1830 Census Main Page | Western Division Index | Blount Co. Main Page

Blount County 1830 Census Project

Western Division p.249-254

Page 249

first namelast name malesfemales# white# total page
Nathaniel Cox 1121001 120101 11 18 249
Henry Whittenbarger 1211201 0101101 12 12 249
Christopher Whittenbarger 00001 0 1 1 249
Matt. Whittenbarger 1010001 121001 8 8 249
Henry Whittenbarger 000000001 010020001 5 6 249
Wm Whittenbarger 11001 110010001 7 7 249
Wm Johnston 110001 100001 5 5 249
Jeremiah I. Young 20001 00001 4 4 249
Benjamin James 1011001 122001001 11 11 249
Joseph Vanpelt 0020001 1121101 10 10 249
Jasper Byerly 00102000001 00000001 5 5 249
John Stone 200001 010010001 6 6 249
Michael Bright 001111 0001210001 9 9 249
Edward Gorley 1101001 002101 8 10 249
Abraham Heartsill 12111001 1111101 13 14 249
Martin Bonham 11212001 11111010001 15 15 249
Morris Boring 20002 00001 5 5 249
Isaac Boring 100001 21001 6 6 249
Wm. Saffell 011000001 01000001 5 5 249
Andrew Hooks 01212 0100101 9 9 249
Martin Hicks 210001 01001 6 6 249
Barton L. Warren 00013 20001 7 10 249
Andrew Hie 0110001 011221 10 10 249
Wm. Wallace 0101001 0121001 8 13 249
David Winchester 00001001 00011010001 6 6 249
John Hood 210001 01001 6 6 249
Joel Stone 100001 0001 3 3 249

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Page 250

first namelast name malesfemales# white# total page
Saml. Nipper 112001 100001 7 7 250
John Jones 2110001 0110001 8 8 250
Samuel Saffell 10211001 0001101 9 9 250
Richard Shackelford 000001 00001 2 2 250
Jacob Daly 30011 00001 6 6 250
James L. Warren 20011 10001 6 6 250
John Cox 00020001 0010010111 8 15 250
Saml. U. Rankin 000101 1010010001 6 6 250
Wm. Daniel 10001 21001 6 6 250
Jesse Loyd 00001 30001 5 5 250
Elizabeth Shoat 011 00001 3 3 250
Edward George 00001001 00011001 5 5 250
John Campbell 1010010001 000011 6 6 250
Nathaniel Hood 01010001 00101 5 5 250
James Gillespie 10001 1001 4 6 250
M.M. Houston 000001 120001 5 9 250
John Warren 0 0 0 9 250
Dempsey Balinger 210001 12001 8 8 250
John Dyer 010001 010001 4 4 250
Jacob Dyer 000010001 000121 6 6 250
Ruth Norwood 0 000010001 2 8 250
Walter Saffell 1000001 0000001 3 3 250
John Gillespie 200000001 110020001 8 13 250
Wm. French 1211001 0011101 10 10 250
Philip Myers 1210001 21101 10 10 250
Jasper Bright 021001 001001 6 6 250
Charles H. Warren 01203001 0103001 12 12 250

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Page 251

first namelast name malesfemales# white# total page
Nathan Lee 21100001 00012001 9 9 251
Wm. Corley 1210001 1021001 10 14 251
Robert Young 0102001 0130001 9 9 251
James Tallent 2312101 2130001 17 17 251
Benj. Bonham 02111001 0012001 10 10 251
John Wigginton 01000001 0120001 6 6 251
Enoch Tallent 0001 0001 2 2 251
Aaron Tallent 10001 00002 4 4 251
Thornton Jeffreys 100001 11001 5 5 251
John Bolin 0 0 0 2 251
Wm. McTheran 000110010001 0001001 6 6 251
John Langford 20001 100011 6 6 251
John Houston 1022001 110001 9 11 251
James Gillespie 112020001 101001 10 18 251
Jacob Bilderback 2100001 1020001 8 8 251
John Burns 01000001 213101 10 10 251
John Russell 020002 200001 7 18 251
Wm. Henderson 000000001 00001001 3 21 251
Wm. Hutcheson 00110001 000012 6 6 251
Jesse Willard 1100001 11001 6 6 251
Avice Hays 0 20001 3 3 251
James Key 100001 100001 4 4 251
Joseph Brown 1010011 021111 10 10 251
John Brown 00001 0001101 4 4 251
Martin Brown 00001 10001 3 3 251
James Nelson 0210001 1011001 8 8 251
Jesse James 131001 1000020001 10 10 251

