantation.
3rd. Sister Lucy Buckner applied for a letter which was granted.
4th. Sister Elizabeth Williams requested a letter which was granted.
Saturday the 18 of November 1826
The church met and after divine services proceeded to business.
1st. Opened a door for the reception of members.
2nd. The church agrees to adopt the following rule that any bro or
sister that is under the watch care of this church.