First, choose a map (below), then find the number on
the map of the area that interests you, then match that number in the Treaty List below.
Each map has mulitple numbers that correspond with the numbers in the list below.
There are no maps
in this series for Maryland, Kentucky, South Carolina, or Virginia. One Chickasaw
cession includes part of Kentucky and
is shown on a Tennessee map.
You will need to use your
“Back” button to return here from the Large maps. Because the maps are larger than
your screen, you will need to use the slide controls at the side and bottom of the frame to
move the maps.
The maps are from the original book Indian Land Cessions in the United
Compiled by Charles C. Royce. It was published in The 18th Annual
Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology -- 1896-’97, Vol II,
Smithsonian Institution, printed by the Government Printing Office, 1899. The cession (treaty)
text is from Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties. Vol. II (Treaties),
Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler, Washington : Government Printing Office, 1904. Both books
are from the collection of Fred Smoot.
Neither of the books contain pre-federal treaty cessions, such as Henderson’s Purchase
(Transylvania Land Company). For a history of pre-federal treaties, see our Colonial
Period Indian Land Cessions In Tennessee page.
Also included in our list of treaties are selected historical documents that pertain to the treaties and are placed in
chronological order along with those treaties.
NOTE: The cession numbers found on the Royce maps are matched to text
entries also found in his book.
This gives us the date, place, nation, etc., of the cession. The cession information is then matched
to a treaty from Kappler’s book. Additional southern area treaties (generally not involving
land cessions) which are not found on the Royce maps, are included in chronological order
(below) and are linked as such: (***).

Tennessee Maps
American Southeast Maps
North Carolina
South Carolina
Tennessee Treaty Map, No.54
Showing part of South Carolina

Click here for the
LARGE (694k) version.
Treaty List
The numbers on the maps match the
numbers below.
3. Cherokee, Treaty of Hopewell, 28 Nov 1785
(Tennessee, Kentucky and North Carolina)
(***). Choctaw, Treaty of Hopewell, 3 Jan 1786.
(***). Chickasaw, Treaty of Hopewell, 10 Jan 1786
(Chickasaw Boundaries Defined)
7. Creek, 7 Aug 1790 (Georgia)
8. Cherokee, Treaty of Holston, 2 Jul 1791
(***). Cherokee, 26 Jun 1794. (Treaty of Holston
binding. Cherokee Boundaries to be Marked, etc.)
Act of Congress. An
Act to Regulate Trade and Intercourse with the Indian Tribes, and to Preserve Peace on the Frontiers,
19 May 1796.
(***). Creek, 29 Jun 1796
42. Cherokee, Treaty of Tellico, 2 Oct 1798
(Tennessee and North Carolina)
43. Choctaw, 17 Dec 1801 (Mississippi)
(***). Chickasaw, 24 Oct 1801 (Roads)
44. Creek, 16 Jun 1802 (Georgia)
46. Choctaw, 17 Oct 1802 (Alabama, Mississippi)
52. Cherokee, 24 Oct 1804. (Georgia - Wafford’s Settlement)
55. Chickasaw, 23 Jul 1805 (Tennessee and Kentucky. Not shown on the
map is the Chickasaw cession of land in Middle Tennessee.)
57. Cherokee, 25 Oct 1805 (Tennessee and Kentucky)
58-59. Cherokee, 27 Oct 1805 (Cessions near
South West Point Tennessee)
58. Cherokee, 27 Oct 1805 (Tennessee)
59. Cherokee, 27 Oct 1805 (Tennessee)
60. Creek, 14 Nov 1805 (Georgia)
61. Choctaw, 16 Nov 1805 (Alabama, Mississippi)
64. Cherokee, 7 Jan 1806 (Alabama and Tennessee)
64. Cherokee, 7 Jan 1806
64. Cherokee, 11 Sep 1807 (Elucidation of a convention with the Cherokee Nation)
A Letter. How the Cherokee Lost the Elk River, 1807
75. Creek, 9 Aug 1814 (Georgia, Alabama) (This Treaty was the result of the Red Sticks War.)
76. Cherokee, 22 Mar 1816 (Georgia, North and South
(***). Cherokee , 22 Mar 1816
(***). Cherokee, 14 Sep 1816
79-81. Chickasaw, 20 Sep 1816
79. Chickasaw, 20 Sep 1816 (Tennessee,
Alabama and Mississippi.
