Benton County, Tennessee Genealogy
Benton County Look-Ups


If you have reference materials relating to Benton County, Tennessee and would like to volunteer your time for lookup services, please email county coordinator with your information including the materials you will be using to do lookups.

Thank you for volunteering your time.

To request a Benton County lookup, please click on thevolunteer's name and follow these guidelines:

1. Limit your request to one or two surnames.

2. DO NOT ask for a broad lookup for a particular surname.

3. Provide as much information as possible (include first and last names, dates, locations, etc.)

4. DO NOT ask a volunteer to do anything other than lookups in the reference materials listed, unless otherwise specified.

5. Be courteous to the person handling your request. Remember they have lives too. Be sure to express your appreciation for their efforts made on your behalf.


Cemetery Listings of Benton Co., TN                                                                          Sharon

Benton Co., TN Cemetery Records                                                                              Sharon

Benton County, TN Family Histories Vol. 1 and 2                                                       Sharon

Benton County, TN Marriage Records                                                                        Sharon

Service Record - World War I and II

Camden and Community

(American Legion circa 1947)                                                                                        Dianne

A Pictorial History of the Old 23rd District

Author: Larry T. Perry                                                                                                   Dianne

Historic Benton                                                                                                               Dianne

Tennesseans in the Civil War (parts 1 & 2)

Will of Benton County Tennessee 1836-1910

Family Bible Records by J.K.T. Smith (2004)                                                               Dave








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