Cocke County, Tennessee
Land Grants from TSLA Microfilm, Vol 8

This is a list of names from early East Tenn land grants for Cocke County. "Date Entered" indicates the date the grantee entered the grant at the Newport land entry office. In this listing spelling is as transcribed from the original microfilms.

Submitted by Bruce Price, with many thanks. Email Bruce for further information on these grants and be sure to include dates, names and numbers.

Philin, Thomas 94.0 06/28/1815
Buckner, George 4801 01/05/1811
Heard, John J. 11853 12/03/1814
Huff, John 11875 09/18/1822
Huff, Jonathan 11874 09/19/1822
Shields, John 11856 01/24/1815
Herd, John 8336? 10/10/1816
Mason, Edam 8898 10/03/1815
Mason, James 8897 10/03/1815
Buckner, George 10450 08/01/1814
Ellis & Potter 104.8 / /
Smith, Coleman 10784 01/16/1815
Smith, Coleman 10??? 01/16/1815
Huff, William 9663 01/19/1819
Hinkle & McMurtry 14298 12/05/1821
Gragg, Thomas 14397 08/13/1814
Gragg, Thomas 11517 08/11/1814
Ellison, John 8611? 03/25/1822

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