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Page 252

first namelast name malesfemales# white# total page
John Baily 0011001 110001 6 6 252
Hezekiah Privett 10001 00011 4 4 252
Jesse James Jr. 00001 0001 2 2 252
Bazzel Carter 200001 02001 6 6 252
Lemuel Adams 110001 012001 7 7 252
John Cannon 100100001 0210201 9 9 252
Goodrich Mangriss 001000001 0010001 4 4 252
Wm. Badget 11220001 0010001 9 9 252
Sam'l. M. Aston 00001 0 1 1 252
John Roach 120001 10001 6 6 252
Wm. Green 00000000001 000000001 2 2 252
Jacob Vaught 0101101 00202001 9 9 252
Peter Key 000020001 00010001 5 5 252
David Key 212011 010001 9 9 252
Wm. L. King 2000001 11201 8 8 252
Jacob Lingcumfelter 300001 010001 6 6 252
Wm. Henderson 20001 00001 4 4 252
Richard Currier 10001 00002 4 4 252
Nicholas Smith 101001 321001 10 10 252
Polly Currier 00111 00100001 5 5 252
Parker Edmondson 100001 00001 3 3 252
Thomas Gillespy 10011 1001 5 5 252
Elender Parker 02 0000001 3 3 252
John Long 010001 11001 5 5 252
John Tucker 101001 11101 7 7 252
George Young 1220001 200101 10 10 252
Samuel Tarbut 120001 100001 6 7 252

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Page 253

first namelast name malesfemales# white# total page
Samuel Tarbut Jr. 000000001000023001 7 14 253
Hugh Tarbut 200001 200001 6 6 253
George W. Prator 00001 0001 2 5 253
John Henley 1001201 0110001 8 8 253
Hiram Jones 10001 11002 6 6 253
John Hunt 0012001 1301101 11 11 253
Rebecca Smith 0021 121101 9 9 253
Ambrose Cox 2102001 012001 10 15 253
John Robertson 000000000001 000000001 2 2 253
Betsy Richards 0 0000101 2 2 253
Jeremiah Brooks 01112001 0011001 9 9 253
Benj. Tipton 00001 21001 5 5 253
Wm. Davis 2200001 00001 6 6 253
Elizabeth Enos 1001 000110101 6 6 253
Thomas Enos 20001 01001 5 5 253
Peter Bowerman 0010100001 0010100001 6 6 253
Willaby Hooks 0020000001 00000001 4 4 253
Asoh 0000001 00001 2 11 253
John Finley 110001 110011 7 7 253
Benj. Duropett 0001 0001 2 2 253
Edward Tuck 1201001 210101 10 10 253
Thomas Lain 12001 20001 7 7 253
Thomas Robertson 10001 10001 4 4 253
Abner Parks 1100001 011001 6 6 253
Sam'l. Lain 10001 11001 5 5 253
Issac Melson 22001 10001001 8 8 253
John Conloton 00011001 10101001 7 7 253

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Page 254

first namelast name malesfemales# white# total page
Thomas Lewis 00001001 00021001 6 6 254
Benj. Mills 1001 10001 4 4 254
Sam'l. Jones 210001 110011 8 8 254
Henry Lewis 00011 21001 6 6 254
Carey Tuck 000110001 00000001 4 4 254
Carey Tuck Jr. 10001 01 3 3 254
Wm. Eaton 11200001 211001 10 10 254
Uriah Hanshaw 0122101 2110001 12 12 254
Edley Paul 110001 100010001 6 6 254
Wm. Coplin 00201 000000001 4 4 254
John Hackney 120011 010101 8 8 254
Tandy Lain 0011001 1011 6 6 254
John Tuck 0001001 1221001 9 9 254
Joshua Baning 00100001 02120001 8 8 254
Ephraim Dunlap 0311001 201101 11 10 254
John Goodman 0110001 0111001 7 7 254
James Thompson 10001 210010001 7 7 254
Michael Bowerman 2121001 011101 11 24 254
Henry Bowerman 000011 0 2 18 254
Mary Ann Farmer 0011 021001 6 6 254
Henry Misor 010001 21001 6 6 254
George Misor 11110001 0010201 9 12 254
James Parks 00000000001 0000001 2 2 254
Alford Jacobs 10001 10001 4 4 254
Melton Bradbury 000001 00001000001 3 3 254
Wm. Brown 0011101 1012101 10 10 254
Henry Pesterfield Sr 0100000001 000000001 3 3 254

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