See Map No. 56)
80. Chickasaw, 20 Sep 1816 (this number is found only on Map No. 56)
(Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi )
81. Chickasaw, 20 Sep 1816 (this number is found only on Map No. 56)
82. Choctaw, 24 Oct 1816 (Alabama, Mississippi)
83-86. Cherokee, 8 Jul 1817
83. Cherokee, 8 Jul 1817 (Georgia)
84. Cherokee, 8 Jul 1817 (Tennessee)
85. Cherokee, 8 Jul 1817 (Alabama)
86. Cherokee, 8 Jul 1817 (Alabama)
92. Creek, 22 Jan 1818 (Georgia)
93. Creek, 22 Jan 1818 (Georgia)
100. Chickasaw, 19 Oct 1818, The Great Chickasaw
(Tennessee and Kentucky)
101-109. Cherokee, 27 Feb 1819
101. Cherokee, 27 Feb 1819 (Tennessee and Alabama)
102. Cherokee, 27 Feb 1819 (Tennessee)
103. Cherokee, 27 Feb 1819 (Tennessee, North and South Carolina)
104. Cherokee, 27 Feb 1819 (Tennessee)
105. Cherokee, 27 Feb 1819 (Tennessee)
106. Cherokee, 27 Feb 1819 (Alabama)
107. Cherokee, 27 Feb 1819 (Tennessee)
108. Cherokee, 27 Feb 1819 (Tennessee)
109. Cherokee, 27 Feb 1819 (Tennessee)
115. Choctaw, 18 Oct 1820 (Mississippi)
116. Creek, 8 Jan 1821 (Georgia)
(***). Creek, 8 Jan 1821 (Claims)
118., 119. Florida tribes 18 Sep 1823 (Florida)
118. Florida tribes 18 Sep 1823 (Florida)
119. Florida tribes 18 Sep 1823 (Florida)
(***). Choctaw, 20 Jan 1825
(***). Creek, 12 Feb 1825
(***). Creek, 29 Jun 1825, (Agreement with the Creeks, Appendix)
127. Creek, 24 Jan 1826 (Georgia)
131. Creek, 24 Jan 1826 (Georgia)
Extracts From President Andrew Jackson’s Addresses to Congress, 1829-1836.
Act of Congress. Indian Removal Act, 28 May 1830.
Petiton to the U.S. Supreme Court. Cherokee Nation vs. State of
Georgia 1830-1831.
(***). Chickasaw, 31 Aug 1830. (Unratified)
156, 157. Choctaw, 27, 27 Sep 1830 (Alabama, Mississippi) (Choctaw cede of all lands east of Mississippi River)
172. Creek, 24 Mar 1832 (Alabama) (Creeks cede of all lands east of Mississippi River)
173. Seminole, 9 May 1832 (Florida) (Seminole cede all lands in Florida)
176. Appalachicola Band, 11 Oct 1832 (Florida)
178. Chickasaw, 20 Oct 1832 (Tennessee, Alabama,
and Mississippi.
The map shows only the tract of land between the Winchester
Line and the re-surveyed state line. In reality, with this Treaty,
the Chickasaw ceded all of their lands east of the Mississippi
River. Please see Mississippi Map No. 36 for better look at cession area No. 178. 456k.)
(***). Chickasaw, 22 Oct 1832. (Supplement to 20 Oct 1832 Treaty)
(***). Seminole, 28 Mar 1833.
184., 185. Appalachicola Band, 18 Jun 1833 (Florida)
185. Appalachicola Band, 18 Jun 1833 (Florida)
185. Certain Chiefs in Florida 18 Jun 1833 (Florida)
(***). Chickasaw, 24 May 1834. (Technical provisions regarding removal, etc.)
(***). Cherokee, 14 Mar 1835. (Unratified)
203. Cherokee, 29 Dec 1835, Treaty of Removal
or Treaty of New Echota, the so called Trail of Tears Treaty. Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia)
Gen. Wool’s Prolamation to the Cherokee. 22 March 1837.
Gen. Scott’s Prolamation to the Cherokee. 10 May 1838.
Cherokee Removal Order. 17 May 1838.
580. Eastern Band of Cherokee, 3 Mar 1875 (North Carolina) (Funds to be
expended in perfecting Cherokees’ title to their lands in North Carolina.
By an Act of Congress)